Chapter 77 A Bounty?

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 77 A Bounty?

The carriage had stopped in its tracks even though it had yet to meet its destination, and there was a good reason why. Not even Raze could blame the horses for not wishing to move any further because there was a strange feeling about the entire place.

The carriage had been traveling somewhat up a mountain for a while and eventually came upon level ground. The green and forest-like area that was around them before had disappeared, and now the ground was a hardened black, made out of some type of rock.

When the three descended from the carriage, the horses lifted up their front legs and quickly turned around, running off with the carriage heading back in the direction they had come from.

"Well, if that's not a warning that we shouldn't be here, then I don't know what is," Simyon said. "Maybe it's the fact that this place looks even creepier than Raze's face at times."

Simyon had turned around and could see the blank stare Raze was giving with that comment, and now he honestly wasn't so sure what was creepier.

The Pagna Academy was placed on what looked like a large piece of floating rock at first glance, but that was clearly impossible. It did make one wonder how the academy had come to be, though.

The land that they were on continued, and it looked like a type of bridge was heading to the center piece of land. On either side of this bridge, it looked like there was nothing but a thick fog. A drop down, it felt like he would never be able to get back up.

This was true on either side, and even when looking down, it was almost impossible to see where the bottom ended. Similar to the strange bridge in front of them, there were also four more bridges, each connected to the main large piece in the middle.

The island was not small by any means, and the word island was quite accurate to call it. Even from the front, it was impossible to see just how far back the place went. A large wall covered several buildings, with one in particular that was stationed on top of a type of hill that stood out. It looked to be more than just an academy and included nearly an entire living area.

"At least we know we're in the right place," Simyon said, as he looked at people walking past on foot, in and out of the large bridges. It was wide enough to fit at least six carriages at the same time, and one side was being used to filter people in, and the other to filter people out.

There were also small bases that were built around the area, almost like small villages. From the looks of things, people would park their carriages there and then walk, perhaps to stop what was happening to them.

As the three of them were still taking in the giant sight in front of their eyes in amazement, they were seeing many people walking right past them in different colored clothing and cloth, with an emblem on their clothes as well.

It wasn't just one way either. Several clan members and Pagna warriors were coming back out, returning from where they had come from as well.

'From the look of things, I guess only those who are to attend the academy can come with them, so they're sending back the rest of the members. That makes things a little easier.' n-)O.-v-)e(/l((b.-I)(n

As Raze walked forward, the other two quickly picked up their pace and followed him. Just walking past the other warriors, immediately Raze knew that he wouldn't be a match for them.

What Kron had said, about the world being a small place, about the Red Brigade clan being next to nothing, he could tell he was right.

'This world is more dangerous than I thought. There are many Pagna warriors who are at a strength far greater than that of the head Elder Yon. If I want to survive in this world, I need to regain my strength quicker.'

Heading at the gate, there were several guards who wore nothing but plain black clothing with no symbol on their uniform. From what Kron had mentioned, this was because it was a place where multiple clans sent some of their members to work.

In the first place, the Pagna academy was a project that was supported by all the clans in the Dark faction. A way to compete with the other factions. The plain uniform was to try and make the whole thing as unbiased as possible, but that would be next to impossible.

Set up at the front gate was a table of sorts. A man who was writing everyone's name in ink. Those taking part in the assessment were to register themselves and their guardians were sent away.

It was time for them to take part in the academy assessment, but while lining up behind all the other students, there was something on his mind, something he hadn't informed the others about.

After defeating the bandits, Raze had decided that the dead no longer needed their items, and the items they had were taken from others in the first place. Taking their items, he had stored them in his robe; he left most of the junk.

While going through everything, though, he had found a letter. A scroll would be more accurate. Upon looking at the scroll the bandits held, the information was quite fascinating.

[A request from the Crimson Crane]

[Any information on the person named the Dark Magus will be rewarded]

[Those with important information that will lead to the finding of the Dark Magus will receive a level 5 power stone.]

[Do NOT harm this person and inform a member of the Crimson Crane as soon as possible]

'A bounty has been put on the Dark Magus? I wonder how word has gotten around so quickly, and for a change, someone who uses that name doesn't want me dead.