I made sure to keep the shape of the church the same as it was before though since Hestia wanted it to stay that way. As a result it looked like the church now had a tower at the top of it and had been refurbished but needed a new coat of paint. All in all I was quite satisfied with my work since it meant we didn't look like we lived in a condemned building anymore.
"Can't say i'm a fan of all this wood but it looks decent enough I suppose." Hroldar said as he looked over the building from the inside.
"Well it was either wood or drop items and I could only afford one of those in that amount." I said with a shrug and he laughed.
"A house made of drop items HA! That's a level of lavishness that even Ishtar wouldn't be willing to do!" he said thinking I was joking.
"If you say so, anyhow here's the dagger. Be careful with it as that edge will go through damn near anything it touches including you." I said as I handed over the simple cloth wrapped blade over.
Hroldar looked doubtful until he went to unwrap it and sliced off the top layer of skin on his finger like it wasn't even there.
"You weren't joking! That's a terrifyingly sharp blade right there, you didn't trade durability for this sharpness I hope?" he questioned and I shook my head which he seemed to accept before putting the blade away carefully and heading out.
(At the comparison later)
A total of five people were in the office of the goddess Hephaestus at the moment with one of them being herself. The others were her best level one smith, her captain Tsubaki, Ogun and Hroldar.
On her wooden desk sat two blades wrapped in cloth that had been presented to her for comparison. In truth she felt that no work from someone at this level was worthy of her personally looking at but Ogun was a friend and she happened to owe him a favor.
"No, despite what I just said this blade is not much different than this other one existentially speaking. The smith developmental skill or in my case forging domain allows a smith to exceed one hundred percent potential by adding effects to our creations. Without seeing an added effect beyond what even I can create there is no comparison between the two of us." she said honestly.
"Sounds like that guy might not have been as arrogant as he sounded then." Hroldar said with an odd look.
"What do you mean?" Hephaestus asked curiously.
"Ah well he said that when it came to crafting drops he was the best in the city if no added effects were added. We set up this test to humble him a bit actually, kinda backfired from the looks of it." Hroldar said honestly.
"Sounds like an interesting fella!" Tsubaki said with a laugh.
"I'll owe you another favor if you could work to facilitate a meeting between me and the person who made this blade, with their god preferably." Hephaestus said to Ogun seriously.
The dark skinned god himself had an odd expression at this request though. "You may actually have better odds of that than myself." he said honestly.
"Why?" she asked confused.
"Because he is the first child of Hestia's familia." he said and the red haired goddess froze in shock.
"How in heaven did Tia manage to land a craftsman like this? I mean she's a good goddess without any doubt but she is about as adept as a brick at craftsmanship." the goddess said in disbelief.
"Yeah about that, the guy himself is kinda an oddball as far as I can tell. He doesn't come across as a craftsman at all and if anything is more a delver like me or most other adventurers and don't even get me started on how he fights, that dudes got a mean streak to him even if he likes to hide it behind a friendly personality." Hroldar said honestly.
"I suppose I should reach out to Tia then so I can meet this child myself." Hephaestus said with a headache.