Chapter 645 The Strongest Dark Faction Student

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 645 The Strongest Dark Faction Student

Hannah and Liam prepared themselves, and for Hannah, not only did this mean a lot to her as the last contestant from the Light Faction, but also because of who she was going up against.

'I had trained for years to perfect the Moonlight strike, and then, he goes and copies it just like that. It has to just be an imitation; I will go ahead and show you the real thing!' Hannah thought, taking out her sword.

"Begin!" The announcer shouted.

Immediately, Hannah lifted her hand and gathered her Light Qi. Right after, she started to move her hand along her sword, and the Qi looked to be transferring from her hand onto the sword.

Now, the sword was glowing brightly. Wasting no time, she dashed forward and swung her sword. When swinging it, she struck against the sword in front of her, and the two of them clashed in the center.

Yet her eyes had widened when she saw the sword in front of her, because she could see that it too was shrouded in light. Now next to it, she was able to see clearly; it was almost an exact replica of her skill.

No, she couldn't tell any difference at all.

"What, did you think it was a fake or something? I knew you would use this skill, so now you know it's real, what are you going to do!" Liam asked.

Hannah had to disregard her shock; she had to disregard her anger because she needed to focus on winning this fight.

Right then, she swung the blade again, with her sword still glowing from the Moonlight skill. However, Liam was blocking every strike.

It was strange because Hannah was sure she was faster, and yet Liam was still able to block each strike because his body was slightly moving before she did.

'The system is telling me her movements before she makes them; it can read the flexation in her muscles, and it's working well!' Liam thought. 'But I'm not going to win the fight like this... nor are people going to remember me as much with performances like Raze out there, so let's try something.'

Hannah's skill had finally faded as the sword returned to its regular color. Right after, Liam was now on the offensive, as he thrust his sword forward.

Hannah was able to react in time, blocking the strike, but the thrusts with the sword were consistent, aiming for spots on her body.

It was hard for her to move, as she had to move her sword from side to side of the strikes which were tiring her out.

She swung her blade again, this time aiming for Liam's leg. The leg she aimed for had disappeared from her sight, and instead, she was left seeing a pool of liquid instead.

A foot was risen and hit her at the side of her head, smacking her across the floor. She bounced once before getting up and rubbing the side of her face.

"I know that move," Hannah said. "I saw the student from the Dark Faction use that, the one named Mada."

Hannah was right; the technique that Liam had just used was a kicking technique from the Flowing Force Clan.

"You can copy techniques from your own clan as well, so I'm guessing that means fighting against you is like fighting against every single person in the Dark Faction."

When the crowd heard Hannah say such a thing, they realized that it might be true. Right in front of them was a student that had the Dark Faction, the Light Faction, and Demonic Faction techniques with him.

The thing was, the Dark Faction was his own Factionso he would know all of the best moves produced by them.

"If that's the case, then I'm guessing you are the one that has to be the person that they call the White Dragon, the strongest student in the Dark Faction!" Hannah claimed with her sword pointed out toward Liam.

Liam couldn't help but laugh. "If you really think that was the case, don't you think they would have called me something like a red dragon!"

Hannah then swung her sword to the side. "It doesn't matter, because beating you, if I beat you, then it means it will be the same, it will be like beating all of those in the Dark Faction, and I will beat you!"

After finishing her words, Hannah started to run straight forward across the arena. She had hardly been hurt from the attack, pulling back her head at the right time.

Hannah was extremely skillful but not in the flashy ways like the others were. She was a person who knew the basics very well, but she had no idea what she was up against.

As Hannah moved straight forward, Liam then placed both of his hands on the hilt of his sword and lifted it above his head.

The pose jolted everyone that was looking because it was a pose they had seen before.

'Is this now, the Demon's move he's copying!'