Chapter 714 A Walk Through Darkness

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:


714 A Walk Through Darkness

Nearly all of the fights were coming to an end, and the Light Faction had seen quite a series of twists and turns along the way. They had witnessed things they never expected, one after another.Fôllôw new stories at

"I never would have thought that the Dark Faction would suffer defeat after defeat. This will completely change the Pagna world as we know it," Beatrix claimed.

"You are correct, but that is only if there is a big change from the last fight," Ricar added. "Remember what I said: nearly no one in a state to fight, so it will come down to the last person standing. And the man known as the strongest, along with the greatest shield in the Dark Faction, are still standing!"

Ricar's words were firm, making the others believe there was still something that could happen, something that could change the tide. There was certainly one fight that was going in the Dark Faction's favor.

"You seem to not be too used to your body" Murkel exclaimed as he kicked just above Dame's head.

Dame had leaned back out of reflex along with the rest of his body and all of his arms. As the kick missed, Murkel's foot left a line of black smoke in the air. Right after dodging, Dame went to attack, but his fists were drawn upwards.

Right after, Murkel delivered a powerful fist right into Dame's stomach, a blow that resounded through the arena. It was a hit that didn't send Dame flying, and there was a reason for that. The edges of Murkel's knuckles were covered in the same dark, condensed version of his Qi. Rather than focusing on hitting an opponent away, it attracted the person to his fist when hit, allowing all the power to go through the person with nearly no energy wasted in sending them


Blood splattered out of Dame's transformed mouth. It looked like he was about to stumble until both Alba and Amir came down in the middle. She was swinging both of her swords one after the other, not giving Murkel a second to recover. Even Murkel needed to be careful of his senses as he dodged each of the attacks.

"Who would have thought, during this fight you've gotten quicker, and your attacks are showing less hesitation, less thought. You have improved in this fight alone. I think you would come out far stronger from this fight, that is if you survived this!"

Murkel went to strike at Alba, throwing a fist that went perfectly between her swords. When the fist came toward her, it was grabbed by Amir, his arm transformed into strange tentacles wrapping around it and holding it in place.

Right after, Alba continued pressing forward, not pulling back and striking right across Murkel's chest. The sword drew blood, splattering it on the ground.

"You're not as untouchable as you think. You underestimated the three of us far too much. We are fighting together, not apart," Alba exclaimed.

Murkel, intensifying his Qi in his fist, forced Amir to let go. Knowing the dangers of the Qi, Amir jumped back to create more space between himself and the others.

Dame had recovered from the attack, his body healing fast from the wounds. He also realized his mistake at that moment.

'He's right; he knows that I'm not in tune with this body completely. I haven't been able to use it for too long. When I dodged the attack, I dodged with my whole body, rather than using some of my arms to block or dodging and blocking at the same time.

'What's the point of having these extra limbs if I don't know how to use them properly, Dame thought.

Murkel looked at the wound across his chest. It had cut through his clothing. He had been hurt a few times in this fight, especially by Dame, and couldn't help but smile as he saw the three

coming towards him.

"He's finally living up to his name. As I thought, the only fight that mattered in the first place was against him. This is a lost cause for all of the others," Ricar commented. Murkel laughed as he stood there, seeing that not a single person was able to resist his power.

"All of you thought this was a test for you, to prove your power, but you were wrong" Murkel said. "This was a test for them, to prove if they were worthy of coming with me, and it seems they have all failed. I'm glad they went through this because now I know not to waste my time

with them.

"Now all of you shall watch as I take you out, one by one," Murkel said. "Who to deal with first? Maybe you, Ricktor?" Murkel asked.

Ricktor wasn't even on his knees; his chest had collapsed, lying on the floor. He could only move

his head as he looked at his father.

Murkel started to move forward, the only person moving upon the darkness toward Ricktor,

until he stopped. "How..." Murkel said, his expression turning sour. "How are you fine?"

Ricktor was wondering what his father was looking at. He wanted to turn his head to see what

had got him so worked up, but there was no need. Because the person was soon seen walking through the darkness as if it was any other flooring and had headed right past him, stopping.

"R...Raze...?" Ricktor called out.

"How are you able to stand in all of this darkness?" Murkel shouted out.

"It seems that my darkness is a bit stronger than yours, that's all," Raze replied with his sword

drawn out by his side.

"After everything you have seen, do you really think you can best me, the strongest warrior in all

of Pagna?" Murkel claimed.

After what he had just done, there were few who would disagree with the title now. Especially

Ricar who had witnessed this.

Raze smirked back.

"Well, it's a good thing that I'm not a Pagna warrior, so that doesn't apply to me."


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