Chapter 350 Your First Gift

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 350 Your First Gift

Raze didn't quite know how he had gotten into this situation, but right now, Raze and Rayna were in a room alone together. They were told to go to one of the rooms above and get ready for a gift that Belil was preparing for them both.

Only the three of them would be involved, and he had asked for the Dark Magus to dress in something that would make him stand out a bit. He didn't quite know what he meant by that.

In the room, Raze had entered a dressing room of sorts, even though there was no need for him to actually get changed. He used his Dark Magic to switch out of his beloved blazer and went back to the magic robe.

The robe that people were familiar with, the one that stuck to the name Dark Magus. Raze had imagined this is what Belil meant by those words. When he exited, Rayna was there waiting. She looked the same as before in her martial arts robe, with a spear by her side.

She had tied up her hair into a bun and had placed a few armor pieces on her forearms, but everything else was just the cloth that was on her body. N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l--B1n.

"I'm sorry about all of this," Rayna said. "I know it's a lot to explain, but honestly, it was the only way I could stop the Neverfall Clan from becoming an enemy of yours."

"It's stupid; my father doesn't usually go after individuals or anything like that. It was just because the Behemoth Clan got involved, and although all of the Demonic Faction are under one umbrella, he can get quite competitive sometimes."

"Don't worry, I understand," Raze said. "The situation, it's not as bad as I thought."

In a lot of ways, Raze felt like this might be better. Would the Behemoth Clan still be after him now that he was connected to the Neverfall Clan? And he could slowly gain trust and learn why the Dark Faction Founder had come here of all places.

It didn't seem like something Raze could just ask outright, and there didn't seem to be the right time anyway.

"What I am worried about is what exactly is this gift that he's prepared for us," Raze replied.

Rayna had to admit that she was slightly concerned as well.

"The Dawnblade Clan is under a lot of pressure from the faction themselves," Belil started to comment. "They have had three losses against us, the Demonic Faction."

"Three?" Rayna replied. "I know they lost to Dame when they attacked, and the recent loss of the Elder, due to the Crimson Crane, but the Crimson Crane is not part of the Demonic Faction, and even if we include that, it would only be two."

"Yes," Belil answered. "But the Dark Magus is the one being blamed for having defeated the Elder, and he is now allied with us, so that means it will soon be the Demonic Faction's doing, and as for the third..."

Once again, Belil jumped up from his position; they were still at least one kilometer away. Yet jumping from where he was, Raze could see Belil land perfectly in the center of where the concentrated Light Faction warriors currently were.

Immediately, Qi energy was dispensed, and almost instantly all of the warriors around felt sick, their bodies uncontrollable as they dropped their weapons onto the ground.

'That's almost the same effect as if I were to use the first Descending Step, but he's able to do this with just his Qi.'

No one looked as if they could get up off the ground to attack him, and as Belil walked toward one of the main buildings where a rush of those wearing white cloth had come out with their swords, he had a few words to say to them all.

"The Dark Magus has agreed to become a part of our family today! I hear that the Light Faction has a vendetta against him and wishes to get rid of him. So I have come with a gift for him, and a warning to you."

Belil readied his fist as he brought it to his side. Large ripples in the air could be seen condensing, and the area round felt like it was getting denser. The floor underneath his feet was cracking, and each time the Qi energy felt like it was condensing more and more.

Cracking down, going further in and in. Then, unleashing his fist, it was one strike, a powerful giant blast of energy, no, not energy, but the attack of a fist, that had ripped everything in its path apart.

The attack hit the buildings, crumbling them to pieces, and the warriors, all they saw was the vast energy. Swinging their swords, doing whatever they could, it was useless as they were consumed by the attack.

The sound was as devastating as a lightning strike. Rayna and Raze quickly rushed over to where Belil was, and when they stood by his side, they could see that one half of the entire town had been completely destroyed.

While the other half, where his fist wasn't thrown, was left intact.

"This is my gift to you, Dark Magus. Welcome to the family."