Chapter 134

Name:Damn Necromancer Author:
Chapter 134

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Chapter 134: Eye of the storm

Kim Minwoo stared intently at President Li.

You won’t buy it?

Then he’ll just have to squeeze his neck until he does. It wouldn’t be difficult since the dam has already burst.

All he had to do was be a little more diligent in the future.

“Do you think you can hold onto that position for another three years?”

“You insolent...!”

The Nine Dragons Guild Master, standing behind him, was about to draw his sword in a fit of rage.

A sharp spear touched the Guild Master’s neck, and he gulped.

The skeleton known as Bone Knight.

The skeleton was staring at him with glowing eyes.

—You, there won’t be a second time.


Although the ambush was similar, the spear reached him much faster this time.

It wasn’t just the length of the weapon but a clean movement that couldn’t be explained solely by its length.

Hong Tao’s face naturally softened in the face of such a clear skill gap.

Nonchalantly, Cedric retrieved the spear and sat back down.

The President’s eyes darkened a shade.

He felt like choking Kim Minwoo to death right then and there, but it seemed troublesome. It was a problem because it didn’t seem easy.

“...Hmph. Are you messing with me right now?”

“Well, I don’t think maintaining that position is that expensive. After all, it’s not even your money, President. It’s the people’s money, always talking about rebuilding the nation. How about donating to the less fortunate for once?”

This guy was truly insane.

President Li, breathing heavily, calmly asked.

“Let me ask you this first. Isn’t that a total stat of 600?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Then what’s the point of buying it for that much money if it can’t produce that much effect?”

Raising the stats by 600 points, what problem does it solve?

[TL/N: ????]


It’s spending a lot of money for very little gain.

Kim Minwoo chuckled.

“Of course, I’m thinking of adding some service. Let’s see. China usually ranks around 7th in international competitions, right? I’ll make it 5th for you.”


“That should at least uphold your dignity, Mr. President.”

The President fell silent.

The reason China ranks 7th.

It’s because there are no Awakened who are particularly impressive to the Communist Party. The level of the players they send out isn’t low, but there are no super players.

If they could improve that ranking...

“...How exactly do you plan to improve it?”

“I’m good at teaching. As you saw today, the Ilsung Guild also benefited from that.”

“That...was because of teaching?”

“Yes. Let me show you. Is there a Mr. Hong Tao here? Come out.”

Guild Master Gu Long, Hong Tao, appeared with a puzzled face.

Then followed a sparring match.

In just six exchanges, a sword touched his neck.

“Your basics are decent, but your sense is lacking.”


“Try this.”

A brief lesson ensued.

[Title, ‘The Greatest Master’ activated...]

After giving some simple instructions, Hong Tao’s eyes widened.

“Good heavens! What is this...?”

Astonished, Hong Tao looked at the President and nodded frantically.

His swordsmanship became sharp in just a brief sparring match.

Even someone like Hong Tao, an awakened individual, couldn’t help but understand what this meant.

‘It’s like a monster’s ability.’


The President’s eyes sparkled at the sight.

The sudden rise of the Ilsung Guild.

If it’s because of this teaching...

‘5th place might be possible.’

Accumulating achievements was extremely important from the position of maintaining power.

Raising the ranking in the Gate Competition Battle?

[TL/N: Just so you guys know the name is not consistent cause I haven’t finalized a name!! I have been choosing the name based on what sounds best in the line for a few chaps now, and I will confirm the name when the said competition comes around but till then the name will keep jumping around based on the lines, So bear with it : )]

It’s very attractive.

The President adjusted his posture.

He became more willing to engage in a serious conversation.

“...If we buy the potion, how do you plan to resolve this matter?”

“Hmm. Shall we schedule another major guild battle? Even if China, which bought potions, fought with a 6:4 advantage and lost, it wouldn’t be all that bad, right?”

“...Negotiating and fighting?”

“We’ll just teach up to that level.”

“So you’re telling us to lose again?”

“It’s much better than being helplessly wiped out. You’re good at that kind of thing, President. You know, saying things like, ‘This is just the beginning’. You did well with Liang Xiaojun too.”

“...Can’t China just win once?”

“No, it can’t.”

A brief silence followed the firm rejection, leaving no room for negotiation.

President Li pondered.

A 6:4 defeat.

It was still a defeat, but if the match was a fierce battle, unlike this one...

―Isn’t it more like 8 billion instead of 20 billion? Haha, unless they’re making unreasonable profits, they won’t turn a blind eye.

―The cost of a high-rank potion is around 2.3 billion won? They sell it for 3 billion won, considering the risk of production failure and labor costs. Considering that, the cost of 8 billion won seems about right?

―Then what is it? Did they make a backroom deal? For more than twice the price?

―Maybe? Meanwhile, Japan is going crazy, haha.

―China’s getting the potion, but they can’t? They must be sweating bullets. XDXD

―Kim Minwoo said he has no plans to visit Japan, haha.

―Yeah~ He has to go to the Sky Auction House, haha. He’ll show off our wealth there, haha.

