Chapter 672 Start The Plan

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:
Chapter 672 Start The Plan

While multiple things were going on in the Arena floor, things were taking place where the audience was unable to see, specifically in the Demonic Faction viewing area.

Both Alba and Anna were still present in the room; they had decided to back up and stand behind the other Demonic Faction members.

"Isn't this a bit cowardly?" Anna asked.

"I don't think in this situation, these people will really be looking out for us newcomers," Alba replied. "So I think it's okay we stay back, and we should let them do the talking."

More specifically, there was one individual that was trying to calm the situation down. Although everyone had their weapons drawn and their Qi was ready to be activated at any moment, standing in front of all of them with Sha Mo slightly behind him was Lince.

He was thankful that although there were so many powerful Light Faction members here, they hadn't just jumped at the opportunity as soon as they attacked.

"You have to believe us; we are just as surprised as you are about this situation," Lince stated. "The student Mantis does not belong to any of the clans that are currently present."

"That is convenient," Kawak replied. "And don't you think that since you are joining this competition as the Demonic Faction, that the consequences of one person's actions reflect all that of the Demonic Faction."

Lince could tell that he wasn't going to win this with a war of words. Not against the Light Faction that were more quick-witted compared to others.

Maybe with other hotheaded people like that of the Dark and Demonic, so he had to try something else.

"Regardless, do you think you want to fight against us in this case? It will be hard to take us out, you should know that, and the consequences of what will happen after.

"Starting a battle over one student, it will also mean that the Dark Faction will have the upper hand in all of this."

Lince could see that the two Light Faction Heads were thinking about it. It was perhaps the reason they hadn't attacked in the first place. They would rather bring them in if possible and deal with them in a better manner.

But that would only work if the Demonic Faction really wasn't planning anything.

"Yeah, and when a plan doesn't work, it's time to improvise; we just have no idea how good his improvising skills are," Alba said.

They needed to think fast regardless, but were pretty aligned with what they were going to do the moment the Light Faction had decided to act.

That was until Amir himself had gotten involved. The crowd's reaction to this had caused everyone to turn to look at what was happening, and know they were all deeply confused.

"Now you have to believe me, right?" Lince said. "I mean, that guy isn't even from the Demonic Faction; I told you we have nothing to do with this."

Kawak started to blink; he tensed his hand around his sword.

"No wonder you were so confident in attacking, who would have thought, that the Demonic Faction and the Dark Faction has formed an alliance. Kill them!" Kawak ordered.

Lince wanted to slap the top of his forehead. It certainly wasn't the case, but there was no amount of convincing that could work.

As soon as the two sides went to clash against each other, the sound of smashing glass was heard. Lince glanced at where the noise had come from, and he could see, the Crimson Crane leader and their partner had broken the viewing glass, and now were running out into the arena field.

Both of them were running towards Raze and nodded at him.

"They aren't even going to try to fight?" One of the Demonic Faction shouted. "I knew the Crimson crane should have never been accepted into the Demonic Clan."

"No...they did that...they were ready, but why?" Lince thought as he looked at their backs.

Everything was moving along; there was great confusion among all sides, even those in Alter that were in the crowd were unsure how to act, but in the chaos, there was one person smiling, Raze.

"It appears that I am in need of changing my plans," Raze said, as he finally took a step away from Hannah. He then knelt down on the ground and placed both of his hands on the floor.

"All of the pieces have revealed themselves, and now it's time to show my hand!" Magic started to swirl around Raze, and slowly from the tip of his hair, it started to change from black to white, as a large amount of magic was starting to be used.