Chapter 150: My man Thaggy
Everybody stilled.
Wait, said Denzel, pushing to the fore. What do you mean, hack? As in, hack hack?
Yadriel rolled his eyes. We got ourselves a genius here.
Mavthua shivered again. The dude was incredibly excitable, James thought. Maybe because his lineage had fragmented? Then again, this shit was crazy.
Hack/compromise the System through unauthorized access to the root processes/bones. We have discovered/developed a means to bypass the artificial constraints/manifestations of the Systems powers so as to manipulate the fundamental nature of the Void-state branes and express them as we deem fit/optimal.
We need Star Boy, stat, said Serenity.
Kerim raised both palms, went to speak, sighed and closed his eyes. Slow down, please, Mavthua. You are saying that you have found a means to access the root coding language? of the System?
When the System manifested/invaded Arkhos, we were given an interface/symbiotic integration with powers and enhancements that were dependent on the killing of svaghuathua. The more we killed, the more abilities/enhancements the System made available to us in the form of unspent tokens/points. This happened on your homeworld/you?
Yeah, said James. Ours were called Benedictions, Arete, Aeviternum. But it was relative. Different faiths and outlooks were presented with different names.
The same took place on Arkhos. The points that were awarded are discrete energy packets siphoned/clutched off the Void-state brane by means of the Reservoir Cubes system. Those energy packets/points are fueled by the unified forces in the universe, namely gravity/electromagnetism/strong and weak nuclear forces. The genius/mastery of the Eluthaarii lies in the technology behind the Reservoir Cubes which can translate/traduce the Void-state energy into a basic/fungible tokens that can be applied to a variety of powers. Thus they can be used to manipulate space-time and the universes four forces to defy traditional/observable physics. Flight, teleportation, custom energy fields, the manipulation of physical bodies, and so forth can be created/manipulated.
Mavthua had regained control of himself, and delivered this last in a steady, calm manner. These Void-state derived energy packets/points thus can be used/expended to change the normal functioning of the universe by imposing/overwhelming natural systems through an excess of energy as guided by the Reservoir Cubes and the System. However, the Eluthaarii did not wish/desire for us to gain complete control of this power/energy; they thus limited how the points could be spent via a restricted/approved power system embedded in the form of the System.
Oh shit, said Serenity. So thats why I mean, almost all of our powers are limited to hurting demons, right?
James nodded. But when we fought Becca she had access to powers that knocked us on our ass.
The system was custom tailored and rigged against us from the start, breathed Kerim. It makes complete sense now. We were given biblical powers - to heal, to control emotions, to adopt the guise of demons and shadows - but all limited to those that benefitted us only when we used them to follow the Systems program.
Correct. Mavthua shifted his bulk. But with access to hundreds of Reservoir Cubes, we Zorathians were able to reverse-engineer/dissect the cubes and exploit the moment in the process when they flowed into the System. By short circuiting/interrupting the flow, we were able to break free of the Systems restrictions and custom design our own powers.
Jamess eyes widened. You what now? You custom designed your own Miracles?
Correct. However, it is a vastly complicated process and beyond our ability to fine tune/master. Thus we have leaned on the Systems interface as much as possible while selectively tweaking/redesigning powers to meet our requirements. It is because of this that our clutch leaders/heroes were able to absorb so much power; not only did they have access to communal grounding through the substrate, but we fed the cubes power to them gradually.
Jason ran his hand over his buzz cut. What kind of powers did you create?
The key/fundamental nature of the Void system lies in the conflicting application of points. Abundance/Arete creates a reservoir of power that can be applied to any ability/blessing. One multiplies expended Abundance by the base blessing cost and attempt to overwhelm the enemy. If two powers enter in conflict/opposition then the attack with the most cumulative points behind it wins. Simple.
Everyone nodded.
Base level attack powers all begin at 50 points. Rend/Smite, for example. They cost a set amount of Abundance to activate, though a System user can gain more control over the amount expended in time. Smite has a base level Abundance draw of 15. Thus a base-level Smite attack deploys 750 points against a foe.
Svaghuathua have offensive and defensive power arrays determined by their iteration. Thus if a Zorathian utilizes/deploys a 50 point attack fueled by 15 points from Abundance, against an Iteration 1 svaghuathua with a 20 point defense fueled by 10 point Abundance, the svaghuathua will perish.
Sure, said James. Makes sense. But when I made Lord of the Increate I - I mean, we - developed the ability to decide how much of your divine pool - I mean, Abundance - to put into any one power.
