Chapter 301: Xuan Xi's ability

Name:Dark Beast Summoner Author:青扇
Chapter 301 Xuan Xi's Ability

"My lord, please save them too!"

Nan Yu pleaded bitterly.

The fat-eared shopkeeper looked at it, smiled contemptuously, and said that if he loves to save it, he can save it. It happens that he can also make money. It's just that there are so many banshees here, and the price is not low, how could this woman afford it.

Xiao Xuanxi also pleadingly shook Mu Wushuang's clothes. He felt that they were too pitiful. It would be fine if Mother could save them.

"Save us! Your lord!"


The half demons in the cage knelt down and kowtow to Mu Wushuang as if they had grabbed the straw.

"Do you think I am doing charity?"

Mu Wushuang said coldly, turning around blankly.

The shopkeeper's face showed an expression that he knew.

The half demons looked pale and lost their eyes.


Xiao Xuanxi chased after him.

Pu Yi and Pu Yan glanced at each other, then looked at the poor female demon, and followed.

They are accustomed to this kind of thing, in fact, they are not surprised. There are too many poor people in the world. There are too many poor people to help one and the next.

In their eyes, Grand Sister saved the half fox demon, which was kind enough.

Nan Yu was sent back to the City Lord's Mansion by Long Yi.

"Mother, I think they are too pitiful. Don't be angry with Xixi." Xiao Xuanxi followed behind his mother's **** with aggrieved expression.

Mu Wushuang suddenly smiled at him: "Mother is not angry."

Xiao Xuanxi's eyes widened suddenly, and then he also laughed: "Xixi knows, mother has a way!"

Pu Yi and Pu Yan who followed behind were puzzled, wondering what their conversation meant.

Xiao Xuanxi didn't worry anymore, he walked beside his mother, looking around, his eyes were not enough.

When passing by a few serious spirit beast shops, Xiao Xuanxi paused again.

"Mother, Xixi feels uncomfortable seeing them locked up."

He pointed to the furry spirit beasts in the cage that had not yet transformed, and said to his mother.

He was born with animal spirit beasts, these spirit beasts are like his friends, he can not see them so miserable.

Mu Wushuang squatted down and looked into his son's eyes: "So, it's time for Xixi to perform."

"But mother, I won't!" Xiao Xuanxi said blankly.

Mu Wushuang smiled, and whispered: "You will, do you remember Da Bai? It listens to your words the most. You are like calling Da Bai, calling the animals under the ground. There is a deep inside of the earth under our feet. Kind of animals called spirit-eaters, you call them out, let them chew these cages, the spirit beasts can be saved."

Da Bai is the big white rabbit in the sect, and he rides Xiao Xuanxi all day long. It looks like an ordinary fat rabbit, but in fact it is a Tier 5 spirit beast.

Mu Wushuang knew that his son's abilities were far greater than her back then.

"Then mother, let me try!"

"Go over there and try." She pointed to the second floor of the teahouse on the side.

The son and her summoner abilities cannot be detected by outsiders and are not suitable on the street.

When he arrived on the second floor, Mu Wushuang specially asked for a nice room by the window.

As soon as he sat down, Xiao Xuanxi closed his eyes, and he was summoning the rat in the depths of the earth that his mother said, just like before summoning Da Bai.

Mu Wushuang looked out the window unchanged expression.

Pu Yi and Pu Yan were a little suspicious, but they only regarded Xiao Xuanxi as exhausted.

When the tea was over, Xiao Xuanxi still closed his eyes, frowning tightly, as if in trouble.

But seeing that the big sister was still indifferent, they couldn't say anything.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a "squeak" sound!

"Brother, did you hear that? There are mice!"

Pu Mian looked around.

"Where is the rat in the teahouse?"

Pu Yi said, he obviously heard it too.

"Ah! Look! It's the Spirit Eater!" Pu Yan pointed to the big mouse that suddenly emerged from the ground.

While she was talking, more Spirit Eaters had already emerged from the ground.

"Where are there so many Spirit Eaters!"

"Oh my God! Don't Spirit Devouring Rats all live deep in the heart of the earth? How come to the ground? It's weird!"

"It's terrible! The Spirit Devouring Rat is a Tier 5 monster. It can bite even the spirit stone. Some people say that the Spirit Devouring Rat will pass through the border and leave no grass!"

People screamed all around.

Pu Yi and Pu Mian were also very panicked. They hadn't practiced yet, and only had a little fist and effort, and they didn't even look at the Tier 5 monsters.

But seeing the master sister sitting flat by the window and drinking tea calmly, their moods also calmed down a lot.

"They are biting the cage chain!"

Pu Yi looked outside and said in surprise.


Pu Yan stuck his head out and saw that the Spirit Devouring Rat didn't hurt anyone, but instead ran to bite the chain of the cage that held the Spirit Beast. When the chain broke, the Spirit Beasts all got out and fled.

But the outside is all spiritual cultivation, if they rush out, they will definitely be caught.

Mu Wushuang summoned the spirit beasts and ordered them to burrow into the ground, and then escape from the city.

The spirit beasts all stunned, all raised their heads to look in the direction where Mu Wushuang was, and then lowered their heads toward this side before turning their directions and digging into the ground.

"Look! Those spirit beasts have run down the ground! This time they will definitely not be caught!" Pu Mian said happily.

Pu Yi watched this scene in shock. He didn't miss the appearance of these spirit beasts worshipping, and he only felt shocked in his heart.

He believes that this must be man-made!

Who can do it? It must be an evildoer!

"Spirit Devourer went to save the half-monsters!" Pu Yan said excitedly.

The Spirit Devouring Rat was divided into half, gnawing the half-demon's cage.

"Damn it!" The shopkeeper yelled, but he and a few of his fellows dared not step forward, because Spirit Devouring Rats were so terrible, if they were gnawed by them, they wouldn't even be able to keep the bones.

It must be crowded!

"Naughty animal!"

Just as the cage opened and the half-monsters were about to escape, countless spiritual practitioners in the black market came from all directions!

Both Pu Yan and Pu Yi frowned. Those people are thugs in the black market, and their cultivation is not low! I'm afraid these spirit-eating rats will suffer! The half demon can't escape either!

Mu Wushuang's Phoenix eyes closed slightly, and he reached out and touched his son's hair.

Xiao Xuanxi opened his eyes and looked at his mother.

"Xixi is great, I should kiss you."

She spoke softly.

Xiao Xuanxi didn't want a Spirit Devouring Rat to die, because he had summoned these Spirit Devouring Rats.

But he believes in mother, mother can definitely solve it!

"Hmm." He nodded vigorously.

"Spirit Devouring Rats are hard to see, the price is high! Brothers, let's catch these Spirit Devouring Rats alive, and then sell them for cents!" The leading thug said with a sneer.

He is the cultivation base of the Spirit Venerable Realm, and dealing with these Spirit Devouring Rats is really overkill. In that case, it is better to make a fortune!

"The price of the teeth of the Spirit Eater is the highest. If we knock down all the teeth of the Spirit Eater, we can make a fortune!"

"Knock off their teeth!"

"Let's go up the spirit stone sent up!"


At this moment, the ground vibrated suddenly and violently!