Chapter 32

Lin Yaqi fell down and was abraded on her back. Guo Qi slowly pulled down the quilt and saw the bloody scar. She gently stretched out her hand.

"Alas, Guo Qi, take it easy. It hurts..."

Originally, it hurt. Guo Qi's hand still touched it. Her back was hot. Lin Yaqi bit her lips with her white teeth. Her expression was painful and she hummed softly.

"I'm sorry, sister Yagi. I didn't mean to. I'll find out if there's any medicine in the room."

A heart came up to his throat. Guo Qi trembled and stretched out a hand. As soon as his finger touched the woman's white back, Guo Qi's hand seemed to be stimulated by electricity.

This tremor doesn't matter. It directly touches Lin Yaqi's wound, which is a little painful. When she is pressed by her fingers, Lin Yaqi cries out in pain. Although Guo Qi feels that the woman's back is very slippery, he is scared in his heart.

In a hurry to take back his hand, Guo lowered his head, did not dare to look at Lin Yaqi's white back, some submissive mouth to explain, just he unconsciously stretched out his hand, he did not know what was going on.

"There's no medicine here. Go to the information desk and ask."

The hotel provides a place to live, which will take into account the customer's injury, Guo Qi does not understand these, but Lin Yaqi understands, her expression is not very good, asked Guo Qi to go out to find.

"Well, you wait for me for a while, and I'll be right back."

Lin Yaqi said that if there is no one here, there will be no one here. Guo Qi nodded obediently, gently opened the door and went out.

"This big wood is like this. Why doesn't he know anything..."

Guo Qigang out, Lin Yaqi Du mouth, not happy with the powder punch a few mattress, the heart is not happy, hate Guo Qi do not understand amorous feelings.

The water that he came out of is very smart. Many men's souls are almost gone after seeing him. Guo Qi is very good, and his clothes have been returned. Standing in front of him cleanly, Liu Qiu dare not look at him more. Is this a normal man?

The man lying next to him is a typical example. Every time I am in a hotel with him, this man is just a beast thinking by his lower body. Why does the man with him not like himself at all?


Lin Yaqi is depressed, the door is knocked, the voice is very small, but the people in the room can still hear.

"The door is unlocked. Come in."

It was Guo Qi who just went out to the service desk to find some medicine. Now someone knocked on the door. It should be Guo Qi who came back. Lin Yaqi didn't think much and said to the outside.


Lin Yaqi's words just finished, the door was gently pushed open, a man from the outside cautious light step into.

"Guo Qi, have you found any medicine outside?"

Lying on the bed, Lin Yaqi put her chin on her arms and closed her eyes. She looked very lazy. She didn't see anyone coming in and asked.

"Wipe some medicine on my back quickly. It's killing me."

The man didn't speak, but thinking of Guo Qi coming back now, it should be to find the medicine. Lin Yaqi didn't ask any more. She asked Guo Qi to wipe the medicine on her back.

It's summer now. Women like beauty. In summer they like to wear very little. They show their white back. Now it's ugly to leave a mark on their back. She wants Guo Qi to apply some medicine on it to make the wound disappear earlier.

"You Take it easy, itch... "

The man's hand is first placed on the back of Lin Yaqi, where there is no scratch. He swims gently on it. The feeling of insect bite makes Lin Yaqi feel comfortable. He squints his eyes and can't help humming.

"I know you guys are the same Come on, I'm sick. Help me

Just now, he looked like a gentleman. When he went out and came back, Guo Qi seemed to have changed.

"Others I didn't wear it... "

Maybe the man got the woman's permission, so he was a little flustered.

By the man so hot eyes staring at, Lin Yaqi pretty face "Shua" ruddy up, eyes tightly closed, dare not turn to look at men, just some shy mouth.

I was just taking a bath in the bathroom. I slipped and fell on the ground. When Guo Qi carried her out, he didn't dress her at all. He just covered her with a quilt.

