Chapter 472 Trapped in the City

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 472 Trapped in the City

After the order was given by the Lost Clan, everyone at the scene started to run inside, including those that were queued up and trying to leave. Through the thick iron door lock, there seemed to be no hope in them getting through, and there was something else at large here.

Seeing how everything was going, the group had decided to follow some of the others and had entered inside one of the closest buildings to the right. When entering, they noticed that it was a clothing shop.

At the front of the shop, there were racks of Panga-styled clothing on the right, left, and even center of the place. While at the back, there was machinery and tables where workers could focus on making more clothing.

And then at the very back of the room, there were two large wooden containers that had a large amount of heat coming from them. In the ceiling, there was an open area to allow the heat to escape.

One of the cloths had been dipped in and pulled out, and the color of the clothing had changed.

When the people scattered inside, many of them hid behind the clothing or the items, while Marcus and his group as well as a few curious others had stayed close to the large open windows at the front, staring at the stone-cobbled street.

"When that gate closed, I thought it was because we did something," Tanya commented.

"Why would they close the gate because of some wanderers trying to get through," another man commented, who was in the queue at the time. "If you are found to be doing something bad, they will just deal with you."

"The fact that they closed the entrance to the Dark Faction means that they don't want anything getting to the other side. This is something bigger than that."

As they continued to watch the outside, they could see the Pagna warriors running through the street and jumping on rooftops. Many of them already had their weapons drawn in their hands. nove(l)bi(n.)com

It was an animal that didn't exist in this world, in the world of Pagna. It was clearly a beast.

"If there are beasts here, and the screaming is still going out there, that means that this is a portal break," Marcus mumbled to himself.

Now he understood why the exit was closed, because if they failed to stop the portal break, they at least wanted to stop the beasts from going over to the Dark Faction.

Otherwise, it would lead to the deaths of many, but more importantly for the faction, would make them appear weak as they couldn't deal with a portal break.

Now Raze understood why the feeling was so similar. The only real portal break he had come across was the one that he had summoned himself in the academy, using his magic powers.

"Get that man out of here!" The woman shouted from earlier, still covering her nose. "I'm going to be sick, he shouldn't have done such a thing in such a place."

"Hey!" One of the others snapped back at her. "Be quiet or we can be in serious trouble."

"What! The only trouble we are going to get in is for stinking so bad because of this man!" She pointed at him and lifted her foot up.

The man was still frozen, crouching by the window looking outward. When lifting her foot up, she was ready to kick him herself until just as she went to kick the man, a loud crash was heard through the window.

A beast the size of a dog could be seen flying through the air and had landed right on top of the woman. It opened its mouth up and took a clean bite, ripping off a large part of her face.