Chapter 469 - Village

Name:Dao of the Bizarre Immortal Author:
Chapter 469 - Village

Creak, creak, creak~

The creaking wheels of the carriage left two narrow lines on the road. Li Huowang sat in front of the carriage with the reins in his hands. Li Sui was sitting next to him and was covered in a veil and straw robe.

Li Sui cast a curious gaze at the sparrows above the nearby trees.

Li Huowang knocked on the carriage behind him and said, “Miaomiao, you don’t have to stay inside every day. Isn't it suffocating in there? It's already sunset, so you can come out now.”

Bai Lingmiao opened the tarp and sat next to Li Huowang.

She removed the white cloth on her eyes and looked around.

Li Huowang looked at her face and saw that her eyes had changed.

Her eyes were pink, but they had become pinkish white.

Li Huowang knew what it meant.

Li Huowang squeezed her hands gently and said, “Don’t worry. We're almost in Shangjing. We'll definitely find a way to heal your eyes.”

Li Huowang had already resolved the issue concerning the village's security, and he was on his way to heal Bai Lingmiao’s eyes. It was an urgent issue, but it was a good thing that it wasn't too hard.

The sights he had seen during the grand battle between the Surveillance Bureau and the Sitting Oblivion Dao convinced Li Huowang that getting another pair of eyes wasn't that hard in this crazy world.

“Senior Li, why do I need to follow you?” Bai Lingmiao asked weakly.

“Of course, you have to follow me so I can treat your eyes. How else can I do that?”

“Oh...” Bai Lingmiao muttered and lowered her head.

“Are you tired? There's a village in front of us. We can ask them and see if we can sleep in one of the houses there so we don’t have to sleep in the carriage.

"Don’t worry; we reach Shangjing by tomorrow night based on our speed. By then, not only would you be able to see the world clearly, but you'd be able to open your eyes even during the day.”

“All right, Senior Li. I'll listen to you.”

In no time, Li Huowang found himself before a clean house. “This used to be my youngest son's house, but he passed away two years ago. You can stay here.”

“Thank you, Sir Zhao. Sorry for the trouble.”

“No need to say that. You're just going to stay here for the night, so don't worry about it.”

Bai Lingmiao stared at the old man and found the latter's desolate back profile to be quite pitiful. “It seems that the Natural Disaster has claimed the lives of many people here.”

Li Huowang looked at Zhuge Yuan’s illusion at Bai Lingmiao's remark. Zhuge Yuan was in mid-air and had his back facing Li Huowang. Li Huowang felt like Zhuge Yuan was blaming himself for the villagers' death.

“It’s fine. It’s all in the past now. I'll go take some water so we can cook something to eat.”

They were traveling again tomorrow, so they ate only a simple dinner and washed up before sleeping. Li Huowang thought that nothing would happen today, as it was already late in the night. However, he was proven wrong when Li Sui woke him up during the third division of the night.

Li Huowang glanced at Bai Lingmiao sleeping soundly beside him and turned to Li Sui, asking, “What’s wrong?”

“Father, they're performing outside.”

“Hm?” Li Huowang glanced at Bai Lingmiao one more before standing up. He pushed open the door and exited the house. He soon found himself near the large tree and saw the villagers holding their hands together in a large circle.

They were singing and dancing. The old man who served as Li Huowang's guide in the village was among those who were dancing.

“Father, what are they doing?”

“Shh, be quiet. I’m observing them," Li Huowang said, frowning. It had been a while since he encountered members of a sect.

However, Li Huowang was confused. He had checked the old man’s Ten Emotions and Eight Sufferings upon entering the village, and he saw that the old man held no ill will toward him.

Maybe they're barely considered as good guys like the Abbess? Li Huowang thought. In the end, he decided to observe them in the meantime.

Regardless of whether they had ill intentions toward Li Huowang or not, Li Huowang was not afraid of them.

Li Huowang was close enough to hear their chanting.

“We've suffered a misfortune all thanks to the carelessness of God Yu’er. Our money and food are gone, and God Yu’er has lost all of our belongings...”