Volume 2 - CH 1.4

After school.

As I was going to be helping out with the basketball team today, I visited the gym with Yuzu.

“Hmmm… the gymnasium.” I groaned quietly as I looked up at the familiar exterior of the facility.

I felt somewhat uncomfortable since I had just recently fought a decisive battle here with many things at stake. More than anything, the fact that Yuzu was next to me made me feel even more uncomfortable.

“Fufu, this is a memorable place where Yamato-kun did his best for me—his beloved.” And sure enough, she started to joke about it.

“I did it then and I do it now because it’s my job.”

“There you go, getting shy yet again. You tsundere.”

I walked into the gymnasium, depressed and annoyed with Yuzu poking my side with her fingers, but I passed her by.

“Excuse me…” 

“Defense, you’re late getting back! Don’t dawdle after the shot goes in!” 

Immediately, the gymnasium was filled with the sound of lively voices and the vibration of bouncing balls.

I couldn’t help but look at Yuzu. “…I thought they were preparing for the festival.”

“They’re practicing as usual. What should we do, Yamato-kun?”

Without a chance to intervene, Yuzu and I watched them practice for a while.

It seemed that they were in the middle of a heated red-and-white match1  and everyone was so focused on the game that they didn’t seem to notice us.

Then I noticed something strange. “There are so few people here.”

The red-and-white match was also a bit unnatural, with one team having only four players.

“Oh, I’ve heard that second years have to take additional classes to prepare for university entrance exams.”

“So there’s only first years here…they already have to think about the entrance exam already, that’s tough.” I couldn’t help but frown at the thought of myself next year.

“That’s why they’re behind on preparations for the festival. Most second years don’t participate.”

“That’s tough on them. Well, if it’s mainly first-year students, it’ll be easier for us to talk to them.”

While I was listening to Yuzu explaining the circumstances of the basketball team, the buzzer sounded to announce the end of the red-and-white match.

“Oh, it’s Yuzu and Izumi.” Sakuraba, who was playing in the red-and-white match, finally noticed our presence.

“Good work, Sota. It looks like you’ve been playing a big role.”

“Haha. The seniors aren’t here. so I’m taking it easy.”

Yuzu smiled as she spoke to him, and Sakuraba responded without hesitation.

To those around us, it might have seemed like a normal friendship, but to me, who knew what was going on, the conversation seemed a little awkward. It was invisible, but there was definitely a big wall—rather than a wall, should I say scab?—or something like that.

…Well, as Yuzu had said, I guess that meant their relationship was under repair. The wounds they had both suffered might not have healed, but they were trying to come to terms with them and work through them. Not only these two, but also Kotani and Namase.

“Izumi,” Sakuraba called out my name. Apparently, the conversation with Yuzu had come to an end. “I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you the other day. Well, I’m going to cause inconvenience on you again,” Sakuraba said to me with a wry smile.

…Since I hadn’t talked to him nearly as much since then, I felt really awkward over here.

“Um, well, I was just working on my own terms. Last time, and this time, too.”

“I see.” Sakuraba nodded his head in a low voice. 

Hmm, I still couldn’t keep the conversation going.

I made eye contact with Yuzu to ask her to help me out, and she seemed to sense it and immediately brought up the next topic. “Hey, your club is doing its activities as usual, is the festival preparation going to be okay?”

At Yuzu’s words, Sakuraba made a grim expression.

“Honestly, it’s not okay. But if the female basketball team doesn’t move, we can’t do anything.”

Sakuraba’s somewhat grumbling tone gave me some idea of the situation inside.

“I see. You mean the girls are leading the basketball team’s program for the festival?” 

“Yeah. Originally, the boys’ priority was club activities. It has been the tradition that girls would organize the things for the festival, but…it looks like they’re having trouble this year.”

So the boys were left with no choice but to wait.

“So, where are the girls?” Yuzu darted her gaze around.

Speaking of which, I hadn’t seen any girls since a while ago.

“I think they’re in the middle of discussing what play would be chosen for the festival. I’m sure they’ll be back soon.”

The three of us turned our gazes toward the gym door. Just then, a female student came back just in time.

“Oh, it’s Kunie-san. Here!”

When Sakuraba called out, the girl called Kunie jolted her shoulders and her gaze wandered here and there.

I could tell by that gesture. This girl was the same type as me—socially inept2.

Yuzu, whose boyfriend was  a dork with the same characteristic, also noticed this and stopped Sakuraba with her hand.

“You shouldn’t call out so loud, Sota. Yamato-kun and I will ask what’s going on.”

“Me too?” As soon as I said that, Yuzu grabbed my wrist and headed directly to Kunie-san.

“Oh, um…aa…” Kunie-san fidgeted and squirmed like a small animal.

Yuzu smiled good-naturedly as she reassured Kunie, “I’m sorry for being so sudden. My name is Nanamine Yuzu. Nice to meet you.”


It looks like Kunie’s alertness faded a little. Wow, as expected as a socially adept monster!

“I just want to ask you a bit about the cultural festival, Kunie-chan, do you know anything?”

“Yeah, that’s…” When asked, Kunie clammed up as if she didn’t know how to explain.

It seemed like it was hard for her to speak about that, should I try another question?

“What happened to the other girls in the club?” I asked.

Although she was startled when I spoke out of the blue, she answered slowly, as if it was easier to answer than Yuzu’s question. “Well, we’re still discussing…it’s almost over, so I left earlier to get things ready for practice…”

“So it looks like the talks are coming to an end.”

“I think so.”

Then there was no point in holding her here any longer. “Well, thank you. I’m sorry to interrupt your practice.”

“No, no. Excuse me.” Kunie-san bowed and retreated a little farther away from us.

When I saw her, I suddenly remembered a nostalgic scene. When I was still on the junior high school basketball team, I had once met a girl who was like this.