Chapter 2617 Repair Capability

Name:Death… And Me Author:
Chapter 2617 Repair Capability

Yet, Droman, Rean's master, shook his head. "Fix isn't exactly the right word. Your attack just now broke hundreds of the triangular runes that make the armor. It's just that the runes moved to close the hole. And since they are too small, it is hard to see when it happened. Those runes are gone for good, so they will not provide protection anymore."

"Ahem..." Luan called their attention. "It hurts quite a lot. Mind if I heal my shoulder now?"

Roan glanced at him, still not forgetting the toilet joke. "What do you think?"

Luan bitterly smiled and dared not heal the wound. It wasn't anything that could cause a lasting effect, but Roan made sure to add a good amount of Dark Element to make it painful. With Luan's strength, blocking the Dark Element from spreading was hard but not impossible, so he just had to bear it for a while.

Roan then turned his attention back to Droman and the rest. "Does that mean the armor will grow weaker the more attacks it receives."

"Yes and no," Galapasan, one of the Formations Masters from Sunkan Planet, answered. "The amount of runes used in the armor is twice the necessary amount to make it cover your entire body. You see, even if those extra runes were added to make a thicker armor, the increase in defense would be pretty much negligible. That said, we used another approach."

Droman continued from there. "Indeed. Instead, the armor uses only half of the runes it is made to attach itself to the user's body. The second half stays in a suspended form, waiting for when they become necessary. The runes that closed the hole in the armor were part of these suspended runes. That said, the armor will have its full defense power even if it is filled with holes and recovers. However, these suspended runes aren't infinite. Once they are gone, the armor will indeed start losing its overall capabilities."

"By overall capabilities you mean..." Roan remembered the other functions of the armor.

Droman nodded. "Yes, that includes its other two functions."

Rean naturally had to do it. "Yes. It won't be anything ridiculous, though. Even with the full armor, our strength won't increase more than 5%, and that's already a very optimistic thought. It should be less than that."

"Any percentage of strength gained at our level is impressive in itself," Roan added before looking at Luan. "Give it a try, Luan."

Luan nodded and lt the armor use some of his Divine Origin Energy. Together with his own Spatial Affinity, the amount of Spatial Power he could use did increase, as Rean mentioned. "Uncle Rean, this is truly a treasure."

"Hehe! It has to be," Rean didn't deny that.

Roan had one last doubt after seeing that. "Alright, the armor is good. But can the broken runes be replaced later after a battle?"

"They can," Droman was the one to answer that. "The Workshops already have functional machines capable of creating these triangular runes. As long as Rean is here, we can make a lot more. Of course, the problem is the Serene Gold Filament."

Rean shrugged. "There is enough of it to make three armors. Luan, Roan, and mine. After that, we only have enough of it to repair 50% of a full armor."

"That's enough," Roan commented. "After all, each armor can fully repair itself by the equivalent of a full set with the suspended runes, so we won't run out of it anytime soon. In the future, we can gather more of this Filament if we get the chance."

Everyone agreed with that. Finally, Rean turned around, preparing to leave with the others. "Anyway, I still have Roan's and my armor to craft. You two can spend your time testing Luan's armor."

With that, Rean returned with all the experts to the workshops.