Correct. But your powers and abilities are still limited by the size of your Abundance reservoir and the base level of your attacks such as Smite. Thus if your Abundance/Arete at Lord of the Increate 1 is 600 and you utilize/deploy Smite, you cannot harm a svaghuathua Iteration 30 demon with a defensive power such as Carapace with a 100 point base and an Abundance of 1,000.
Which is what wed be facing deeper in, said Jason grimly.
Correct. Which is why we Zorathian did not develop many powers. Instead we focused on creating a balance between base level cost and Abundance pool. A Lord of the Increate 1 with a 600 Abundance and a 50 point Smite can deploy 30,000 point attack. But if they refashioned/customized their Smite to be exactly half of the available points, 325, and attacked with a 325 Abundance, their attack would be 105,625.
Holy shit, said Serenity. Same number of points?
Kerims expression was grim. But over three times as powerful.
Excuse me? Miriam raised her hand from the back of the group. This is all theoretical, right? Because havent we already spent our powers? Is this for future powers?
We aint got time for that, growled Yadriel.
Incorrect. We devised a means to recover all expended points into a base pool that can be spent anew.
Everybody gaped.
So we must go inside black hole?
Correct. I have hypothesis/idea for how to insert into facility without being detected. Direct teleportation into ever-collapse is not possible, as Eluthaarii ward all valuable locations such as every level in Pit beyond 18 and their command centers in inter-galactic space, and I do not think/believe it possible to enter coordinates into portal key for interior of black hole without much more time/study. Instead, we shall appear within event horizon of ever-collapse inside a demiplanar space attached to a power-enhanced phase molecule that shall dive into the ever-collapse directly.
OK, said Olaf. Why not?
Wait, said Serenity, fingertips to her temples. Isnt that like going in through the front door?
No, said Mavthua.
You can fashion a vehicle that can carry us in? asked Kerim. Black holes compress everything no matter what its made of.
We would craft vehicle so that it phases in and out of substrate space, said Mavthua. Using theories derived/learned from Void-state dimension.
Sure, said Kerim, throwing his hands up. Like Olaf said: why not?
Were still in, said James. When are we making this happen?
Now, said Mavthua. I will rejoin/reconnect to clan substrate soon to avoid/disarm growing suspicion. Then we shall reconfigure your points, craft an optimal clutch dynamic, assign new powers, and then activate key portal to teleport directly outside ever-collapse.
Say our vehicle carries us into the black hole, said James. What happens then? Even with redesigned sheets we cant fight the Eluthaarii.
Eluthaarii do not guard ever-collapse facilities, said Mavthua. There are three of them. They monitor distant galaxies, oversee Systems on Pit-impacted planets, and evolve. They leave guard duty to high powered servants.
And we can take those on? asked Serenity.
We can but try, rumbled Mavthua softly.
Its all weve ever done. James scrubbed at his face. All right. Lets get started. What do we need to do?
We shall interface you with our System hacking process. You shall oversee the deselection of point assignment. Once you have reduced yourself to your natural/original state, and have all your points in a state of unspent potential, we shall discuss optimal expenditure based on the nature of this mission.
Word, said Yadriel. Lets have at it.
Mavthuas buddy pointed his huge gauntleted hand at the armchairs. You must sit. Interface will appear once you grant permission/access.
So thats why you extruded the armchairs, huh? James smiled wryly. This was your plan all along.
Not plan/contrivance, said Mavthua. Hope.
Everybody up for this? James looked around his crew. Nobody signed up for diving into a black hole. If you want out, no harm no foul. We can portal you home and you can help the others.
Were in, said Denzel. Right?
Absolutely, said Kerim.
Are you kidding me? What else have I got to do on a Serenity hesitated. What day of the week is this?
I always dream of flying to Valhll with Valkyrie, said Olaf. Instead, I fly into black hole with my best friends. Better.
Heck to the motherfuckin yeah, said Yadriel. This is all part of my climb to godhood, yo.
Were in, said Jason quietly, taking Miriams hand. Right?
Miriam gave a curt nod. All the way.
Kimmie took a deep breath and forced a shaky smile. I spent an eternity flying around the stars not too long ago. Im up for a return.
Then its decided. James sat down on the armchair. It was surprisingly comfortable and contoured itself to his form instantly. Ready when you are, Mavthua.
The Zorathian couldnt nod, lacking a neck, but he shivered instead. Good/excellent/high approval. Let us begin. Accept the interface and prepare to become a mere mortal once more.