Volume 2 - CH 1.2

When we all walked into the classroom, my classmates took one look at us and then quickly looked away. At first, they were surprised to see a loner dork and a Riaju dating, but after a month, they were already used to it and didn’t have much of a reaction anymore.

Among them, there was only one person who reacted differently. It was Yuzu’s friend, Namase.

“Well, I guess we’re all here now. Sit down, you two. Let’s start the discussion.”

He—who was there during the incident the other day and knew the circumstances of us being a fake couple—looked a little surprised when he saw the two of us arrive at school side by side; but for some reason, he stood in front of the podium without mentioning it.

Yuzu and I looked at each other and then sat down in our seats.

After confirming that everyone was seated, Namase opened his mouth. “Well, I’d like to talk about the school festival coming up in three weeks.”

I remembered that Namase was a member of the festival committee. I wasn’t very actively involved, but if I was not mistaken, our class’s project was a cafe.

“You all know that this year’s festival will be held on the 30th and 31st of October and that the entire school will be in Halloween mode, right?”

Yes, the festival committee and the student council took the lead in ensuring the entire school adhered to the theme. This had never been attempted in the past year, so I could foresee some troubles here and there… But was there anything wrong with our class’s project?

“Oh, before you ask, class preparation is going really well. I’d even say it’s the best among the first year’s classes,”  Namase annotated as if he could read my mind.

However, he didn’t look too happy even by saying that.

“It’s just that things are going so well in our class that I’ve been approached by some people… requesting me to offer some helping hands. It seems that some of the clubs are behind in their preparations for the festival.”

I see. Work gathers under those who can do it.

As I was being convinced of this, one of the boys stood up with an awkward look on his face. He was tall and slender, with his hair cut short and a fresh, handsome appearance. He was Sakuraba Sota.

“I’m sorry. It’s our basketball team that’s behind on preparations.” He looked apologetic as he admitted that, though it was probably not his sole responsibility.

“I’m ashamed to ask this, but it would be great if one or two of you could help me,” Sakuraba called out, but everybody in the class sported difficult faces..

“I’ve got club activities…”

“Me too…”

Even though Sakuraba was well-liked, it seemed difficult to find someone who could help at this busy time of year.

There, I gazed in the direction of a girl. A girl with long flaxen hair and a small body but possessed a strong presence—Kotani Aya.

She had a thing for Sakuraba, and it would be best if she could make a move here, but…


Not gonna move, huh?

Was it because of her passive personality when it came to love, or because they were still in the middle of recovering their relationship? Kotani only swam her eyes as if she was hesitating.

The situation came to a standstill. A slightly heavy air began to hang over the class. 

I, like many others, was watching from the sidelines as if it was something completely unrelated to me. It was then that unexpectedly…no, it should be said that it was only normal that a girl had read the mood and raised her hand.

“May I volunteer?” Needless to say, it was Yuzu.

This narcissist was a girl who loved herself, but she was not self-centered; she was someone who would think about the people around her.

Seeing that, Namase made an awkward face.

“Um… is that okay? Yuzu-cchi?”

Namase was grateful for the offer but he was also at a loss since he knew more than anyone else about the awkward relationship between Yuzu and Sakuraba.

“Yeah. I can’t just leave him in trouble.” Yuzu nodded easily.

I inadvertently peered at Kotani.


Whoa, she was wooden stiff.

But it was no surprise. She would certainly be stumped when Yuzu made such a move while their relationship was still precarious. Deep in their hearts, Kotani, Sakuraba, Namase, and Yuzu—although she didn’t show it on her face—must all be really worried about the future of their relationship.

“Uh, is there anyone else?” Namase, who had accepted Yuzu’s offer, asked for another volunteer.

His face oozed with the feeling that he wanted another person who could ease the situation somehow.

Now it had come to this, I had no other choice.

“…I’ll do it.” After a lot of internal conflict and struggle, I slowly raised my hand.

I was the only person who could easily prevent Yuzu and Sakuraba from getting closer during this festival. If I show off being together with Yuzu, Kotani would be relieved too. Although I felt reluctant to do so, this was after all a part of the after-service for my job.

“Izumi, are you sure?” Namase asked me in a caring way.

I stood up and swallowed my emotions before nodding. “It’s a given, right? See, I’m Yuzu’s boyfriend! I thought it would be fun to prepare for the festival together with her!”

My half-desperate cringy line echoed throughout the classroom.

“Well…is that okay with you, Yuzu-cchi?”

My classmates seemed to be convinced by my explosive lovey-dovey statement; on the contrary, Namase, who knew about our fake couple’s situation, seemed to be troubled and was asking Yuzu for confirmation.

Then she smiled and nodded as well. “Yeah. I can’t let my boyfriend get lonely too. I’m sorry, but please include us as a set.”

She was starting to act like she was a grown-up girlfriend dealing with a spoiled boyfriend. Hey, I’m the one offering back-up to you! Urgh, this is vexing.

“All right then. Let’s get these two to help with the basketball team.”

I had no idea what Namase had inferred as he looked at us, but he didn’t pursue the matter any further and proceeded to talk about the cultural festival.

However, my classmates paid him no attention and instead sent a warm look to me and Yuzu.

Haha… Just kill me already.