Chapter 18: Well, It’s All Mine Now!

Chapter 18: Well, It's All Mine Now!

Adrian flushed and then he frowned.

"Since when was it jealousy to state facts?" he asked with a shrug.

Evian walked past Lady Myrine until he was only two feet away from Adrian.

"'Facts' is it? Well, here's a fact for you;

You are a pathetic man-child."

Adrian clenched his fists and took an angry step forward.

"Am not!"

Evian's lips twitched and then he burst out laughing.

"'Am not!' Can you not hear how pathetic you sound?

You're the firstborn, the so-called genius, and yet you're just bland. Your only notable personality trait is your jealousy of me."

With a face screwed up on anger, Adrian raised a fist to punch Evian's smugly smiling face.

"You shut your mouth!"

"Make me!" Evian retorted and raised the bloody sword in his hand.

"Enough!" Lady Myrine said and she was suddenly between the two with her arms stretched out and forcing them apart.

"Really? You think now is the right time to start an argument?"

The disappointment in their Mother's tone hit Adrian the hardest and he dropped his fist before Evian dropped his sword.

There was a few seconds of silence which Evian broke with a sigh.

"I'm tired. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room sleeping so no one should need me."

Without another glance at anyone on the scene, Evian started making his way deeper into the Estate and although he did not need guidance, a couple of guards still walked with him. Likely to provide protection. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

'Eh, better late than never, I guess'

Evian was already walking away, being guided back to his room by an entourage of guards, when Lord Stygian realized he had questions to ask him about the Kidnapping. Maybe Koln had said something that could lead them to the culprit.

'Eh, best to let him rest. I'll ask him tomorrow.'

Once Evian was gone from anyone's sight, Lady Myrine glared at Adrian.

Adrian put up his palms.


Even though he sounded indignant, Adrian still shook a bit at the intensity of his Mother's stare.

Evian observed the sword for a while longer before he nodded with satisfaction.

"Not a bad wield,"

He pressed the storage ring on his finger to the sword and watched it get sucked in.

"Alright. Now to see what else you've got in there" he mumbled to Koln's storage ring.

He clenched his fist and raised the ring up to eye level. His eyes were squinted and then his lips twitched in confusion.

'It's dawning on me I have no idea how to use a Storage ring.'

Lady Myrine had one and when she told him about storage options, she had also demonstrated taking things into her ring and taking them out but she hadn't actually explained.

"I'll tell you once you're ready to have one" she had told him.

'Well, I'm ready now and you're not here'

A storage pouch was easy enough to understand with its clear and fist-wide opening but a ring, without any visible openings, wasn't.

'Assistant, a little help?'

[Try pressing it to your forehead]

Evian listened and the moment the ring touched him, he felt a suction. It wasn't painful but it wasn't particularly pleasant either. The suction lasted for about five seconds and then lessened and began to fade away. As it did, Evian felt a forged connection in its place.

When Evian took the ring off his forehead, he realized he could 'see' into it. It was like a mental image.


The inside of the Storage ring was dark like the void of space but every single item inside was lit. The lighting of the objects was dim but against the black backdrop of the void, it was bright enough to highlight them.

An empty storage ring would likely look bland but the subtly floating object dimly glowing gave it an interesting beauty.

Evian looked around. He saw a pile of gold coins all individually stamped with the seal of the Verlice Royal Family as the official currency of the Kingdom.

"I wonder if that was Koln's pay for kidnapping me. Heh, who cares, it's all mine now"

There were a lot of potions inside the ring, a lot of spare robes, a lot of potion ingredients, a lot of books, and also a lot of manuscripts.

With a mental indication, Evian retrieved one of the manuscripts. He couldn't read any of the words but the circle on it contained strange symbols that told him what it was.

"An Arcane Spell. One of the ones he used on me, perhaps?"

He retrieved other manuscripts and they were either Arcane Spells as well or recipes for some kind of concoction. Likely with the use of the ingredients in the ring.

"I wonder if any of this could be useful to me"


There's only one place you can get what you need and will need...]

Evian rolled his eyes,

'Yeah, yeah, I know.

Unlock the Decadent Store!'