Chapter 143

Name:Damn Necromancer Author:
Chapter 143

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Chapter 143: Demonstration


Cars racing from morning till night.

Ever since Isabella’s appearance, it was somewhat expected that the performance wouldn’t be fake...

But seeing it with your own eyes was a different story.

―There’s no chance this is rigged, right...?

―It’s being broadcast live, with drones and cameras attached inside and outside the car, and foreign media outlets are all gathered to film it?

―Get a grip lol, Isabella’s the ambassador lol

―There’s no black crane who didn’t go all―in on Sunday, right? lol

―US battery companies are all going bankrupt lol

―Hold on tight lol, it’s coming to the circuit lol

―Black Monday lol

Panic selling.

The act of throwing away all your stocks in fear.

That’s what the US stock market is doing right now.

Last night was a mess, but the impact wasn’t this bad. At least there was a circuit breaker and a recovery.

After that, the index was defended at -2.6%.

But now it’s different.

EAs the number of laps Voltron made around the stadium increased, the indexes were also falling. A dramatic rebound after the circuit breaker like yesterday?

There was no such thing.

Even ordinary people who don’t know much about technology can see the huge difference between 1,000km and 3,000km on a single charge.

The gap felt by engineers was even greater.

The US battery industry?

They all lost their will.

Wall Street was also screaming. The American hegemony that had lasted for decades, not only in Gates but also in technology.

Naturally, stock prices had been rising continuously, surpassing peak after peak after peak. It was a time when even novice investors were told to just buy US dividend stocks if they didn’t know any better.

But then the circuit breaker tripped?

S&P -9%.





“Sell, sell everything! Sell battery-related stocks down to your underwear!”


The problem was that this wave wouldn’t end in a day.

How many industries use batteries?

Apple was already being hit with a -5% drop, showing a cool plunge. There was no guarantee that the circuit wouldn’t break again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

The White House was also in turmoil over the unprecedented situation.

President Robert.

He sighed, holding his head as if he had a headache.

‘Damn it.’

Acquiescence to enter the battery industry.

It was one of the things Kim Minwoo had demanded when they met last time.

Robert had agreed to it.


It was an area where the US held hegemony.

It was a field where many of the world’s leading companies had challenged, but none had succeeded.

That’s why he agreed.

But less than two weeks after he agreed, a strange object popped up.

He gathered engineers and scientists and asked.

“...What the hell is the performance of that thing?”

“To put it jokingly, it’s like they tortured an alien. It’s no match for current US batteries.”

“The technology gap is at least 20 years. The material combination is so complex that it’s almost impossible to make a copy.”


Robert sighed.

Looking at Korea’s recent import and export trends, it was right to assume that they had already finished preparing for mass production. The enormous amount of resources coming in from China.

Not only that, but seeing them continuously expanding their factories, it seemed that production itself wasn’t that difficult.

Of course, it would be difficult to meet all the world’s demand, so they would only export to some countries for the time being...

But even that was the ruin of the battery industry. Companies were lobbying all over the White House, screaming for help.

It was no wonder.

Companies that used batteries, like Apple, were already reducing their orders and trying to get in line with Sunday.

He gathered his aides and said.

“...Let’s think about the best course of action here.”

“There are ways to pressure Korea, such as sanctions or embargoes...”

“It’s not easy. We’ve already signed an official contract with Kim Minwoo. It includes the content of acquiescing to the battery industry. Of course, there are ways to take such measures if we go around it...”

At that moment.

The CIA director spoke carefully.

“Mr. President. Kim Minwoo has a history of waiting for the chairman in the middle of Beijing. He’s not an ordinary person, so he won’t just sit still.

“...That’s right. That’s the problem. If that happens, how do you think Kim Minwoo will act?”

“...He’ll strengthen his ties with China. Since we broke the promise first, he’ll join the chairman without hesitation.”


“Not only that, but our American Awakeners may lose their drive for the future. Kim Minwoo’s training is worth that much. There’s also the issue of the supply of highest-rank potions. He’ll probably hoard them all.”

