Volume 1 - CH 1.8

Thinking the situation wasn’t normal, I asked her what was wrong. With a face flushed scarlet, Yuzu wore a limp expression.

“I-I think…..My waist gave out1.”

“HUH!?” This unexpected situation made me unwittingly raise my voice. 

With a voice not any lower than mine, Yuzu rebutted in confusion, “Yo-you see! I was so shocked by the abrupt fall! When I realized it, we’re already in this embarrassing position! In this situation, anyone’s waist would give out! You idiot!”

“Despite being a Riaju, how is it that you have no immunity towards guys? Didn’t you always brag to me how popular you are?”

“I can’t help it! There’s not a single guy out there who can be my match until now! For a girl as perfect as me, it’s a struggle to find a suitable guy, you know!”

“I have to acknowledge that strong mentality of yours to still be able to brag about that in this situation! You should just muster your inborn mental power to move away from me quickly!”

“I would if I could! Yamato-kun, you’re a boy, you’re the one who should make use of your inborn physical strength to push me away!”

“I would if I could! I’m nothing but a weak indoor person as you already know!”

Our bodies were barely apart as we continued quarreling that led us to nowhere. That situation was finally put to a stop not by Yuzu’s strong mentality nor my physical strength—it was the sudden entrance of the third party into the classroom.

“I think I left my smartphone in the classroom…” 

The one who appeared was our target, Sakuraba Sota.

“Geez, I’m already exhausted, yet… I have… to…”

He was walking towards his desk and as he reached the centre of the classroom, apparently he discovered us lying down on the floor with our bodies overlapping; he paused talking to himself.




All the three parties were drowned in silence.

The first one to return to their senses was as expected, Sakuraba.

“Sor-sorry!” He blurted that out and quickly retrieved his phone, then he promptly dashed out.

“Wait, Sota!?” Yuzu called out his name in an attempt to give an explanation, but it was too late.

Sakuraba’s back was no longer visible in the corridor, no excuse could ever reach him.

I would’ve never thought something like this could happen…

The second successive blow might have made her waist that had given out to recover instead; Yuzu staggeringly moved away from above me. Following in her wake, I rose to my feet and patted her—still in a daze, looking at the classroom entrance—on the shoulder.

“Well… Looking at the result, your plan had worked anyway. Isn’t that great?”

In a deserted classroom after school hours, a couple secretly embracing each other…no, already lying down on the floor getting into action.

No matter who chanced upon that scene, they could only think that the couple was right before doing the deed. When I imagined what Sota might have felt when seeing his crush was about to do the thing with her boyfriend, I felt extremely bad for him.

However, my words of encouragement had no effect on Yuzu as she glared at me with teary eyes, “It’s….. It’s not great at all! How can that be so! Aaaaah, this is the worst! Hey, our position just now, subjectively how do you think we looked like!?”

“A super lewd girlfriend pushing down her boyfriend to do the deed.”

“It’s really so!? Despite everything, it looked like I was the one who was so into it, doesn’t it!?”

Yep, no mistake.

“Urm, but you see, we achieved what we initially wanted.”

“That’s overachieving it! Do you know the phrase ‘the last drop makes the cup run over’!? How should I face Sota tomorrow!? He’d definitely see me with eyes saying, ‘Ah, it’s that lewd girl who was about to do the deed in the school’!” 

The shame might have affected her greatly, Yuzu covered her face with both palms while her feet were restless.

“You don’t have to be that bothered. The moment everyone came to know that you had a boyfriend, they already saw you while thinking you were already doing that kind of stuff.”

“Could you please not say those repulsive things!? This is the worst, totally the worst…”

Yuzu made a blatant display of her downheartedness. This girl did care too much about how others view her after all. Even I felt sorry for her being so dejected like this.

“Cheer up. Hmm, tomorrow if you properly explain to him, it’ll be okay. I also will talk to him if there’s a chance.” I consoled her.

Perhaps, Yuzu finally could organize her mind, she took a few deep breaths in order to calm down.

“…That’s right. For the time being, we’ll put off thinking of the excuse to give to Sota, we first have to learn from our mistake to do better next time.”

“O, Oh?” By reflex, I straightened my back when I saw Yuzu weirdly regain her momentum.

“Our problem is we lack proper communication… To say it frankly, we’re not exactly getting along well with each other.”

“We’re a fake couple, after all, we didn’t even have much contact before.”

First of all, the worlds we lived in were different. There was no way we could suddenly hit it off together.

“Until now, I assumed it would suffice as long as we did the bare minimum in this cooperation… But if an accident like today occurs, it’ll be another issue. Yamato-kun, we have to properly know each other and get along well.”

“Umm… I guess you have a valid point there.”

Honestly, I had a premonition that it would be something bothersome, but I preferred not to see Yuzu dejected like that; I should be sincere by showing an attitude that I’m all in for whatever solution she had.

“With that said, although it feels like some damage was already done, firstly we have to make a plan how to get along and act properly as a couple!” Yuzu announced with eyes full of determination; I slightly tilted my head, feeling a bit of fear.

“How exactly, in detail?” When I asked that, Yuzu pointed a finger at me with a snap and announced her idea.

“The best way to get along is to hang out together. In other words, we’ll go on a date!”

chocolala: Up till here is what is available to be read online in kakuyomu as the sneak peek. From the next part is from the LN (thanks to our donator that makes this possible~)