Chapter 157

She made up her mind to leave her daughter in the hospital. She can't go back now!

Later, Wei Yan took Gu Nanxiang to his home.

Because Wei Yan said that she would send her home, she only said that she had no home.

Her poor appearance made Wei Yan feel pity.

Gu Nanxiang probably lived in Wei Yan's home for a month. In that month, Wei Yan learned a lot about what happened to her. Probably from that time on, he had different feelings for Gu Nanxiang.

Although he still doesn't know whether this strange feeling is due to sympathy

"Yes It's also the child I left in the hospital when you saved me. " Gu Nanxiang bent down to open the drawer and took out the annual inspection report: "this is the inspection report. Have a look at it."

Wei Yan took over the inspection report and read it carefully.

About a few minutes later, he said, "if you trust me to give your daughter to me, I am about 80% or 90% sure that she will recover."

"Really?" Gu Nanxiang asked in surprise, which is good news for her.

"Well Over the years, I often study the healing of burned skin. Now there are mature skin grafting techniques in China. If everything goes well, there are still ways. " Wei Yan never makes an uncertain guarantee.

Gu Nan Xiang gratefully smile to him: "that I thank you first!"

Wei Yan takes another look at the child on the bed and asks, "Pei Qiyan Do you know about the children? "

Referring to Pei Qiyan, Gu Nanxiang's eyes became a little unnatural. She touched her nose and tried to make her tone sound like a breeze: "he's such a busy person. Even if he knows about children, what's the matter? Now that he has his own business, it is impossible for him to abandon it and get involved in the affairs of our mother and daughter? "

"It's not safe for you and your daughter to stay in this hospital. No one knows when the paparazzi will come in. It's not a good thing for you if the news gets out that you are unmarried and have a child first. " Wei Yan thought carefully: "anyway, next, I also have to help treat the injury year after year. Why don't we wait until I clean up the guest room at home and let year after year live."

"Is that too much trouble for you?" Gu Nanxiang is also afraid of being in debt.

"I'm a doctor. I have some medical equipment in my family. It's very convenient to live there every year. I'm a single man. I'm in no trouble. If you really feel bad In the future, please treat me to more meals, or introduce more beautiful women to me. " Wei Yan smiles.

Gu Nanxiang was amused by his words: "OK, there are many beauties in the entertainment circle. When I have a chance later, I will definitely introduce them to you."

However, before Wei Yan was to be taken away year by year, another big event happened.

It happened the next day.

On this day, Pei Qiyan had promised to attend Nie Yuner's painting exhibition.

Because of Pei Qiyan's promise, Nie Yuner came to his cloakroom the night before and carefully selected the clothes he would wear at the exhibition tomorrow.

Looking at Nie Yuner's expectant appearance, the maid, who is in charge of following Nie Yuner, can't help joking with Nie Yuner: "young grandma, every decision of the young master can make you happy for a long time. Only in front of the young master can you pay attention to your image. You seldom come to this cloakroom on weekdays. "

"He said that he would come to my exhibition, and I wanted him to see a different me. He is so excellent, and no matter how hard I run, I can't catch up with him... " In front of Pei Qiyan, Nie Yuner has some inferiority.

Maybe as the previous book said, when you love someone, you will really humble yourself into the dust.

Only, her this humble, has not opened a flower now.

I don't know if her marriage with PEI Qiyan can produce a flower.

The maid immediately comforted her: "young granny, don't always belittle yourself. How nice you are, you have a good character, you are beautiful, and you are always considerate. Mr. Wang should be glad to have such a good wife as you. "

Nie yun'er smiles, and then takes down a lotus pink dress in the wardrobe. She puts the dress in front of her and compares it a little: "can you help me see if this dress is suitable? I have to speak on stage at tomorrow's exhibition. "

"It suits your complexion! Otherwise, try it first! We can have a night to try it slowly. We're not in a hurry. "

That night, Nie yun'er was so excited that he didn't fall asleep.

Pei Qiyan didn't come back that night, so at dawn the next day, she made a special call to Pei Qiyan: "Qiyan, I didn't disturb you, did I?"


"I want to ask You are really coming to my exhibition today, aren't you? " Nie yun'er asked cautiously, almost holding his breath.And when he confidently told her, "I'll come." At that time, she really felt that there was a flower in her heart.

She dropped her eyes and gave a satisfied smile: "OK, I'll wait for you at the exhibition. When the exhibition is over, you can go shopping with me. You haven't gone out with me for a long time."

"Yes, it's up to you."

"Well Then go ahead and do your work Nie yun'er smiles happily.

She is such an easy to satisfy woman, as long as Pei Qiyan is willing to care about her a little, she will feel very happy.

However, when Pei Qiyan set out and was on his way to the exhibition site, his mobile phone rang. It was one of his bodyguards.

"Mr. Pei, it's not good. I don't know who disclosed the news of treatment in the hospital every year. Now there are a lot of paparazzi in the hospital! Miss Gu is surrounded by these reporters and can't get out at all! The hospital is in chaos... "

The bodyguard's words made Pei Qiyan's face suddenly change. He immediately said to the driver, "turn around now and go to Tianli hospital!"

"Mr. Pei, won't you go to the young lady's painting exhibition?" The driver can see from Pei Qiyan's expression that Pei Qiyan should have encountered something that he has to deal with.

Referring to Nie Yuner's painting exhibition, Pei Qiyan had to take out his mobile phone and make a call to Nie Yuner.

She answers the phone very quickly: "opening words."

"I have something to deal with immediately. Art Exhibition I'll try to get there. " Pei Qiyan some sorry said, breach of contract is not his wish, but Gu Nanxiang there is an accident, he can't sit back and ignore.