Chapter 26: Eldritch Cloud

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Chapter 26: Eldritch Cloud

"Lord Larnak!" Daria called as the guards trooped in.

"Stay out of it, Daria. Leave now and do not speak of what you have witnessed to anyone. Ever.

No one must know where this bastard has disappeared to!" Larnak said while grabbing the armrests of his chair.

"Do you really think he wouldn't have informed anyone of his whereabouts?" Daria asked.

Larnak's amber eyes flared.

"I don't care!"

"Actually," Evian voiced and attention returned to him, "I told no one I was coming here,"

Daria groaned and glared at him.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Just being truthful," Evian said with a shrug.

While Daria's glare got increasingly intense, Evian allowed himself to feel the pressure being let out by all the guards that now surrounded him, and of course, the vast majority were at the Second Order with a select few 'Elites' at the Third Order and even then, they were all barely two steps into the Order.

'So, let's recap;

One- I now know for certain that Evian was indeed part of the thieving Crew.

Two- Larnak indeed sent those men as well as Koln after me, which begs the question, why would Evian foolishly reveal his identity in a recording?

With how Larnak is reacting, Evian has to have had a death wish!

Wait, was that it?

Was the pain of his curse too much that Evian wanted to just end it all at the hands of someone else? No, that can't be it, right?

Getting Larnak angry clearly goes beyond a death wish. It's risking a Turf War- Hold on, is that it? Was this all just a ruse to start a Turf war?

Evian must have known he was dying so was it all just to set up a war that he hoped would bring about Larnak's downfall? A final wish to ascertain the Resistance's Success?

Ah, enough thinking. Time to leave!'

Never once had Evian considered clearing his name and trying for a peaceful resolution.

The force of the contact forced Amira one step back but she tasted a small victory as her strike destroy the magical shield.

Daria skated over with her movement spell and put herself between Evian and Amira the Captain.

Now that Evian had been forced away from them and a Fourth Order spiritual Pressure had forced his Eldritch Energy away from them, the Larnak guards regained their bearings, ignored their dead, and rallied behind their Captain.

"Step aside!" Amira said to Daria through gritted teeth with eyes focused with malice.

"Calm down! Everyone calm down!" Daria said with her arms spread refusing to leave her spot.

She looked from Amira's face to the worried, confused look of the Estate guards who were still trying to comprehend just what Evian had done in their midst, and finally, she looked up at Lord Larnak himself.

The brown-haired Lord was gripping his armrests so tight, they threatened to snap... His body was tense and clearly, the only reason why he did not yet act personally was because he still had confidence in his men. Or more accurately, he had confidence in the only one of his Captains in the room.

"Lord Larnak-" Daria started to say but was immediately interrupted.

"Step aside, Witch, and let my Captain carry out her Orders!" Larnak said.

Daria shook her head.

"No. Things are quickly getting out of hand,"

"Tell that to the men that the bastard just killed!" Captain Amira said.

"You attacked him first!" Daria retorted standing her ground.

While Daria tried to come to some understanding with his attackers, Evian's eyes narrowed at the soul he had liberated from the Third Order Guard earlier. The Soul was now moving upward towards the ceiling of the room to escape to some sort of afterlife.

Evian could not let that happen. Not when there was such value to gain and such taste to savor.

He raised his head towards the ceiling and sucked.

To everyone in the room, he looked dumb- almost crazy but the suction harnessed the bond between Wraith and Prey and pulled the Escaping soul to Evian's open mouth.

Evian closed his eyes at the taste and his body even shook at the satisfactory 'kick' he got while he put his sword back into his storage ring.

When he opened his eyes, he grinned at the room and let out a thick cloud of Eldritch energy. So grey and chilling that it covered him completely. Amid that cover, he used his Phasing spell and sunk into the ground.

"Until we meet again!"

Those were the last words anyone in the room heard from him and by the time the cloud of Eldritch energy cleared up...

*Collective GASP*

... Evian was gone.