―Does he have about 45 trillion won now?

―With that kind of money, he could probably crush most countries lol

―(Terrified) 45 trillion is the minimum estimate. There’s a 100% chance he got something from Saudi Arabia and China lol

―Necromancer equipment prices are breaking through the ceiling and heading to space lol

―It might be normal after all? Other countries probably don’t want to mess with Kim Minwoo, haha.

―It’s a structure where you have to buy it if you win the bid lol If you bid high and Kim Minwoo doesn’t buy it, you’re screwed lol

―What equipment does Kim Minwoo have? Wasn’t he wearing all rares until now?

―Yeah. Except for a sword and a few accessories, he had a full set of rare equipment. He must have obtained a few more parts from the tournament... It seems like it’s not just a game of cat and mouse, right?


The news broke.

[(Breaking News!) US President Robert to visit Korea?]

[(Breaking News!) This visit to Korea is highly unusual? It is reported that all schedules have been urgently canceled!]

[(Breaking News!) Robert says Korea is a crucial ally comparable to the Five Eyes. He reveals that he is using the Ilsung Phone very well. He declares that he will strengthen the relationship between the two countries like a diamond during this opportunity...]

[(Breaking News!) President Lee Kang-hoon welcomes the US President’s visit anytime! He says that the national prestige has risen thanks to Korea’s treasure, Kim Minwoo...]

―What’s this? Since when did Korea become on par with the Five Eyes?

―I don’t know? What’s with the sudden lip service? Since Ilsung Phone was mentioned out of the blue, it seems like it’s because of Kim Minwoo, haha.

―Was the sale of potions not discussed beforehand?

―No it seems. If it wasn’t discussed, would the US have stayed quiet? They would have imposed sanctions first lol

―Then why rush over like this?

―Korea probably has nothing special as usual... From the looks of it, Kim Minwoo must be carrying something valuable, haha. It’s something that even the US president would rush over for, haha.

―Is Kim Minwoo crazy? King of Saudi Arabia, Chinese president, and now the US president, haha.

―Saudi Arabia is begging, China is jealous, and the US is nervous, haha.

―Beyond a love triangle, it’s a love square LMAO

―We’re living in the era of Kim Minwoo....

* * *

After a warm meeting with President Li Zemin, Kim Minwoo and his party returned to Korea.

He immediately headed to the Blue House.

President Lee Kanghoon.

He greeted Kim Minwoo with a wide smile.

“Mr. Kim Minwoo, I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of Korea. You’ve truly done a remarkable job.”

When Kim Minwoo received the contact from China about his visit, he thought he might faint.

A mega-deal worth 240 trillion.

Even for China, paying such a huge amount in cash was challenging.

Moreover, the delivery process had to be carried out discreetly.

So, he sought some assistance from the Korean government.

Secret negotiations between high-ranking officials of both countries took place.

They were in the stage of finalizing the methods of delivery through various means.

This was especially true for resources.

This included selling large quantities of resources at discounted prices, transferring shares of state-owned mining or company holdings to shell companies, and handing over expensive artwork or antiques.

All sorts of methods were brought up.

He even received about 50 trillion won in cash to use at the Sky Auction House.

It seemed like they just printed the currency out of thin air.

As they had kept the fact of currency issuance secret among the top leadership, the likelihood of it being revealed was minimal.

Printing this amount of currency was manageable.

In a world where the economy had expanded significantly due to the Gates, printing 50 trillion won?

It wasn’t beyond China’s capacity to handle.

As long as they provided sufficient liquidity, it could be managed without causing major disruptions.

Anyway, they would continue to receive money through various channels now and in the future, and President Lee Kanghoon had been instrumental in this process, so he planned to offer him some benefits as well.

“Still, the supply isn’t free, is it?”

“Haha. Of course, I intend to pay you full price.”

President Lee Kanghoon said with a warm smile.

Thanks to Kim Minwoo, Korea was indirectly benefiting too.

Buying resources at their proper price?

Wasn’t that something they couldn’t do, always being pressured by China?

Of course, this deal didn’t completely resolve all the resource pressure, but the important thing was that this was just the starting point.

Since China had chosen installments, there would be another wave next month.

It wasn’t bad for Kim Minwoo either.

He was receiving a massive amount of resources, including cash.

It was much better to sell them to the Korean government for money than to just hold onto them. It was more than Ilsung could consume.

‘I can dispose of that slowly.’

A discreet transaction.

If exposed, it would shake up the Chinese leadership.

Of course, given the close coordination between the Korean and Chinese governments, it was unlikely that things would escalate too far.

‘I need to keep one mouth shut.’

The United States.

They’re very perceptive.

If he wanted to continue using China as a useful money bag, the US’s acquiescence and cooperation are essential.

Just in time.

“President Robert said he wants to see me.”

“That’s right. Honestly, you’re the only one who could make that arrogant man come to Korea right away, Mr. Minwoo.”

“That’s good. It’s good to have plenty of cash when going to an auction house.”

It seemed like he could have a pleasant conversation with the US as well.

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]