Chapter 516 A Reason To Attack (Part 1)

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 516 A Reason To Attack (Part 1)

When Raze got up from his seat and started to walk away, it was only then that Harbour had somewhat realized what was being said.

"Grant my wish," he mumbled to himself, and then turned around to see the back of the individual. He reached his hand and got to his feet. "Wait... what do you...?"

As soon as he got up to his feet, his whole world started to warp and spin. He could feel an instant churn in his stomach, and as he took a step forward trying to move with the spinning world, he had fallen onto the floor and passed out.

"Alright, that's it, to the streets with him!" The barman said, as if he was already expecting it to happen.

Turning around, Raze walked over to the man, and the other members of the Alter group had got up to head over to him.

Himmy looked to be talking to the barman, explaining that he would deal with it before joining the rest of the group that had made a circle around the man on the ground.

"Do you know this guy or something?" Charlotte asked.

"No, I just thought he needed a drink to get his mind off things," Raze answered.

Anna was taking a deeper look at the side of his face that was visible, since the other half was pressing into the ground, and she had some notes.

"Harbour Dines, he was practically the head of the city for the Lethal Bite Clan. Dealing with Clan matters mostly when the Clan Head was away," Anna answered.

"Oh, so we managed to get our hands on quite an important figure then," Himmy raised an eyebrow thinking they had gained a stroke of luck.

But those seated nearby had overheard them talking and worried about what might happen to them had decided to speak up.

"It's not good news if you stay next to him, you know," the man said. "Harbour is not an important figure anymore. I'm surprised you haven't heard; it's been spreading around everywhere. Apparently, he betrayed the Clan, so they kicked him out and executed his family."

"Well, allowed them to commit suicide," another added.

"Same difference," the man continued. "He is a target now of the entire Lethal Bite Clan. So it would be best to stay away from him."

"Three men should have returned known as Ivor, A no name, and Bargo. They were meant to come back to report to us, but mission. So we know what had happened.

"Three men should have returned known as Ivor, A no name, nothing has occurred yet."

The Alter group were unaware that Harbour had lost his position due to the same mission and what had happened in the group.

They thought they were separate matters, but Harbour did know, and he was wondering what had occurred as well.

"You are waiting for a report... but all three of those that you are asking about, they are said to be missing within the clan. It is said that they have run away, but my guess now is, most likely Niang has captured them."

Judging from Harbour's words, Himmy had the same feeling, that these people were captured for whatever reason.

The thing was, what did they do now? It wasn't as if these were people of Alter; it didn't matter, and going into the base to try and find out more would be a risk.

"I have a question to ask," Raze said. "Are you aware of what your clan was trying to do, summon a Divine warrior, and has a Divine warrior appeared at the clan?"

These words had shocked Harbour considerably. How did this group know so much? What was going on? All of it was confusing.

"Wait... wait... I have a feeling that... our matters might be related, let me explain to you what has been happening within the Lethal Bite Clan and what has happened to my position."

Usually, Harbour wouldn't pour everything out to strangers, but he had never been in this type of position before. He had already lost everything and had no one to talk to.

To explain himself of what had occurred or who to blame. The group listened to everything, and they had quickly managed to put the pieces together.

How Niang was most likely behind the summoning of the Divine warrior, and how he had used the opportunity of the death of the warriors to his advantage to take over the clan.

"As far as I'm aware though, Niang failed in trying to summon a Divine warrior," Harbour answered.

This is what Raze was looking for, the only thing that had been troubling him, but now he had nothing left to hold him back.