Chapter 596 You are my Experiment

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 596 You are my Experiment

Anna stood there without the cloth on her body, yet she wasn't completely bare. A strange, tight-fitting material was on her body. It was shiny, making it appear as if it was made from a type of metal. Yet it couldn't have been such a material due to how flexible it was on her body. At the same time, it was a dark grey in color.

On the strange material that clung to her body there were lines and circles that were glowing red in areas, such as the shoulder, her elbow, and her wrist. All of these areas were now glowing bright red. The appearance reminded Raze of when he had first seen Zon, yet it was also slightly different at the same time.

"I'll help out, but I don't think I'll be able to fight like this for long... I'm not like him," Anna said.

Finishing her sentence, she rushed forward; a trail of red glow lingered in the air, and she was moving even faster than that of Yanin from the Behemoth Clan.

She rushed forward and jumped, clenched her fist and threw it right at the head of the hammer. The red glow on her body ignited furiously; she was like a bright star in front of Yanin.

The great force had pushed Yanin back despite his Qi, causing him to stumble; the moment she landed on the ground, she ignited again and went for his legs, hitting him constantly each time.

Yanin had lifted his hammer, trying to take the force of the hits, his body swaying slightly side to side from Anna's punches.

He then swung it on the floor, hitting the ground but managed to hit nothing but just destroy rows of houses in one direction.

"Yanin!" Rayna shouted as she had gathered strength once again and used this distraction to her advantage, throwing out her spear and hitting him right in the stomach.

His legs felt weak, and using this moment, Anna had come from above and slammed him with two fists above his head, sending him buckling to the ground.

"You are not welcome in my town; you will be a warning to Sha Mo, that he should have never underestimated us!"

Lifting up the spear, the top of it bashed onto the top of Yanin's head again, hitting it into the ground.

This only further angered him, and the Qi around his body started to grow larger and larger.

When Anna came back to attack and delivered a strong hit on his shoulder, he no longer stumbled to the side. She quickly moved, trying to make another hit, but the red glow in her armor was starting to fade.

While Anna's power was getting weaker, Yanin's power was growing stronger.

'Not enough... not yet,' Raze thought.

Lifting his head though, he could see that Rayna had run up one of the buildings on the side, she jumped in the air, and started to spin her spear in the air rapidly.

The Qi was flowing through her entire body, and she swung it down, hitting the end right on top of Yanin's head.

A loud bang like explosion went off; wind from the attack blew several of the roofs nearby, and at the same time, Yanin's body was swaying, until he fell to the ground.

Yanin, one of the pillars of the Behemoth Clan, had been defeated by three individuals the world had yet to really know of.

At the same time, one of the small circling plates had seen everything. It had witnessed everything that had been used including the non-Pagna techniques, as well as a person that didn't even seem like they were from this world.

What was he to do now, how would he report this, how would anyone believe the words he wrote down without having witnessed it himself?

He was stuck in a situation he never believed he would be, and now what was to be the result of Yanin... why did Raze want him alive?

After allowing the sword to do a little bit of its work, Raze had to dig the sword into the ground to help lift himself up.

He had pushed himself beyond what he had expected, even using the strongest moves. The enemies were becoming more difficult to deal with, and perhaps if he didn't have the Lux and Ghost swords, this fight would have been a loss.

Walking over, he looked at Anna, who had collapsed along with Rayna, both of them somewhat lying on the floor with their upper bodies leaning up, looking at Yanin.

"You two did well; you helped me out more than you think," Raze said.

"You were the one that made our job harder by telling us to keep him alive, so now do what you need to do," Anna said.

Thinking that he would absorb him, however, Raze instead pulled out a piece of chalk and started to draw a magic circle underneath his body.

"This man will become the catalyst for my first experiment!" Raze said with a deep smile.