Chapter 557 (Updated Correct ) Stranger Danger

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 557 (Updated Correct Chapter) Stranger Danger

Thanks to a lot of persuasion from Sabrina, Raze had decided to rest up that day rather than head outside for the night in an endless search.

She didn't know quite what Raze was doing, only that he was trying to find evidence of what had happened at the academy.

She saw him set off for the day bright and early and waited a bit before doing her own task; right after that, she decided to leave herself.

Closing the door behind her, she saw the paint on the door, and with a wave of her hand, the paint started to disintegrate and fall away.

It was easier for her to clean, but no matter how much she cleaned the paint, it would only return.

Quickly, though, she took the elevator downstairs and headed off into the bustling city center. Unlike Raze, she could walk freely, without the staring eyes and the pointing.

After walking down the pavement, she entered a shop that had a sweet fragrance. It was a magical tailor shop, where one would weave special materials and make the best equipment for the mages in the land.

It was more than just enchanting; that these workers did, one also had to keep up with the trends. This was and pretty much always had been Sabrina's job, but this wasn't her usual workplace.

When walking to the front, there was an older gentleman behind the desk. When his eyes met with Sabrina's, he quickly glanced away and looked to be in a bit of a panic.

Quickly, he moved from behind the counter and started to push Sabrina back out the door.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't conduct the interview today," the shop owner claimed.

"Wait, you don't have to push me," Sabrina replied. "I can just come back another day if you're busy. I have a lot of experience, and I'm not in a big rush."

Although that was a lie. Raze's job paid well; he was a top professor, after all. So they had money for the time being, but they also had a lot of expenses because of where they were.

Now her dress looked better than new and was shining brightly.

"Oh, you are quite skilled in magic; you could have cleaned your dress yourself. I apologize; it seems I was too rash. But forgive me, why were you covered in mud? Was it...some sort of hobby?"

Sabrina's face went bright red, and immediately started to shake her hands.

"No, no, I just fell after coming out of that shop there; I was just a little shocked." Her smile turned upside down as she looked into the pool of water again.

"You seem down, is it something I can help with?" the man asked.

"Not unless you can give me a job," Sabrina commented. It was an off comment; she didn't actually mean it, but frustrated she was just speaking her mind.

"Actually, I just might be able to help you. I own quite a large company, you see, that has several departments, and with your magical skills, I'm sure we can put them to good use!"

Sabrina's eyes lit up right at that moment. They were shining even brighter as her light magic was activating.

"Thank you so much, thank you, thank you!" Sabrina continued to bow. "I'm happy to do anything, even start from the bottom!"

"That's great, well shall we head off? I was heading to the office today; I guess you can start your first day today," the man said.

"Thank you, good... err, sir, I'm sorry I don't even know your name," Sabrina asked.

"Ah, right, my name is Gizin," the man answered.

The name Gizin rang a bell in Sabrina's mind almost immediately; this was no ordinary man.