Bad news also came from the scientific community.

“Mr. President, the technology Kim Minwoo has revealed is a game-changer. If we impose sanctions, you should also consider that our American companies will not be able to use Slime batteries. Our competitiveness will be greatly weakened.”

“There are also many problems on the military side. The submersible range of submarines with and without slime batteries will immediately differ.”

“...That’s true.”

“With those stats?”

“...Anyway, I did my best.”

“Thank you for your hard work. Go back to your country, get some rest, and eat something delicious.”

Kim Minwoo turned around.

Isabella grabbed his wrist urgently.



“...Is this the end?”

“Is there anything else you want to say?”

“What about the Heart Fist?”

“Heart Fist? Why?”

“When I asked you before, didn’t you say I should work hard as an ambassador first?”

“That’s right. But wasn’t that the price for introducing you to the elders? You didn’t think you could learn something like that just by running a demonstration, did you?”

Her face flushed red at his words.

“...I-I’m not that shameless. But...”


“...You’re telling me to go back home just like this?”

“Well, I don’t think there’s anything more I can get from you, Isabella. I don’t have anything to order you to do.”

“...Do you want the tablet?”

“Oh, would such a trivial thing be important?”

“...Trivial? You seemed to cherish it back then.”

“The value of things changes from moment to moment. You studied economics, didn’t you, Isabella?”

The tablet?

The current Isabella wouldn’t trade 300 of those for the Heart Fist.

She must have experienced its power firsthand while sparring with the Fist King.

To a thirsty person in the desert, a cup of cold water is more valuable than a thousand gold coins.

The same was true now.

“What do you want?”

“Well, I don’t know.”

“...By any chance, were you holding a grudge against me for rejecting you back then?”

“I’m not that petty. I just really don’t know.”

It’s about Voltron.

If possible, he wished she would promote it together as a set.

She thoroughly rejected it, saying that East Asian cars are not the best, and that they were not so great after checking them out.

And to be fair, it was true.

It was a fact that Ilsung cars were inferior to Western luxury cars.

But facts are facts.

How hurtful would it be for the person hearing it?

It’s just, that’s how it is.

“Then I’ll be on my way. I need to grow quickly to keep my four-month promise.”

“W-wait! Do you want me to advertise Ilsung products?”

“Well, I’m sure of one thing. If you want to learn something like the Heart Fist, you have to show some sincerity, don’t you? Whatever it is.”


Isabella was silent.

When you want something from the other person, but you don’t know what the other person wants.

That’s when things get tricky.

Kim Minwoo knew that too.

That’s why he’s doing this.

The more ambiguous the words,

‘The more you can get.’

Teaching the Heart Fist for just being an Ilsung promotional model?

It’s obvious that the cost-benefit analysis doesn’t add up.

“Think about it carefully when you go back home. What do I have to give you for you to be willing to teach...”

That’s when it happened.

● You are the one who opened the ‘horizon’ of humanity!

● You recognize the changes in the world!

● You have made more than ten powerful nations choose special options!

● 50 achievement points....

● 150 points as the first mass selection bonus....

● You own an achievement vending machine! The points are doubled....

A familiar message popped up.

It was a message that popped up whenever he was bored. SS-rank Awakeners were constantly appearing, and the proportion of Necromancer choices among them was also increasing.

However, there was a difference.

‘Additional bonus points?’

With the appearance of the 11th Necromancer, additional bonus points were given. And because of that...

● The achievement points you have earned so far have exceeded 3,000 points!

● ‘Gold’ rank items are now available!

● Limited edition items for ‘Necromancers’ will be created! (10 hours until the end of sale)

● The value of ‘Earth Credits’ has increased to the point where it can be exchanged for achievement points.

● You have contributed the most to the increase in the value of Earth Credits. As a reward, you will be given a special privilege.

● From now on, you can exchange Earth Credits for achievement points.


Earth Credits.

This is the unit Raastan of the Sky Auction House uses when talking about Earth money.

So now...

Does this mean he can exchange Earth Credits for achievement points?

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]