Chapter 213

Name:Damn Necromancer Author:
[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

Chapter 213: The Third Trial (1)


The Sword Demon’s eyes were bloodshot.

In a flash, he drew his sword and charged towards the Sword Saint.

It was at that moment.

In the endlessly slowing time, he saw Seo Jinchul’s face looking at him with indifference.

It was a cold, indifferent, yet infinitely relaxed face.

Soon after.


With the sound of something being cut, Nakazawa’s sword was split in half.


Just one exchange.

That was the time it took for his beloved sword to be broken.

‘Clearly, I swung first...?’

He saw nothing.

He only felt a chilling sensation.

After that, his beloved sword was broken.

What if the Sword Saint’s attack had been directed at his body instead of his sword?

His body would have been split in two.

It was a complete defeat, needless to say.


The Sword Demon’s tone became hollow, as if he had aged decades in an instant.

Sword Saint Seo Jinchul.

He was a rival who competed for nearly 30 years during their active days.

Although the number of times they actually met face to face was small, they had at least one thing in common. The gap between them wasn’t this wide.

How much had he devoted himself to training since his retirement?

And yet the gap had widened even further?

“Are you that upset?”

“...Yes! I’m upset! This is... this is outrageous!”

Tears welled up in his eyes as he felt so wronged. Nakazawa had been confident before arriving in Korea. He thought he could at least exchange hundreds of blows before losing.

“At least... it shouldn’t have been like this....”

So helplessly.

So miserably defeated?


Unable to contain his anger, Nakazawa coughed up blood and collapsed.

Bubbles formed around his mouth.

“Oh my!”

Kim Minwoo ran over in surprise.

What if something happened to him while he was visiting for a friendly spar?

Things would get very complicated.

And his companion was none other than himself?

He checked his pulse.



Fortunately, his pulse was beating fine.

He gave him a few of the highest-rank potions.

Only then did some color return to his face.

“...Fortunately, it's not a serious internal injury.”

“If he were to die from something like that, then that would be his fate. By the way, you said you got help from the Sword Demon. Have you two become close?”

The Sword Saint asked casually.

Kim Minwoo hurriedly shook his head at the tone of voice that implied hurt feelings.

“It’s nothing like that. How much time have we even spent together? It’s not even comparable to you, sir.”

The Sword Saint and the Sword Demon.

If one had to choose between the two, of course, it would be the Korean Sword Saint, wouldn’t it?

The Sword Saint nodded in satisfaction at those words.

“He’s a despicable man. Of course, that doesn’t mean he’s completely useless, but...”

It wasn’t a very good evaluation.

‘Well, I guess.’

How much he must have suffered from the Sword Demon during their active days. In that sense, it wasn’t hard to understand his bad reputation.

He subtly changed the subject.

“You seem to have become much greater in the time I haven’t seen you, sir. To think you subdued the Sword Demon in a single blow.”

“It’s thanks to you, Minwoo. If I hadn’t realized the Heart Sword, I probably would have had to exchange three hundred blows with him.”

“Three hundred blows?”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen him since I retired... It seems like he’s realized something too. Just like me back then.”


I understand.

The Sword Saint was also in a state where he had grasped something about the Heart Sword when they first met. To be precise, it could be said that it was the stage right before the Heart Sword.

As the saying goes, ‘A diamond in the rough,’ it seems Nakazawa was the same.

“Then, he might be useful...”

“Do you want to use him?”

“I’ve heard some things.”

“Heard things?”

“It seems like even more difficult Gates will appear in the future.”

“It seems... it’s not a prediction but a certainty.”

Kim Minwoo nodded.

When S-rank, even SS-rank Awakeners appeared, he had said something similar. That with the emergence of higher-ranked Awakeners, SS-rank Gates could also appear. However, that was just a prediction, not a certainty.

‘But now, it’s different.’

After defeating the Spirit King, a special message had appeared. It said that the Earth’s mana concentration had increased, and the probability of higher Gates appearing had risen significantly.

