Chapter 2679 Pincer

Name:Death… And Me Author:
Chapter 2679 Pincer

Sophia joined her angels this time around. Her Chaos Cultivation was indeed very high with her much easier understanding of Laws as a Semi-Celestial. Suddenly, a halo of light spread, enveloping all the angels of her party. Not only did it have high Light Element and Laws, but it also carried her own Chaos Laws through her Chaos Cultivation.

All the angels felt invigorated, displaying way higher combat ability than before. They also understood the twins' method of using wide-area attacks to find the Wonder Beasts' cores, so they quickly sprung into action. Many attacks of Light Element covered the skies, hitting the wonder beasts from all sides. Sohpia's group took in ten Wonder Beasts, and the power of her Halo was like a steel wall. Even when one of these Wonder Beasts managed to pass through the first wave of attack, it didn't manage to touch the angel's body. The Halo power made it impossible. On the Devils' side, Black Locust and Sansara weren't the type who helped others. Nonetheless, their own Chaos Laws were enough to stop another twenty or so Wonder Beasts, giving the Devils the time to use the same method as the twins and the angels.

This repeated all around, with the Semi-Celestials and Divinity Realm experts giving the ultimate support to keep everyone safe against these much stronger Wonder Beasts. Of course, the top experts joining the fight didn't last long. Providing such a sturdy wall against the Wonder Beasts to keep the rest of the experts alive consumed a lot of energy. Thanks to that, they finished the second wave quite easily. However, they immediately retreated to the back again after that.

The experts at the front once again began to consume the Chaos Laws and Energy left by the Wonder Beasts, increasing their own Chaos Cultivation. This attack turned out to be a great feast for them all.

'Retreat!' Kafan didn't lose his attention, though. He allowed them to absorb the Chaos Laws for as long as possible before asking them to go back.

'Next! 56 kilometers to the southwest. This wave has 93 Wonder Beasts.' Too bad that he didn't allow them to rest for long.

That attack and retreat strategy worked wonders, no pun intended. After two hours of hit and run, the experts had managed to kill over a thousand Wonder Beasts while the losses had barely surpassed ten. Everyone understood why. It was the twins' group, which was definitely at the same level as the Semi-Celesitals. Not only that, but for some reason, their energy pool seemed to last forever.

Yet, Rean was immediately forced to retreat with the force of the impact alone. 'Holy shit!'

So far, Rean wasn't using even half of his Chaos Laws strength. Yet now, he saw himself forced to increase his power output to at least 70%!

'Don't lose focus!' kafan's voice echoed in his mind. No, not only Rean's mind but all groups together. 'You knew they would be stronger, so don't hold back anymore. Kill!'

'Death Style, Death Scythe!'

Roan's Scythe Immediately slashed through the core of one of those Wonder Beasts. However, he didn't continue and moved to the side, avoiding another Wonder Beats that broke through other experts. Celis' Vine Assault quickly finished another one of these beasts while Kentucky reduced the range of his Feather Blades. It was a lot harder to find the Cores in these stronger Wonder Beasts, so he had to use more of his Blade Feathers.

'Retreat!' It was then that Kafan spoke. There were still over a hundred Wonder Beasts remaining, and another twelve experts of their group died in this fight. Yet, another group of Wonder Beasts was coming in their direction. There was no time to fight the rest of this group.

Kafan and the Semi-Celesitals saw it as a good opportunity, though. It was time to see how far these Wonder Beasts would follow them. They even provided support ion the rear to make sure everyone could retreat.

'Not good!' Things didn't go as smoothly, though. 'Another group of Wonder Beasts is coming from the opposite side!'

Everyone was taken aback. How did those Wonder Beasts get there without Kafan noticing? Well, they didn't have time to think about it. The other wave, having another two hundred Wonder Beasts, quickly reached their group and closed their path of retreat.