Chapter 220

Name:Damn Necromancer Author:
[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

Chapter 220: The Third Trial (8)

Before the 'real traitor Balrogs' left the mercenary group.

"We need to deceive the Demon Lords. To do that, two things are essential. Many traitors will emerge. And the reason for the betrayal must be real."

—I understand the latter. But the former... wouldn't having many traitors be a disadvantage for us?

Vice Captain Kalrung asked, tilting his head.

Each Balrog was strong.

The elites gathered in the mercenary group were even more so.

The Demon Lords were about to attack.

Every bit of strength was precious... .

"That's why there should be as many traitors as possible. The Demon Lords will move more easily if we're weakened. And, would the credibility of information delivered by one or two betraying Balrogs be the same as that delivered by dozens?"

—Hmm... .

If, as Kim Minwoo said, a significant number of traitors emerged?

The burden on the Demon Lords would be greatly reduced. Vulcan's mercenary group was as famous as Vulcan himself. They would be eager to move immediately.

—I understand. So, we need to properly deceive those cunning bastards... is there a way?

"Try drinking this."

—What is this?

"Ah, this is a recovery potion. It's a marvel of civilization."

—Aha. I've heard rumors. Humans rely on these, right?

"You know quite a bit?"

—Didn't I say I've been to the middle world? Anyway, drink it.

He handed Vulcan a highest-rank recovery potion.

A potion worth hundreds of millions of won each.

The amount was excessively small compared to Vulcan's size, so he took out about ten bottles and handed them over.


The Balrog shattered the glass bottles with his teeth and absorbed the contents along with the glass.

It was a very crude way of consuming it.

The thing to check was simple.

Whether or not the potion worked on the demon Balrog.

'It works.'

There were scratches all over Vulcan's body from the earlier sparring, and they were quickly healing.


Vulcan's eyes sparkled.

The potion that humans used.

He had inwardly dismissed it as something befitting a weak race, but the effect was quite significant.

"Ten bottles for this much... then with about a hundred bottles..."

Kim Minwoo muttered to himself, as if calculating something. Soon, his eyes sparkled.

"Have you ever heard of the term 'bitter medicine'?"

—...What's that?

"Let's self-harm."

—What? Self-harm?

Vulcan jumped up.

Who am I?

The leader of the great Balrogs.

I even consumed the Demon God's Stone.

But self-harm?

—Why should we do that?

"So that real traitors will come out in droves. A big wound on your chest should do the trick. Then, say you were seriously injured in a fight with me."

—Damn it, you want me to say I lost to a mere human!

"Not that you lost, but that you were injured."

—Isn't that the same thing!

"If you don't like it, wait until all the Lords gather and offer your neck."

—Damn it. Kalrung!

He glared at Kalrung, the brains of the mercenary group.

—What do you think? Should we really follow this tiny guy's words?

—Uh... .

Flustered, Kalrung closed his eyes tightly.

—Honor and pride... they only have meaning if you're alive, right?

Operation Bitter Medicine.

That's why it was carried out.

* * *

—Keuhung! He really stayed!

—This is going to be easy.

The three Demon Lords smiled triumphantly. They saw a Balrog much larger than the others. It was a face they couldn't forget.


It was him!

The owner of the Demon God's Stone!

Paimon stepped forward.

—Vulcan, you bastard! Do you know your crimes?

—Humph! What crimes have I committed?

—The crime of not acknowledging the authority of us Demon Lords and engaging in provocative speech and actions! Also, the crime of abusing and oppressing other demons!

Paimon passionately listed the crimes. It was a kind of justification. Even though demons were violent, they still needed a reason for battle.

—Just be honest! You're greedy for the Demon God's Stone!

—You bastard! We're just following the cause of righteousness!

Paimon declared confidently.

That's when it happened.

A human suddenly flew up and landed next to Vulcan.

He sneered and said,

"Bullshit, righteousness! If you kill him, who gets the Demon God's Stone?"

Paimon was instantly speechless.

Who gets it?

As if that could be decided overnight.

—Hoot hoot! You there... human!


—Is there any reason you chose the path of death? If you take the right side now, I'll spare your life!

Amon said.

Of course, he had no intention of sparing him.

It was just a way to eliminate a variable, as he had heard from Paimon that he was quite skilled. Capturing Vulcan was the most important thing.

That's when it happened.

Kim Minwoo grinned.

"You know what? No one can beat a lucky guy."

—...Hoot hoot. What nonsense is that?

"I'm very lucky."

[Dice of Fate retrieved!]

['Greatest Adversity' experienced!]

[Luck bonus greatly increased!]

[Will you roll?]

It was one of the secret weapons he had been saving.

'But if you just keep saving it, it becomes useless.'

There were three Demon Lords.

Item buffs were also a part of skill.

It was time to see how powerful the dice he bought for 60 trillion won was.

He had to roll it.

He made up his mind.

At that moment,

The dice floating above his hand rolled on its own.

Tuk. Thud!

The number stopped.


[Fate has been decided!]

['Greatest Luck']

[The Goddess of Luck smiles upon you!]


The earth shook, and the ground suddenly split in half.

The army of 100,000 fell into the chasm caused by the earthquake.

The same was true for the Demon Lords.

Before they could even escape.


The split ground closed up instantly.

Swallowing the entire demon army.

Vulcan's jaw dropped at the sight.

What was this...?

[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]