Chapter 1656 Chapter 1474: Final Showdown 4

Name:Death Guns In Another World Author:
1656 Chapter 1474: Final Showdown 4

The fire elemental creature, although powerful, was not an elemental lord and quickly dissipated into smoke under the assault from Bahamut's clone. But the battle was far from over.

As the fire elemental creature crumbled, a sudden gust of wind erupted from behind Bahamut's clone. The airwaves grew stronger and stronger, forming a massive tornado that darkened the sky with flashes of lightning. Without warning, a colossal wind elemental creature lunged at the Dark Dragon, paying no regard to its own safety.

Caught off guard by this unexpected attack, he was unable to evade and was immediately captured. The ferocious winds continued to swirl, tightly trapping Bahamut's clone massive body in a suffocating grip. The lightning bolts intertwined, forming chains that bound him securely. Even Bahamut's clone, usually overwhelming in power, was now overwhelmed by the relentless assault of the wind elemental creature. Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

Amidst the raging tempest, Bahamut's replica fought against the unyielding binds of the wind elemental. Its fury, akin to a tempest within a tempest, reverberated through the air. The clone's thunderous roars, muted by the howling winds, caused tremors that shook the very earth. Yet, the wind elemental remained steadfast, its form a swirling vortex impervious to the clone's desperate efforts.

In the heavens above, Alex, a blur of obsidian scales and crackling dark energy, clashed with the Dark Dragon. Their confrontation unleashed a whirlwind of snapping teeth, thrashing tails, and searing dark flames that scorched the air. Fueled by righteous anger, Alex fought with a ferocity rivaling the true Bahamut. His ebony claws tore through the Dark Dragon's hide, leaving behind sizzling dark ichor as it touched the ground.

However, the Dark Dragon was no ordinary adversary. It retaliated with razor-sharp claws and a vicious bite, its own dark flames erupting from its maw. The two dragons engaged in a deadly aerial ballet, their ominous forms contrasting against the turmoil below.

Suddenly, Bahamut's clone unleashed a surge of pure white lightning from its maw. The energy tore through the wind elemental, momentarily disrupting its focus. The swirling vortex flickered, weakening its grip on the clone for a critical moment.

Seizing this fleeting opportunity, the Black Dragon, with a cunning battle cry, dove towards the struggling Bahamut clone. Its dark flames intensified, enveloping the clone's form like a shroud.

A thunderous roar echoed across the battlefield, followed by an unearthly shriek as the Dark Dragon was consumed by the flames. Its descent became a fiery plummet, a twisted silhouette against the churning storm. Below, the ground trembled in anticipation of the impact.

A bone-shattering boom resonated across the battlefield as the Dark Dragon slammed into the earth. Dust billowed outwards, momentarily obscuring the scene. But as the dust settled, a horrifying sight emerged. The Dark Dragon lay sprawled, its once proud form broken and twisted. The wing Alex ripped open hung limply by its side, while the point-blank dragon breath attack had left a gaping wound scorched black across its flank.

Alex, his ebony scales gleaming with a dark fire, landed with a heavy thud right on top of the wounded beast. With a primal roar, he unleashed another blast of dark flames, this one directly into the Dark Dragon's face. The agonizing shriek that erupted from the creature was cut short as the inferno engulfed its head, momentarily turning it into a blazing skull.

The Dark Dragon thrashed wildly, its powerful body convulsing under Alex's weight. But the severity of its injuries was undeniable. Its once fierce eyes were now glazed with pain, its movements sluggish and desperate. Alex, fueled by righteous fury and the need to end this threat definitively, pressed his advantage. He sank his claws deeper into the wounded flesh of the Dark Dragon, the ground beneath them turning slick with dark ichor.

From above, the wind elemental roared in outrage, sensing the Dark Dragon's near demise. It redoubled its efforts, the winds swirling with renewed ferocity. The very air crackled with elemental power as the battle reached its climax.

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