Book 1 (Chapters 1 - 57) released on Amazon/KU!

Name:Dawn of the Void Author:
Book 1 (Chapters 1 - 57) released on Amazon/KU!

What a ride.

I didn't plan on writing Dawn of the Void. I thought Skadi's Saga was going to be my one attempt at a web novel, and had actually begun working on Bastion 2 when the idea for DotV hit me late one night. It kept me up thinking and first thing the next morning I hammered out a chapter and posted it. No plans, no advance chapters, nothing.

Just a desire to explore integrity in the face of extreme adversity, friendship and failure, tragedy and heroism.

Recommended reading:

In the meantime, I thought I'd share some RR stories worth checking out. Take a look:

Road to Mastery by ValeriosWish Upon the Stars by Malcolm TentAnd (N)one Shall Remain by AvitueSybil - Primordial Ascension by AzrieGodclads by Ostensible Mammal

Thanks everyone for reading. I've appreciated your comments, reviews, and company more than you know. From your reactions to Bjorn taking a bullet to the brain to James hacking his way into the node, it's been a blast to share this tale with you all.

A parting question: what was your favorite moment from the story?

Until the next time, everyone.