“Maybe things like the Spirit King incident in Japan will continue to happen. In such times, one more skilled Awakener will become even more valuable.”

The Sword Saint’s face also became serious.

If such things were going to continue to happen, then certainly....

“Even dog poop has its uses in medicine, but...”

“That’s why I’m asking... Can I leave this person here?”


At the very least, he would be able to gather a lot of information about the Demon Lords.

‘Is half a month enough to carry out the trial?’

It seemed like it could be and it couldn’t be.

The time required for each trial was different. In Cedric’s case, he had endured for about three days and cleared it.

On the other hand, Merhen’s case took nearly a month.

Also, the theme of each trial was different.

Cedric’s was a kind of defensive battle.

Merhen’s was, what could you call it...

‘A date and seduction?’

Along with stopping the Death Lord... something like that.

“I guess I’ll find out what comes up... when I go.”

Even if the trial was difficult.

He was also much different from before. His summons had been upgraded due to the Blood Jade and custom equipment crafting.

Personal strengthening through runes and tattoos.

On top of that, he had surpassed level 500, and Hayang had also gained various attributes.

‘Whatever comes out...’

He was confident.

[Would you like to participate in the Death Lord’s third trial?]

“Let’s go.”

[The Death Lord begins to summon you.]

With the familiar message, the surrounding scenery began to change.

* * *

A pitch-black space appeared.

A giant figure flickered.

A Lich wearing a jewel-encrusted crown.

He was sitting on a massive throne.

— You have reached the third trial.

The Lord said indifferently.

Before Merhen’s part began.

It was a completely different appearance from the ‘mental body’ he had seen then.

Much more dignified.

Much more refined.

As if he was regaining his original power.

— Coo.

Hayang cried out at the sight of the Lord.

“I had something I wanted to say to you when I saw you.”

— Is it about that bird?

“You knew?”

— I did catch a Rainbow Phoenix once. I let one of the chicks go... To think it survived until now, it must have been trapped in the trial.

The Death Lord said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Don’t you have anything to say? To Hayang?”

— Rainbow Phoenix. I’m sorry. It was intentional, but I couldn’t help it. I had to create Cedric’s body.

“...Are you really apologizing?”

— Why wouldn’t I? It’s not that difficult.

...He’s too cool about it?

He looked at Hayang.

The bird, which had been glaring at the Death Lord, turned her head away.

‘For now...’

Realistically, it was awkward to do anything more to the Lord.

Even though he was Hayang’s parents’ enemy.

The Lord and he were also in a symbiotic relationship.

‘It’s ambiguous.’

Hayang’s enemy.

To add one more thing, Merhen also hated the Death Lord. He had turned a perfectly healthy person into an undead.

But even so, it wasn’t right to pull out his sword and stab him here.

He wasn’t his enemy, and...

‘There’s too much potential for utilization.’

There were still two more Legion Commanders left.

As long as the Lord’s trials remained, it wasn’t wise to rush into a hostile relationship.

It was then.

The Lord spoke.

— You seem to be deep in thought.

“Seeing you recover so smoothly, I can’t help but feel that way.”

— I understand. I wasn’t always a good Lich.

“...Are you trying to take over my body and resurrect yourself?”

— If I were, what would you do?

The Lich asked with a grin.

The bony mouth smiling was quite a grotesque sight.

“I’m not that easy.”

— I know. You’re the first to reach the third trial.

“What do you want?”

— Revenge. That’s why I arranged and prepared.

Soon after, the Lich said.

— I’m watching you. And I will continue to watch you. To see if you are truly worthy... or not.

Soon after, the Lich swept his hand.

— The third trial has begun....

Everything became blurry.

It was familiar.

He had experienced it in the second trial.

[Entering the Balrog’s Hill!]

[You have entered the Ancient Demon Realm!]

[You have acquired the title, ‘Demon Realm Visitor’!]

The stage of the third trial was the Demon Realm.

[TL/N: I feel bad for the people who wanted Olivia’s Trial xD]

[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]