Chapter 431 The only one, Ortian Guild

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 431 The only one, Ortian Guild

?The Crimson Crane was in trouble, no doubt. None of them had been heavily injured by the attacks they were dealing with, but they were running out of Qi, and energy in general, fast.

On top of that, one of the opponents they were going up against had just started to use items. Strong magical items, and it didn't seem like they were the only ones.

How many of the mages that they were going against held these items? They wouldn't know, and if things continued going on the way they were, then there was a good chance that they wouldn't find out.

Alba, the leader of the Crimson Crane, felt a high level of responsibility. She was the one who had made this promise with the Dark Mage; she was the one who knew the risks, and the rest had followed believing in her.

'No matter what, I have to make sure the others come out of here alive, even if I have to use every single cell of my blood energy!' She thought, gripping onto her sword.

That was until a certain man had dropped down in front of her. From his clothing alone, she had instantly recognized him, but it didn't make any sense to her.

Would an enemy she was practically fighting till death with have their back facing away from her, and not just that, why would they block all the attacks coming their way?

There was a good chance that the individual was just blocking the attacks so they didn't hit them, but then why use such a large sweeping leg move?

That was until she saw the commander, slowly coming down, the man known as Eston, floated down and landed in the sand.

Things were moving so fast that Alba didn't know what to do at this moment, and then, the words had come out of his mouth.

"I guess there's no choice now, though, I'll just have to go all out, protect the White Dragon!" Amir stated as his body started to transform.

"The White Dragon?" Alba turned her head and looked at Raze being carried on Reno's back. He had white hair. He was the only one in the group with white hair. Follow current novels at

On top of that, she knew the Vice-principal was looking for Raze.

Right as Amir's body was starting to change, his arms were forming, the black substance was moving around his body.

From the palm of his hand, a large vortex of wind erupted. It wasn't just wind though; within the wind itself, there looked to be sharp strikes.

Instantly it had hit Amir, and lifted him in the air, as it did the sharp corners of the vortex hit his body constantly. The vortex then continued to move and as Eston placed his hands on the floor.

The vortex of wind slammed Amir onto the floor. The opening of the vortex was still sharp, like a thousand blades all of them cutting and slashing as they touched Amir's skin.

"You people have no idea who I am," Eston said. "There is a reason why I am one of the commanders of Idore's Noble Guild!"

Eston the mage had a past, before he had joined the Noble Guild. Being a 6-star mage was quite an achievement, and he was a mage that had gained many achievements.

One of these was being in a military guild called Ortian. It was a guild that had only ten members. With it being part of the military, they were forced to go on dangerous missions from time to time.

Missions that only over 6-star mages could handle. The Ortian Guild became one that had menacing power. It was one many wished to join, but there was only one way one could join the Ortian Guild.

A mage would have to replace one of the members, that meant a person had to kill one of the Ortian Guild members in order to become a part of them.

This is what managed to make the guild and the strength of them rise higher and higher. However, there came times where members wished to leave the guild.

Maybe the fighting life wasn't for them anymore, or they had a family to look after, but leaving the guild was even more difficult than joining.

All members of the guild had a pact that if one wanted to leave, then they would have to face all nine other members of the Ortian Guild at once.

If they were successful in beating them all, the guild would disband, and they were free.

For a long time, those that had tried to leave, all of them ended up dead. That was all apart from one.

Eston had received an offer from Idore, using the strength of his items, he had left the guild, annihilating all other 9 members.

All of the strongest 6-star mages in existence. That was Eston's strength, that was the type of mage that they were going against.

"I am the only person to ever leave the Ortian Guild!" Eston shouted as the vortex grew larger.