Chapter 541 A Stinging Dark Pain!

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 541 A Stinging Dark Pain!

The nagging feeling that Elvlin had since she had seen their attacker had finally become clear, but she was wondering if it was better if she never realized who this person was in the first place.

After a direct clash with the young man, and him saying her name, she knew for sure, this was the Dark Magus.


"Don't say my name," Raze instantly stopped her from doing so. There were people watching and next to no one had put things together. VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

There were those in the room that knew him as Raze Cromwell, there were those that thought he was the White Dragon, and he even had the name the Dark Magus. On top of that, in the Demonic Faction, he was known as a real demon after taking out a large number of the Behemoth Clan.

Not a single person had put together that all of these people were a single person, not yet and he wanted to keep it that way for the time being.

"But Elvlin, I assume you have been tasked with a mission of sorts, if it's not one of the Crimson Crane, then I suggest you tell everyone else to back away," Raze stated.

The other wanderers had yet to strike again. After seeing the clash with Elvlin and her hesitation they waited.

They could tell from the power she was the strongest and they were also confident now, that with her they could complete this mission, but if for whatever reason she decided to turn away from it then she would fail.

'This is the Dark Magus, but how!' Elvlin thought in her head. She had remembered the last time she had seen him fight. She was unable to witness much of what he had done when going up against Feebie the Lethal Bite Clan leader but she had a good idea of his strength.

'He was an initial stage warrior, with strange powers, but he hasn't even used strange powers during this fight. The Qi energy he is using now is that of a middle stage warrior. So how did he manage to get so strong that he could do all of this?'

'He is definitely stronger than me now if we were to go head to head on our own. He might be the youngest middle stage warrior out there as well... but there could be one explanation for all of his strength at the moment.'

Elvlin's eyes were now glued onto the glowing sword that Raze had held. She could feel its power and with the mission paying so much to each individual it had to do something.

"Do you think he needs help now?" Harbour asked.

"There's no need," Anna answered. "I've sensed a whole change in his demeanor, it seems he's done taking it easy."

Right out from Raze's hand a bolt of blue lightning came out and hit Neon's body. It shocked next to him touching Axe as well.

The only attack that managed to hit him then were the chains from the other Wanderers, but it bounced off his blazer like all of the other attacks before.

'There it is, that strange power that he can use!' Elvlin thought. 'That's what I was worried about, but If I can keep him busy, then they will be able to attack again. I know he has strange powers so I can look out for it.'

Scraping the glaive across the floor, Elvlin then lifted and bashed her glaive from above, Raze carefully blocked the attacks, but they didn't stop there and he was continuing to stop the heavy attacks.

Even with his newfound middle stage, he was having some kind of trouble. After all, this was one of the members of the Crimson Crane.

As the attacks continued though, Raze was getting more frustrated and he felt another chain come towards him. Although he knew that his blazer would protect him he decided to grab it.

As soon as he did, the chain started to freeze. Each lock was covered in ice and growing fast.

Elvlin was coming in again for another strike, and Qi energy started to wrap around the sword, intertwining.

'First formation, Shadow Bind!' Dashing forward Raze, hit away the glaive, and continued to swing. Visual Qi started to swirl around Elvlin until it completely covered her body. It restrained around her and was holding her tight, even with her strength she was finding it hard to break free.

'Oh that's very interesting, since the Shadow Bind skill uses Qi as well, the binding has gotten stronger now I'm at the middle stage.'

However, his face wasn't one full of smiles, as he looked at the fellow Crimson Crane member.

"One of the things I hate more than anything in this world.. is betrayal.. and you were going to kill me for this sword."