After running off in the opposite direction from the Howler, Zane found himself searching for a store. More specifically, a sporting goods store. Luckily for him, this shopping mall had one of such locations within it.
The sporting goods store was the largest store in the outdoor shopping mall. It was a two story building with a roof so large that it could and did fit a Ferris wheel inside of it. Like most of the city, the store appeared to have been ransacked already.
Windows were shattered, and dead bodies were scattered throughout the building. Some of which were killed by the hands of the living and others were picked clean by the myriad of undead that were currently stalking through the store.
Interestingly enough, the Ferris wheel was still turning around, while music played across the entirety of the building, an almost haunting reminder that just a few days ago, this was a place to be enjoyed by the public.
Zane, of course, treated the area with caution, as he made his way to the second floor, in hopes that some useful items would still remain. After all, that was the section which was dedicated to firearms and outdoor equipment.
After taking the escalator to the top, Zane walked around, flashing his weapon light around, looking for any potential hostiles. Yet all he saw were the dead who walked across the area without a slightest bit of conscious thought.
After a swift search, Zane found that all the firearms that had been out on display, whether openly, or behind class, had been stolen by the lotters. Normally there would be hundreds of guns, of various different types, for sale in this second store area, but now there was nothing.
Not only had the weapons been stolen, but so too had the accessories. Whether it was magazines, spare bolts, optics, or even stocks, pistol grips, and rail attachments. Pretty much everything was gone, aside from the most worthless of such devices.
Knowing that this plate carrier was lightweight and could be worn beneath a jacket rather than exclusively over one. Zane quickly pulled the body armor out of his carrier and put it in the new low profile one, where he then placed it over his chest.
Interestingly enough, this plate carrier had built in pockets which could hold the three magazines he normally kept on his chest. Thus, he placed the STANAG Magazines in the pouches before looking for the last two items of clothing that he needed.
Zane quickly found a pair of half finger tactical gloves sitting on one of the shelves, which he pulled out of the packaging before placing them on his fingers. Where he eventually returned to his rifle. Grabbing hold of it and slinging it over his chest.
Once he had done this, he began searching for the last piece of clothing he needed, but not before stumbling upon an interesting find. The standard issue GI sling to the m4 carbine was in all honesty a piece of shit, thus it came as a surprise when he found a much more modern option and in a matching black color nearby.
This sling came with QD attachment points, which he was quick to replace his current sling, that was wrapped around his M4 Carbine. Finally, after doing this, and having a better sling option, which would allow him too much more rapidly bring his rifle into action, Zane went back down to the first floor, where he searched for a jacket.
Zane quickly found the jacket he wanted, which was a sporting style synthetic leather jacket, with a built in cotton hoodie. Which he wrapped around his torso, allowing him to sport off a fashionable, yet functional kit.
While Zane was collecting his new gear, he was entirely unaware that he was being watched from a nearby building. After all, while his rifle light was excellent for spotting and disorienting potential hostiles. It also completely gave away his position to anybody within visible distance.
Thus, a group of survivors had quickly spotted Zane and begun to encircle his position. Whether they intended to rob him, kill him, or negotiate, Zane could not be any more aware.