Chapter 300 Going Back, to the meeting

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 300 Going Back, to the meeting

When using the astral projection technique, Raze needed to make sure that his original body was protected. Since he couldn't really trust anyone to do such a thing, the best option for him was to head back to the secret cave from before, the one that had been created by the original Dark Faction Founder.

Entering the inside, Raze got to work relatively quickly. He didn't start by using the astral projection spell but instead was trying to figure out what runes to use so his body could continue to consume the pills that he needed. n-.o(.V//ε-(L-(B.(1(-n

This was the difference between good mages and great mages. Good mages could perform spells of any caliber, but great mages truly understood the fundamentals of things, to the point where they were able to use the runes, symbols, and magic circles to create their own spells.

After thinking about it for a while, he did what needed to be done. The magic circle formation was created, and he had placed twenty blue Qi Pills in the circle.

"At the moment, the magic circle is set up so it breaks down and absorbs the crystal every thirty minutes. These are just regular Qi Pills and not the cursed variation. As long as I don't use magic, then I should be able to last at least 10 hours in my body based on what had occurred last time."

His hand was rubbing his chin, wondering if that would be enough time. After all, he didn't even know where in Alterian the Dark Guild was holding their meetings, and how far it would be from the place he needed.

"I guess for now, I could always use this more as a test."

Raze then proceeded to draw the same magic circle again, but this time he placed the light blue Qi Pills. These pills had the effect of blocking out any stasis effects or effects from magic itself, and he wondered if this would help prevent the magic from his body from spilling even more.

Lastly, he had created a final magic circle copying the same formation as the other two. In this one, he had placed the same blue-colored pill, only this one was the cursed variant, that allowed one to restore all of their mana for a total of a minute.

Instead, though, he noticed something else, as he looked at his own body. "What is this... my mana, I can feel it. It's not leaking out of my body like it did the last time? It's staying in! With this, I can stay in Alterian for a lot longer, even without the use of the pills."

What Raze was trying to figure out was the reason why, though. What was different this time compared to the time before? What had changed? The technique used was the same, he was at the same star level, so it couldn't be that.

Then there was only one answer, there was only one variable that had changed, and that was the fact that he was now a stage-five Pagna warrior.

"Is it my body itself? Is it causing the mana to leak out even less? If that is the case, then I wonder if I was a middle-stage warrior, would my body be even more solidified in this state."

The glowing mana that would surround Raze had been lessened as well. Before, where he would have looked like a spirit, his body was more like that of an actual human. One couldn't tell from just looking, but maybe if they were to touch him, they would still notice.

"I wonder... what would occur if someone at the Divine level used this technique as well. Would their body be completely solidified to the point where it would just be like if they were in the world of Alterian.

"I guess this gives me more reason to continue focusing on increasing my Pagna stage as well."

It was quite the big discovery, to the point where Raze continued to clench his fist, opening it and closing it. Now he realized that all of the math and figures he had done beforehand with the pills were to be thrown out of the window.

But it didn't matter too much; he could always just adjust it anyway.

"Oh, Dark Spirit!" A voice said.

Turning around, Raze could see two hooded figures standing there, and the one who had spoken was the same male-sounding voice as before.

"It seems you are quite keen to start this meeting of the new Dark Guild!" the man stated.