Volume 2 - CH 2.5

T/N: A day after I posted the prev part, I noticed there was actually an illustration for that, so I only added it later, check that out if you haven’t seen the weary Namase wanting Yamato to listen to him vent

Several days had passed since we started to help the basketball club prepare for the upcoming festival. Although Yuzu and I had been spending a lot of time at the basketball club recently, we still had to participate in the class preparations. 

“…Again, we’re assigned such a menial task.”

In the classroom after school hours. When I saw the balloons on the desk, I had a mixed feeling. 

“It can’t be helped. They can’t entrust important work to someone who only comes to help once in a while,” Yuzu said as she drew the face of a jack-o-lantern on the balloons. 

Our task today was to draw jack-o’-lantern faces on balloons to hand out to the children in the audience. The purpose of handing them out was to mark the children’s straying in the crowds, but they needed to look like jack-o-lanterns to preserve the world view. 

“Well, I don’t want to be in charge of anything more important than I already am, so the easier the better.”

As I worked, I glanced around to see the state of the class. My classmates were happily deciding on the decor and menu for our coffee shop. Sakuraba was also here today, so a circle of people had formed around him.  

“Sakuraba, like us, only comes in once in a while, but everyone in the class seems to depend on him.”

What a difference in treatment. Well, I didn’t really mind.

“Even in between his club activities, Sota properly offers assistance to the class. Me too, by the way,” Yuzu remarked in a slightly boastful manner. 

“Then why do you have to do the same work as me, Yuzu?” 

“This is my consideration you see, I figure this is better than letting you work alone.”

“No, I don’t find it hard to be alone, it’s all right.”

That was rather an unwanted consideration. If that was why we were doing the same work, I would rather not. 

Just as I was thinking this, Yuzu smiled at me.

“Even if it’s not hard for you to be alone, I’m being considerate to you who probably wants to stay together with me.”

Turned out, it was her considerate act born out of her narcissism. Taking it that way, I became more unwilling instead. 

“If that’s the case, I’ll respectfully decline.”

When I flatly refused her, Yuzu puffed out her cheeks, “*pouts* I just wanted to be with Yamato-kun, but you said you didn’t mind being alone, so you see, I just can’t say it honestly. Ugh, just read between the lines, you dummy.” 

“O-oh,” I was caught off-guard with the unexpectedly cute reason, it left me startled. 

But well… it was natural for me to be surprised there.

“Um, err, but Yuzu, is it okay for you not to be with Kotani or the others?” I mumbled in a quiet voice so the concerned parties wouldn’t hear me and lightly shot them a glance. 

Kotani was working on some task with her friends… but in a different group from Sakuraba. She appeared to enjoy her work, but at a moment’s notice, she sneaked a glance at Sakuraba. 

“Hm, okay I guess… Or should I say, it’ll be more complicated if I join her?” Yuzu replied to my question with a complicated look on her face. 

“Aki said she’ll stop dragging on this matter and while she doesn’t show it on her face when they’re together… I think she still likes Sakuraba.”

And that Sakuraba was in love with Yuzu. This was the difficult part of their love triangle. 

However, if Yuzu were to say anything to smooth the situation, Aki would only take it as a condescending gesture.

“…No wonder Namase was on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion.”

From my observation, Namase was acting as a bridge between both parties of Sakuraba and Kotani; letting them join in the conversation every now and then. I guess he was trying to get them used to each other little by little.


“I feel bad for Keigo, though. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Yuzu cast her eyes down once she apologetically swept her gaze over her friends. 

“What do you want Kotani to do?”

Did she want Kotani to give up on Sota, or chase after him? Unless Yuzu’s stance was clear, I couldn’t figure out a way to approach this problem. 

“I don’t know. No matter if she gives up on Sota or otherwise, I believe she still can’t sort out her feelings yet. It’ll be nice if there’s at least someone she can talk to about it…”

I nodded my head in agreement with Yuzu’s words, which sounded complicated.

“Indeed. But you’re in a position where you can’t do that, right? As for Namase… if he’s able to, he probably would’ve done that. Probably, there are some things you just can’t say to someone of the opposite gender.”

“However, she wouldn’t want to tell the girls in her class… She’d hate it to be seen as an object of curiosity.”

I guess it would be harder to confide in someone you were only half-heartedly close with. Maybe, it might be easier to open up to someone who was completely unrelated. However, Kotani and Yuzu had almost the same circle of friends, so it would be difficult for Yuzu to find someone who fits the bill. While the loner I also couldn’t play that role…

Ah, that’s right!   

“…How about asking Hina?” I voiced out the idea that flashed in my mind; Yuzu suspiciously stared at me with her head tilted to one side. 


“Ask Hiiragi-san?”

“Yes. She’s tight-lipped and we’re in different classes, so Kotani would not have any reservations to open up in that case.”

Even without Kotani telling her the details, the current Hina could still wittily let the other vent.

“Hmmm… That does sound like a nice idea,” Yuzu nodded as she slurred her words. 

“Hm? Is there any problem with Hina?”

To my question, Yuzu pouted her lips like a kid.

“…No. But, the fact that a girl who is close to my boyfriend might also be close to my best friend just makes me jealous for no reason.”

“You… Will you even be jealous when your best friend, a girl, befriends another girl?”

As I was astonished by her deep jealousy, Yuzu came back to her senses and her face slightly blushed.

“I don’t usually get jealous over things like this. It’s because of Yamato-kun that I’ve become this jealous. Take responsibility.”

I was a little baffled by Yuzu’s sulking, resentful attitude, “How do you expect me to be responsible?”

“I want you to spoil me so much that I don’t feel insecure, and tell me that you love me.”

“I got it. I love you.”

“That sounds so light!”

I immediately followed her instructions, but apparently, she was not the least bit pleased.

“Eh, but I did my best.”

I was rather embarrassed when I said that, you know.


But Yuzu thought I was playing a joke on her and she was completely pissed off.

“No, don’t give me that resentful look… Okay, I’ll do it right. What do you want me to do?”

When asked, Yuzu pondered for a moment and then nodded, seemed like she had come up with something.

“Anyway, since it’ll be embarrassing in public, let’s go to the literature club room.” Yuzu quickly packed up her work tools and stood up carrying them with her. 

“Literature club room? Well, anything you say.” 

Following in her wake, I also left the classroom.

chocolala: In case anyone forgets the names of the characters since they’re called differently according to their degree of closeness, they are (surnames in capital):

IZUMI Yamato