Chapter 538 The Lux Sword

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 538 The Lux Sword

At times Anna seemed robotic, and even the way she spoke and analyzed situations along with being able to do a large multitude of different things made her seem more like a machine than a human.

In Alterian, technology did exist, and it was more advanced than what they had on Pagna. However, it wasn't highly developed due to the use of magic.

Most of the time, technology would work in line with magic, so there weren't ways for it to be fully utilized on its own with other sources of energy.

The civilization's technological side was almost stumped because Alterians believed it was more important to work on magic.

So Raze did know about machinery and technology which was why he was making the comparison with Anna and the fact she was advanced in many ways.

Yet through their conversation, Raze was seeing more emotion from Anna, and it was the first time he had heard a slip of the tongue from her.

"You thought he was dead?" Raze asked. There was something else that sparked his interest about Zon when he found him.

Not just his strength or the world where he was from, but the fact that through their conversation, it was almost as if Zon was expecting the two of them to meet again in the future.

Anna lifted her head, and wiped away the single tear that came from the side of her face.

"I know you want information, if I give it to you, will you be able to tell me which dimension you found him in? There is a chance he could have gotten out and come back to Pagna as well," Anna said in an upbeat voice.

"The dimension no longer exists," Raze answered. "The dimension's boss was defeated, and in fact, I only met Zon after that fact. However, I believe there is something he wanted from me, so if you are able to tell me who he is, maybe there will be a way for us to find him."

Raze had no fear when speaking now. Knowing full well Anna could tell when he was lying or not, he was now using it to his advantage.

Anna started to walk up to Raze at that point and got extremely close, before she bowed down her head until she was looking at the floor.

"Thank you so much... thank you, to know that one of my kind is here, and that it is the great ally Zon, you have allowed me to know more than I ever expected," Anna said.

Charlotte had to blink a few times as she looked at this scene. She had never seen Anna bow down to anyone. She had never acted this way toward Himmy or other members of Alter. This was a first.

Then her eyes started to wander onto Raze and a soft smile was left on her face.

"Raze... you really are an amazing person. How is it every time you meet someone you can cause this big change to happen," Charlotte softly spoke to herself.

The sweet moment was quickly ruined, as the door burst open. The door had broken off its hinge as the man had entered at an alarming rate.

"Harbour!" Charlotte shouted, still startled from the sudden noise.

"I don't know what to do! Raze, I think you might be in trouble as well!" Harbour shouted. "In the reception of the Lethal Bite Clan, there are intruders that have entered."

"They have Ivor held hostage, a sword pointed towards his neck. They are asking to speak to someone, asking about some type of Lux Sword!"

The Lux Sword was the name of the newly acquired sword Raze had received from Niang. Niang had never said its name, and Harbour didn't recognize the sword either.

"If someone knows the name of that sword, it means they must know the original owner as well. I'm very interested in meeting this person," Raze thought. "If they want to know where the sword is, maybe I should give it a test run."

Stretching out his hand, Raze made the Lux Sword appear. It shined, glowing in his hand as he made his way to the reception.