Chapter 629 Breaking The Walls

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 629 Breaking The Walls

The sword was completely encased in darkness, shrouded from the bottom to the top. There was a heavy feeling surging through the entirety of Raze's body.

Beret, who was sitting behind him, as soon as he could feel his Qi come out from his body and to the sword, his body was having a natural reaction; it was shaking.

'This is Demonic Qi, I can tell, I can feel it, but I've never felt it so pure, so condensed in one spot before.'

Beret didn't pay attention to the new participant called Jake. A young warrior from a new clan, out of nowhere, the Lost Clan were unable to gather any information about him, so he was assumed to be a nobody.

His actions, his words, everything he had done, Beret was sure that he was a nobody, until right now... the feeling.Geett the latest novels at

Raze swung the sword down, and the dark energy completely left his sword.

"Eclipse Strike!"

The power and Qi from the technique were unleashed in front of him. It ripped the ground apart and the walls to the side as the Qi wildly covered all of the area in front of him.

The two Light Faction students were unable to stop their charge in; they had nowhere to turn, nowhere to run, and no matter what, they would be hit by the attack.

The demonic Qi covered their entire bodies, and they were swept up from their feet.

The mirrors had to quickly move out of the way, and now from above, they could see the large attack spreading out, destroying everything in its path.

Destroying the outer walls and continuing on for several meters, getting rid of everything. That's when the attack finally stopped.

The crowd was left speechless, the warriors that were watching from their rooms were left stunned, and there wasn't a single sound.

Raze was standing around the center of the maze with Beret behind him, but now in front of them was a completely different view.

One-third of the maze in front of them, all of the walls had been completely destroyed; they could see the open area of the arena in sight.

"What was that!" Cicle shouted, banging his hand on the chair, breaking part of it onto the floor. "How could a student from the Demonic Faction be capable of such a thing, how can a person have such power!"

"This is... this is impossible!"

The Dark Faction were having similar reactions inside. However, none of the elders spoke out loud; they were still stunned and observing the power.

"You can move, right?" Raze asked.

The walls had finished forming, and they were back to what they were before, apart from the wall to Raze's side; it was reforming but slower compared to the rest.

The reason why was obvious to Raze; he had used Dark Magic when attacking the wall; its properties to destroy were interfering with what was being used to reform the wall.

"I can still move; we can work together and find the Charged Rats," Beret said.

"No," Raze answered swiftly. "You focus on finding the Charged Rats; find as much as you can, remember the spots you saw them in and go after them. I have something else I need to do."

With those words, Raze walked forward; he walked down the hallway until he reached the end, then took a few steps to the right and stopped.

"It was around about here."

Beret, not wanting to be useless and feeling compelled to answer Raze like he would any clan head, ran off searching, and the last thing he saw was Raze putting his hand on the wall and closing his eyes.

'These walls, the way they formed, and the way my Dark Magic interacted with it before, it has to be because it's using some type of magic, and if these walls are made of magic, then there is something I can do.'

While Raze's palm was placed on the wall, his veins were enlarging and starting to bulge; energy from the wall was being passed onto Raze as he was using the extraction technique.

Once the energy had gone away, Raze then gently pushed part of the wall, and it exploded into nothing but dust.

It was an incredibly strange sight to see the wall just exploding like dust, especially seeing no movement or skill being used.

Those in the arena were confused; they had no clue how it was even possible. As Raze went to the next part of the wall, he did the same thing, and just like before, it had exploded into dust.

"Is he using... is it the extraction technique!" Sha Mo shouted. "Who taught him such a thing? Isn't he an outsider to the Faction?"

"His energy, his techniques, a lot of them feel like Demonic energy, and now with this technique, I don't think it's right to call him an outsider," Lince replied.

The scary thing was, as Raze was placing his hand on part of the wall and making it turn into nothing but dust, he was getting faster at it.

He touched the wall, and a second later it would turn to dust; he walked forward and continued moving, one wall falling after the other, he was clearly moving straight for something.

He continued, and then, when he placed his hand on one wall and it turned to dust, on the other side, a white uniform could be seen, with the magical bracelet around his wrist.

"I found you," Raze said.