"Don't Don't touch that. "


But at this time, the door opened again. Guo Qi came back from the outside in a hurry with medicine in his hand. I don't know if Lin Yaqi was in a hurry after he went out for a few minutes.

"Who are you? Why are you here? "

As soon as he went in, Guo Qi saw a man in a cleaning suit lying on Lin Yaqi's back and kissing him with his mouth. Seeing this scene, Guo Qi was in a hurry. He dropped the medicine in his hand, stepped forward, reached for the man's clothes and carried him over.

"Ah..."Hearing Guo Qi's words, Lin Yaqi seems to know something. She suddenly opens her eyes and looks back. It doesn't matter. She screams and grabs the quilt to wrap herself.

"Wuwu ~"

the people who have been touching themselves are all the cleaners of this hotel? He must have done it on purpose. He knew that he was not the one he called, but he still felt it on himself and even Touch yourself with your mouth.

The more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved. Lin Yaqi buries her face directly in the quilt and sobs. It's not easy for any woman to encounter this situation. She is despised by a strange man.

"You want to die."

He was afraid that the woman would cry. He just went out and didn't lock the door, which made this bastard man exploit the loophole. Guo Qi was not much annoyed. He grabbed the man and threw his ears on the man's face.

"She made me touch it."

Seeing that Guo Qi's slap was about to be thrown up, the man was also anxious. When he saw the woman's body, he had no bottom in his heart. Now he was arrested. He knew he would be beaten, but he still wanted Guo Qi to spare himself.

"I let you cheap, I let you bad, today don't beat you, your parents don't know you, I don't call Guo Qi."

Although it's not clear what kind of woman Lin Yaqi is, it's wrong for men to take advantage of women. Whether Lin Yaqi agrees or men force her, now that Lin Yaqi cries, Guo Qi can't forgive this man.

"Pa pa."

A series of slaps on the man's face, Guo Qi was angry, so he used a lot of strength. After being slapped in the face by Guo Qi, the man was stunned.

With blood stains on his mouth, the man's eyes are a little dull. He doesn't dare to resist. If this makes things big, he will be held fast to the police station. He doesn't want to be known that he has done such a shameful thing, and he doesn't want to go to jail.

"Forget it, Guo Qi, let him out."

Lin Yaqi doesn't want to make a big deal about it. After all, she is out to steal money from qianwangcai. If her husband knows that something like this happened outside, she can't beat herself to death.

"Go away, don't let me see you in the future. If I dare to do such a thing, I'll take you to the police station."

When he found out in time, the man was beaten by himself. Lin Yaqi didn't want to make a big deal. Guo Qi kicked the man and kicked him out. Then he clapped his hands and warned the man.

"Sister Yagi, are you ok?"

The man left, but Lin Yaqi is still here. Guo Qi worried that Lin Yaqi had been taken advantage of, so he came to ask the situation.

"I'm fine. It's all you. Bad Guo Qi, smelly Guo Qi, stupid Guo Qi, you don't close the door when you go out. It's good that you came back early, or I'll be killed by him..."

Du mouth, Lin Yaqi face full of unhappy, he wants to sleep with a man, but not casually to a man can put himself to sleep, Lin Yaqi some angry with Guo.

"It's all my fault. I went out in such a hurry that I didn't lock the door."

Staring at by the woman's eyes, Guo Qi felt guilty. He reached out and scratched his head with a smile. It seemed that he thought of something. He quickly picked up the medicine he had thrown on the ground.

"Sister Yagi, you lie down and don't move. I've found the medicine. It's just time to help you deal with the wound. It's not good to leave scars on your clean back."

Looking at Lin Yaqi some vigilant sitting on the bed, wrapped with a quilt that hook people's body, Guo Qi mouth to persuade her.

Although Lin Yaqi is wrapped in a quilt and her heart keeps beating, Guo Qi comes to the bedside and asks Lin Yaqi to lie on the bed again and take down the quilt. He wants to give Lin Yaqi medicine.