Chapter 2520 Newcomers

Name:Death… And Me Author:
Chapter 2520 Newcomers

?Aelire was surprised to hear even Rean would stay. "Really? But... isn't it too dangerous for us all to stay? Don't get me wrong. I'm absolutely delighted that you two will stay with me. It's just that I thought at least one of you would go back to my clan to warn everyone."

Rean shook his head. "That is indeed a good reason for one of us to leave. However, even though I said Kentucky and my soul are protected, we can't guarantee that it will work against the memory alteration of this Dimensional Realm. So... you could say I'm also doing it for myself."

"I see..." Aelrie didn't really believe Rean. After all, just a minute ago, Rean seemed extremely confident that Kentucky and his memories wouldn't change. Naturally, he just didn't want to leave Aelrie and Kentucky behind. "Thank you."

Rean just nodded and didn't mind if Aelrie believed his words or not. Now that he has decided to stay, he will go all the way. "Alright, Kentucky, Aelrie, we are going to dive deeper into the Azum Dimensional Realm. Let's stay close to the Chasm, too. That way, if we find a location where we can talk to each other further in, we can report each side's discoveries."

Kentucky quickly accepted the idea. "Okay. Aelrie, I'm going to use my Divine Energy to lock your body on my back. I just want to prevent you from losing control again."

Aelrie obviously understood why. "I also want you to do so. So far, only the Altars seemed to make me lose my sense of self. However, it isn't guaranteed that it won't happen once we go further. Let's do it like this: I'll stay still unless you tell me to do something. If I move without an order, consider that I have once again lost myself."

Furiho smiled, not minding it. "That's your job, and you did the right thing to come forward and stop us. Anyway, friend, have you seen another member of our Holamenor Clan entering this Dimensional Realm recently? It's supposed to be two males and one female, all three of them with cultivations higher than the rules permit."

"Oh! Sir must be talking about those three over there," The angel then turned around and pointed in a certain direction. Far in the distance, one could see Rean, Kentucky, and Aelrie's bodies stopped in place. "They entered the Azum Dimensional Realm over two weeks ago and haven't come out ever since."

Furiho narrowed his eyes. "What the hell are they doing in this kids' playground that is taking so long?"

Kijia obviously didn't know. "Well, perhaps they are having fun teasing the young angels? Aelrie had always been quite unruly. Did you forget the time she went to the Realm of Gods on her own, and her father had to go bring her back?"

"Tch..." Fuhiro did remember. "If I didn't know her heart was in the right place, I definitely would give her a beating."

"Hahaha!" Kijia laughed out loud. "You, beating her? You never had the courage to do anything to her. All she had to do was show you a puppy expression, and you melted instantly."

Fuhiro grew a little red. "Shut up! Let's go find that idiot."

Kijia continued to smile and assured the angel guard on the side. "Don't worry. We will not meddle with any of the young angels training, nor will we talk about the hidden truth."

The angel guard nodded in relief. "Thank you, friends."