Chapter 2637 Since you say so

Name:Death… And Me Author:
Chapter 2637 Since you say so

"Sister Orb?" Everyone was taken aback by her words.

"Wait!" Rean immediately stopped Sister Orb there. "I remember very well you saying that the Chaos Origin Source is full of Divine Origin Energy. The only difference was that the Divine Origin Energy there was mixed with all types of Elements, and the Elements themselves can't be distinguished. Where did this Chaos Energy come from?" (Chapter 2055)

[That's exactly what I'm talking about,] Sister Orb continued. [Chaos Energy is basically Divine Origin Energy but in a very chaotic composition due to the mixed Elements. It's basically the same thing.]

Roan narrowed his eyes. "That doesn't make sense. You mentioned back then that the 'plane' where the Chaos Origin Source exists is overlapped with the Universe Foundation Pillar. You also said that as long as we went to the Universe FOundation Pillar, you would have a way to bring us inside the Chaos Origin Source. Are you saying this... Wonderland... is the Chaos Origin Source?" (Also Chapter 2055)

[I never said this place was the Chaos Origin Source. I only said it maybe have a connection with it,] Sister Orb explained. [Let me put a lot of emphasis on the word 'maybe,' okay? If this was the Chaos Origin Source, you would have difficulty even staying alive. The concentration of Chaos Energy there is ridiculously high. At your cultivation level, perhaps only Celis, who has a very strong connection with all types of energy, would be able to survive.]

"I very much want to pay a visit to it now," Celis couldn't help but imagine himself in such a place. It might even become his dream.

[Anyway, Celis, the remnant of energy you just felt is most likely Chaos Energy, although a very small amount of it. Nonetheless, its characteristics might allow you to detect these beasts, as Roan mentioned.]

"I already did," it was then that one of Celis's roots pointed in a direction. "Around ninety kilometers in that direction, there is another concentration of this Chaos Energy. I can't say if it is another one of these creatures or something else, but it definitely has Chaos Energy in its composition."

The creature fell to the ground, having its Chaos Laws Source, which kept it together, destroyed. Immediately, the Chaos Laws began to run out, and the group took the chance to absorb it equally. The results were several times better than when Rean tried some time ago. The Light, Dark, Wood, and Absorption Laws immediately showed themselves to their group, which they used to fill the lacunes in their comprehensions.

Still, it was too little, and they had a lot more to comprehend before they finished the first sublaw of their Major Laws. "This is amazing!" Rean couldn't help but comment. "Just now, I think I got around 5% of my comprehension of Light and Dark first sublaws done with. It was 5%! In just a few minutes! How ridiculously is that?"

Celis agreed with Rean. "Part of the reason was indeed this creature's Chaos Laws, but at the same time, it was thanks to Roan's pills. This creature boosted our senses towards our laws thousands of times, and Roan's pills multiplied what already was a huge boost."

Kentucky was the same. "Indeed. I'm also more or less like Rean; 5% of the first sublaw of Light and Dark was easily done with."

Yet, they all felt confused. The method they used to approach the beast was quite strange. They became capable of gathering the Chaos Laws of this world after Lola helped them at the entrance. Roan then taught everyone how to use these Chaos Laws, the same ones they couldn't use for comprehension, to trick the creatures' senses. In the creature's 'eyes,' it was as if their group wasn't even there.

"Roan... how did you think of such a method?" Rean couldn't help but ask.

Yet, Roan narrowed his eyes. "I didn't need to think about it. I just knew it..."

They all understood the meaning of Roan's words. Kafan warned them that once they entered this Wonderland, Roan's past life memories might unlock on their own. "Are you still Roan, then?"

Roan nodded. "Yes, there is no need to worry. I know the risks of new memories appearing, so I'm always focused on anything new. As soon as it appears in my mind, I isolate it and make sure to label the memory as not my own. I don't know if this method will continue to work, but it is very effective at the moment."

They could only trust Roan. "Since you say so..."