Chapter 569 A Family Meeting

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 569 A Family Meeting

Placing on what would be his wedding uniform and his small black mask that covered the top half of his face, Raze was ready. His hair was still black, and looking at the reflection of his face in a bucket of water, he was quite happy that his identity would still be somewhat concealed.

"There are a few things I should tell you before we get moving," Fixteen said. "Firstly, Belil will be standing on the platform that is in the center of the city. It has been purposely built for this day in the market square.

"The area has been cleared so there will be those watching you from all over. However, you don't have to worry, Belil himself will be on the stage, and both of his sons will also be there to escort you.

"Even if anyone planned to attack, it would turn out to be an absolute failure, unless all the other Demonic Clans had agreed to team up."

Raze had sat down and was in the middle of his cultivation. Rather than cultivating his Demonic energy and Qi, he was using the dark essence technique trying to grow his magical powers.

He had advanced quite a bit as a Pagna warrior, but his magical side was lacking somewhat. So, in his spare time, he would do this, tending to avoid using the Demonic cultivation technique for fear of what might happen.

"Why, do you think there will be an attack? Should I be prepared for that?" Raze asked.

"No, no of course not," Fixteen answered. "This is a joyous occasion, however, there is one thing. On stage, the announcement will be made of who you are, that you are the Dark Magus.

"Your name has spread in the Demonic Faction, a skilled Alchemist that sells items that can greatly increase the power of a warrior. At the same time, some believe that the Dark Magus is also the rising demon in the Demonic Faction, since the issues with the Behemoth Clan and the Crimson Crane.

"Because of this, there might be some outrage from the other Demonic Clans, particularly the Behemoth Clan. I don't think they will do something so crazy as to attack you with Belil by your side but in the Demonic Faction, you never know. If that does happen, just stick close to Belil."

Since Raze himself had become the Dark Magus in Alterian, he hadn't relied on others in a long time, but he recognized Belil's powers and it was possible there would be many like him today.

"Wouldn't it be better to just announce that Rayna was marrying a nobody? Why need to mention that he is this Dark Magus person?" Anna asked.

She kept note of the name being mentioned as well. When this whole thing blew over, she would have liked to know the full story. It would be best for both of their sakes to know what can and can't be said to those at Alter.

"Because marriages need to mean something, especially when involving the heirs. It has already come as a surprise that she isn't marrying someone from a large clan and someone that isn't a clan head themselves.

"However, marrying the Dark Magus...might be too big of a step up. Some might think this is too unfair and the power is too much in the Neverfall's hands. Which is why the idea is to split and treat Raze and Rayna as a separate clan which will be announced today as well, along with land for you to look after."

Nodding along, Raze understood that any world with a civilization had its strange politics that they liked to play.

"This was a request of the clan head for him to wear at the wedding," Fixteen interrupted, worried things would get out of hand.

"Hey, do you have to speak for him? He can speak for himself, and are we even at the wedding?" Fing asked. "If it was up to me, he needs to take this mask off!"

Fing moved from his position, and with a claw-like fist, struck right at Raze's face, but Raze was able to grab him by the wrist in time, holding him right in front of his face.

"Oh, you caught that, and you didn't even use any Qi?" Fing noticed.

"You didn't use any either," Raze replied. "So I didn't think it was a real threat."

"Oh really," Fing said as the Qi started to explode out from his body, and he struck Raze right in the stomach. It was harder and faster than he anticipated, flinging him into the air, and causing him to crash into the rocks of the wall, shaking almost the entire building.

"What are you doing!" Fixteen shouted. "The clothes, he is an important part of this event."

"Calm down, if he was to die from that, then he would never have been joining our clan in the first place. Besides, I didn't hit him too hard," Fing answered.

Getting up from the pile of rocks, Raze wiped the blood from his mouth.

'That was a strong, skillful hit, the Qi was condensed to the point where it injured me internally. Even though I'm now a middle-stage warrior, that strike was still strong.'

However, Raze remembered the words spoken by Fixteen. This wasn't a fight, nor was it the time to show one's strength.

Walking over, Raze didn't say much and stood in the same position.

"It's okay, I'm alright. I will be good for the wedding."

"Ha!" Fing laughed. "I hit you and that's your answer? Sorry, but I don't accept someone like you. I don't like those that just do as they're told and don't fight back. Don't you have any backbone?"

Fing lashed forward toward the mask, again, and just like last time, Raze caught him by the wrist.

"Backbone...I guess she would have wanted me to show something."