Chapter 2485 Celis's Predicament

Name:Death… And Me Author:
Chapter 2485 Celis's Predicament

While a certain bird was trembling, the group finally started their breakthroughs. They also did it outside of the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm, afraid that the moment they were supposed to touch the laws, the dimensional realm might get in the way. After all, it was capable of blocking pretty much any kind of signal and perception.This content has its origins in n0v£lbin★

Several hundred Divine Origin Energy Cores surrounded each of them, making the environment quite stagnant with so much energy. That was to guarantee there would be no lack of energy. Finally, they started their breakthroughs. Rean and Roan followed the cultivation manual, while Celis and Kentucky followed their instincts.

The initial part was easy, and they quickly reached the point in between both realms. However, that's where things got troublesome. Sure, they had to feel the laws that are now there... but how? In the end, that was something that couldn't be explained. They could only rely on themselves.

The state in which they weren't in either of the realms continued for several hours, and the Divine Origin Energy Cores were being used nonstop. That went to show why Space-Time Realm experts were so rare. It wasn't just about reaching the peak of the Elemental Space Realm but also having enough resources to keep that state. If one failed, they would need to go out and amass more Divine Stones to try again. Just how long would it take? Fortunately, the twins' group had no problems with resources.

Surprisingly, the very first one of them to finally notice something was Kentucky. Roan had scared him so much that every fiber of his body was focused on trying to feel the laws. Of course, he didn't feel both laws at the same time. Instead, the first one he noticed was Darkness. Kentucky felt like the Dark Element around him transformed, becoming something more tangible. At the same time, it didn't. 'So these are the laws of darkness...'

Kentucky couldn't even tell which was which at the moment. Nonetheless, it was like riding a bicycle. Once Kentucky understood how to feel the laws of Darkness, he would never forget it again. Kentucky then quickly calmed down. He felt like that if he wanted, he could try to push for the breakthrough with the Laws of Darkness. However, Jeskli had already warned him. If he tried to go forward with one of the two only, his cultivation would deviate and he would suffer a huge backlash, ultimately even losing cultivation instead of advancing to the next realm.

Whether it was because of their connection with Kentucky or because Kentucky did that right on their side, Rean and Roan also felt like something changed. The Laws of Darkness suddenly showed themselves for them, giving the twins the same perception as Kentucky did.

However, that immediately surprised both of them. After all, Rean and Roan could feel each other. That meant both Rean and Roan knew that Rean had just touched the Laws of Darkness!

"This..." Rean extended his hand and felt like he could call the Dark Element in the surroundings as easily as he could the Light Element. The surprising part of this was that he wasn't exchanging elements with Roan. That was his ability alone. "Seems like our connection goes beyond even the Laws of the Universe, Roan."

Roan nodded, quickly understading that Rean now could use the Laws of Darkness. "Indeed. If that's the case, then the same goes for me and the Laws of Light. Focus and try to touch the Laws of Light. Our connection should give me the necessary push to touch them as well."

Now... Rean and Roan were ready for their breakthrough. It's just that they couldn't do it yet since neither Kentucky nor Celis were over with theirs... but not for long.

It still took another 40 or so minutes, but Kentucky finally got there. The Laws of Light were a lot more active in the area after Rean and Roan's first connection with it, and that made it easier for Kentucky as well. That made Rean and Roan sure that it was thanks to Kentucky that Roan initially touched the Laws of Darkness. Now, they paid the favor.

Kentucky sighed in relief and looked at the twins, excited. "I'm also ready!"

Rean and Roan nodded as they looked at Celis. They knew Cesli had already touched the Laws of Wood, so they didn't understand why he wasn't ready. If anything, he was supposed to be the first of them during the moment he did that. Of course, they didn't bother him. Instead, they replenished the Divine Origin Energy Cores around him, making sure Celis had everything he needed.

Yet, that situation dragged itself for over a day! Rean, Roan, and Kentucky were even starting to feel tired. They had kept that very thin connection with the Laws of Light and Darkness all this time, just waiting for the moment they could break through.

"Could it be we are going to fail here?" Roan couldn't help but comment.

Rean sighed. "Perhaps... and it wasn't even because of Kentucky. Who could have thought that?"

Kentucky's eye twitched a little. "Fuck you!"

Rean laughed a little when suddenly, Divine Origin Energy began to be absorbed at a much greater speed by Celis roots.

It far surpassed his previous limit at the Elemental Space Realm. No, it was just ridiculously fast, not something that could be explained with just the breakthrough between realms. "I see... I... am a World Swallowing Cedar..."