Book 1: Chapter 179

Name:Daomu Biji: Restart Author:
Book 1: Chapter 179

Five days passed by in a daze. Many things happened during this time, but I dont want to mention them again. When I sat by the campfire and looked at the people in front of me, I experienced an inexplicable mix of feelings. When people get older, they always say its difficult to make new friends. They blame it on getting old, but this isnt actually the case. People have the ability to communicate at any time, but their energy is limited. When youre in your thirties, you have enough friends. Any more than that and it really becomes unbearable. Old friends know your bottom line, what youll say next, and what youll sing when youre drunk, so theres always a lazy and relaxed feeling when you're around them.

I thought this was what my so-called mixed feelings were like.

The bonfire was very warm. We were in an underground space similar to the ones we had seen before. Even though the bonfire was warm, it didnt smell good at all. We were on the second floor of this underground bunker, and it was clear to see why there was a need for two floors.

You would have to put on protective clothing made from dry, leafy branches and mud before leaving this floor, going up to the next floor, and then going outside. When the entrance was opened, an influx of poisonous gas would enter the first floor and a small amount would mix into the soil there.

Every random detail made sense now, and I realized that what Grandpa had said before was right. Even though things seemed superfluous, there was actually a motive behind them.

Poker-Face was very weak and had been leaning against the wall for a while now. I looked at him, but he was looking at the ground, almost motionless. I wanted to talk to him, but Black Glasses stopped me and said, "Let him sleep. He wont be able to recover in such a short amount of time."

Liu Sang recovered two days after me but still couldn't speak for a while. As it turned out, using the blood and mud scraped from my body wasn't as effective as Poker-Face's fresh blood. Bai Haotian had only been exposed to the poisonous gas for a short time, so she woke up quickly. The feeling when we finally met again was too indescribable, but I knew one thing: all my impatience and anxiety had disappeared.

"It's great that youre here," Black Glasses said. "The two of us have been to many evil and sinister places before, but this is the strangest of them all." He glanced at Poker-Face, "Since youve come, our plan can be implemented now. Originally, the two of us couldnt do anything at all."

"Wheres Thunder City? Does such a place really exist?" Bai Haotian quietly asked.

Black Glasses pointed above his head, "Its in the poisonous fog. We went to see it once."

"What's it like?"

"I can't say. You have to see it with your own eyes. I've never seen anything like it."


I'm not done for the day, but this poll was at the end of the raws so I thought it might be fun to see what everyone thinks.