Chapter 222 Following in the foot steps of a stranger

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 222 Following in the foot steps of a stranger

Safa started to shake her head, and she completely stopped using her magic powers altogether. It was an amazing feeling, controlling this newfound energy, and the energy itself was pleasant for her to touch.

However, there were just too many things that she would see while using God Eyes that she didn't like, and it wasn't the easiest thing for her to explain to the others either. Instead, when Raze asked her to use her magic again, she just shook her head.

For the rest of the day, the group stayed together, and rather than using God Eyes, Safa would use her magic on her fingertips whenever she could and used it around her throat. She even had started to try to move the light magic over to Simyon and Liam, who both felt calmer when her magic coated them.

She didn't dare use it on Raze after what she had seen. That night had been a trying night for them all, and even Raze had decided to finally get a good rest, leaving a few thoughts in his head.

'Alter, The Bonum Society, Dark Faction, Light Faction, Demonic Faction, and even the Crimson Crane. There are quite a lot of groups that control this world, and I'm sure I haven't even met them all yet.

'Ah right, there was that other guy as well, from the other world. He called himself Zon; he said I didn't quite understand what was going on, and I almost forgot, the bloodied hand when cultivating.

'I wonder, is it all linked to Alterian in some way? These dimensions, everything that's opening up. When I was a mage in Alterian, I was so focused on my own world because it was falling apart every day, and I tried my best to keep it up and going.

'I failed in the past, but this time, I was able to save someone.' Raze turned his head to look at Safa, who was fast asleep in her bed. Everyone was, and Liam was even snoring quite loudly.

'With so many groups of people, as I continue on my path to revenge, a lot more are going to get involved, and it's going to be a lot more bloody. Right now, while no one knows the truth of my past or my goal, things haven't been too bad, but there will be a turning point. Especially if I don't want the same thing to happen. Don't worry, no matter how peaceful this life gets, I will never forget. I will get those from Alterian.'

These were Raze's last thoughts that filled his head as he finally went to sleep. Having fallen into a deep slumber, it had passed morning and was close to noon, yet none of them had moved out of their beds as if a spell had been cast on them.

It was a first for all of them. Due to them being Stage 2 Pagna warriors and Raze a Stage 3, even less sleep was needed, but all of them during this short trip to the Demonic Faction had gone through a lot. Now there were only a few days left until they had to return to the Academy.

Eventually, the sound of knocking at the door was what had woken them up. Simyon, closest to the door, lifted his head and was rubbing his eyes, while Raze was the quickest to lift himself up. He had almost jumped out of his bed, ready for whatever was to happen next.

He quickly looked out the window before turning to the door again. 'It's already this late. How did we sleep for so long and so much?' Raze thought. On top of that, he felt oddly refreshed, more so than usual, with the Qi in his body brimming with energy. This wasn't the first time when he had slept he had woken up feeling better.

The knock was heard again, and the second time they heard it, everyone let their guards down slightly, as they recognized the pattern. Simyon went to open the door, and none other than Dame could be seen walking through.

"What happened in here?" Dame asked. "You guys all look half-dead, and the atmosphere, did someone die in here?"noVe/lb(In

Awkward faces were being pulled by all of those in the room, and for a moment, Dame thought someone might have actually died because he remembered at one point, that was exactly what he had to cover up.

For a moment, Dame only wanted to talk to Raze. The others were willing, as they knew they had important business, and since they had naturally missed breakfast, they were hungrier than usual and headed downstairs to grab a bite to eat.

Meanwhile, Dame had pulled up one of the chairs next to one of the desks in the room and also took out another for Raze.

"I think you might want to sit down for this because I have quite a serious thing to talk to you about," Dame said.

Raze did as asked and really didn't know what to expect, as there were so many possibilities to talk about.

"First, I think I should inform you that the name Dark Magus has already spread, and by that, I mean not only here in the Demonic Faction but perhaps the whole of the Dark Faction as well as the Light Faction already know, and it's not because we've been shifting those pills that you made," Dame explained.

In fact, he hadn't even had a chance to shift any pills due to the problem that had arisen because of it all.

"The word of an elder getting defeated, it's been pretty big news all over. It's not something that happens every day, and for some reason, rather than the Crimson Crane getting the blame, the only name that is getting passed around is the Dark Magus; they think you are solely responsible for the elder's death."

Raze was slightly taken aback by this, and he bit his bottom lip, getting the blame for things that weren't entirely his fault. It wasn't the first time this had happened either. People were twisting things. He was starting to think that maybe the fact that he had learned Dark Magic he had been cursed as well.

"I see, but if anything, this should still do good in terms of the business side of things," Raze replied.

"I'm not too sure," Dame replied. "The Light Faction will do anything they can to try and get revenge for this elder. They will target the merchants or those that sell our product to try and find out the real identity of yourself."

"But I don't think we should give up on the empire that we planned to build. Which is why I think it might not be a bad idea for both of us to join the Crimson Crane," Dame stated.

Now Raze understood why Dame had given the first bit of information. His line of thinking wasn't wrong. If he joined the Clan, they would have some protection, especially since the Crimson Crane were neutral as well. They would suffer some setbacks from the Light Faction, but it was better to just be the enemy of one group rather than the target of several.

"With them covering us, we will be able to continue as intended. I also had received an invitation from them a long time ago, but because of my ties with my clan, it has been difficult, but I know now after everything that's happened that this is the right thing to do."

"The Crimson Crane is also different from other clans; although we will have their backing and name, we are still free to do as we wish in terms of individuals. We will only have to comply when Alba really needs our support."

"She might also ask you to make a few items for the entire clan, but we could still continue our business this way."

From the way Dame was speaking, Raze could tell he was enthusiastic, and he had already made the decision; it was more so him trying to convince Raze.

"I've been thinking about accepting their offer myself," Raze replied. "I was actually going to ask your advice on the matter, but I can see where you lie. I still need a little more time, and we only have a few days here."

"If you do plan to leave, then I want to do one thing before you abandon your clan."

Dame raised an eyebrow, surprised that Raze wanted something from him.

"I want to go to the Neverfall Clan Base."

Dame's eyeballs nearly popped out of his head. If there was one place he didn't want to take Raze, it was back there, where his sister as well as his father were both looking for the Dark Magus in question.

"Why do you want to go there? Is there not something I can just get for you?"

Raze shook his head. "It's something that only I will be able to see."

If Raze remembered correctly, he remembered that Dame said that he had books related to the martial arts that the Dark Faction Founder had left behind. From what Raze knew, just like him, the Dark Faction Founder was from Alter. He was someone who knew magic and martial arts.

It was still unclear if he had come over the same way as Raze in a new body, but what he was looking for was things that he had left behind. His notes had done him well, and it was clear that from what he had seen so far, the Dark Faction Founder was also a 9-star mage. If he had left something at the Neverfall Clan, it would be written in Alterian, and Raze was probably one of the few people who could make use of it.