Chapter 718 A Real Monster

Name:Dark Magus Returns Author:


718 A Real Monster

Gavin, a leader of one of the top five clans, was frozen in place. It was a reaction he had only experienced once in his life before, and he thought he would never experience it again. Yet here he was standing, blood from his open wound dripping onto the floor.

"How could this have happened? My body is reinforced with the strongest Qi. The shield even hardens my body further... yet out of all things, my arm was removed with such ease."

The hard part for Gavin wasn't the fact that his arm had been removed but how easily it was done, and with a shield of all things. All of these thoughts were going through his head, and that was why he was stunned.

Tilon wasted no time as he pried open Gavin's fingers, and now, in one hand, he held the large V-shaped legendary shield, and in the other, the round shield.

Oddly, Gavin started to walk forward, no longer using his Qi. It was as if he had already given up in the fight. When he came close to reaching Tilon, he fell to the floor on his knees.

"I have lost this match. You were the one that was greater in the end," Gavin stated. "With the way I am now, I will no longer be able to run the Moon Shield Clan!"

Tilon looked at his opponent, wondering if this was real. He was expecting the clan head to fight to the death, but without his shield, would he really amount to nothing? In the middle of his thoughts, rumbling could be heard from behind, and coming out from the rubble of the stands was Bargo.

He had markings and bruises on his face, but he was walking quite fine as he brushed the dirt from his clothes and came over to the other two.

"I thought you were dead, Tilon commented.

Tilon, in a way, wanted to stop him. Gavin had clearly given up fighting, but it wasn't his business to stop or get involved in; it was up to the two of them.

"Is there anything you wish to say or any wishes you want me to pass on to the rest of the clan?"

Bargo asked.

Gavin then looked up and looked at not just Bargo but also into the eyes of Tilon as well. Eventually, he turned his head to look at the arena below.

"There is. With the strength I have seen today, including the power of the two of you, I hope that all of you will have the power to stop that monster down there," Gavin said.

Tilon paid close attention. When saying the word "monster," he was focusing on none other than


"I wish that you can do what the four of us had failed to do on that day. I wish you good luck! After saying those words, Gavin moved forward, allowing the sword to pierce through his

throat, ending his own life.

Leaving them all with a deep message and the big question: just what was going on in the Dark


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