Chapter 420 - Meeting

Name:Dao of the Bizarre Immortal Author:
Chapter 420 - Meeting

“When I still had my artifact, money would hop into my pouch by themselves! I didn't have to pay any attention to bronze coins,” Lu Xiucai said, scoffing at the waiter, who had just booted him out of the restaurant.

“I’m sorry, dear customer. Regardless of what you say, our shop will not shoulder the payment for your meal,” the waiter said, slinging a white towel on his shoulder before returning to his post.

“Hey!” Lu Xiucai exclaimed. He was about to go on a tirade, but the woman next to him stopped him in time. The woman was none other than Tao'er, and she was the wife Lu Xiucai had bought for himself.

Tao'er opened up a pouch and took out two vegetable crackers from it before handing it over to Lu Xiucai.

“No! I don’t want it! You can eat it. I’m a man, so how can I eat the leftovers of a woman?” Lu Xiucai said, pushing the vegetable crackers back to Tao’er.

Lu Xiucai's plan was to return to Cowheart Mountain to look for Li Huowang, but he no longer had any money for the trip. The trip wasn't that far, but he had no money, so he struggled quite a lot.

He approached the gangsters he had shared some drinks with and asked them for some money, but they all ignored him decisively.

“Why is the great Lu Xiucai starving on the streets?” A feminine voice echoed from somewhere.

Lu Xiucai was instantly furious at the remark. He turned around and saw two young women—Chun Xiaoman and Bai Lingmiao.

"What a coincidence! So, it's guys! Are you going back to Cowheart Village? Let me go with you! I'll drive!" Lu Xiucai got ready to hop onto the carriage, but Bai Lingmiao kicked him in the head.

"Did I say that you can get on the carriage?" Bai Lingmiao asked, looking down at Lu Xiucai from the window.

Tao'er helped Lu Xiucai up. New novel chapters are published on

Lu Xiucai cast a confused gaze at the white-haired woman in front of him.

Bai Lingmiao was giving off a completely different air. She had become arrogant and unruly, which was a stark contrast to her previous gentle and quiet self.

"What's wrong with Miss Bai?" Lu Xiucai asked Chun Xiaoman holding the reins.

Chun Xiaoman sighed lightly. "What else? She became like you."

"Oh? She touched Master's sword as well?" Lu Xiucai's eyes widened in surprise.

Meanwhile, Lu Xiucai grumbled as he walked down a flea market. He gnashed his teeth and repeatedly cursed under his breath. Unfortunately, cursing wouldn't assuage the rumbling of his stomach. Lu Xiucai glanced at the woman, who had been following him quietly without any complaints, before pulling her away.

Lu Xiucai looked everywhere for food, but his efforts were to no avail, as they had no money. Soon, it was sunset, but they had only managed to fill their stomachs with water.

"Hey!" A man standing in an alleyway waved at Lu Xiucai. "Do you need money?"

Lu Xiucai walked over in surprise. "What's going on?"

The man opened his hand, revealing several silver pieces.

Lu Xiucai's eyes brightened, but the man put the silver pieces away.

Lu Xiucai was thrilled and was about to start asking questions when the man pointed at Tao’er behind him. "I'll give you three taels of silver in exchange for your wife becoming a concubine for a year. How about that?"

"A concubine?"

"What? Do you not understand? I want to borrow your wife to have a son, and I will return her to you once she’s given birth."

"You son of a bitch!” Lu Xiucai roared and punched the man.

The two of them proceeded to fight each other.

However, Lu Xiucai wasn't as tall and as big as the man. He was hungry as well, so he was easily overpowered.

Tao’er ran over to stop them, but the man slapped her away.

Lu Xiucai saw red upon seeing his wife getting slapped in the face.

"You son of a bitch! I'm going to kill you!" Lu Xiucai roared and whipped a small dagger.

The man stopped abruptly upon seeing the dagger, and he sobered up when he saw the hostility in Lu Xiucai's gaze. Eventually, he scoffed and turned around to leave.

The crisis had been averted, so Lu Xiucai automatically relaxed. He grimaced upon getting struck by extreme pain that radiated all over him. Then, he rolled his tongue in his mouth and spat—two molars covered in blood rolled on the ground.

"Damn it! Why am I so unlucky?"