Chapter 89

Name:Deep Sea Embers Author:
Chapter 89 “Nina’s Abnormality”

Duncan scratched the back of his head in confusion as Nina briskly ran up the stairs while giggling: “What is this kid so happy for...”

Then he heard Mr. Morris’ voice coming from the counter: “Honestly, you are very different from what I had in mind, Mr. Duncan.”

“Big difference?” Duncan raised one eyebrow, “What is your impression of me?”

As he spoke, he walked around from behind the counter and flipped the open sign at the door to closed. Then moving a chair over, he gestures for the guest to take a seat since it’s improper to leave the teacher standing for a family visit.

“Thank you,” Morris nodded in thanks. After sitting down, the old gent looked in Duncan’s direction with a gentle and elegant smile, “We haven’t met before, but I’ve heard about you from other sources... About Nina’s family situation. Forgive me for being rude, but as far as I’ve heard, Nina has an alcoholic uncle who is addicted to gambling and has a hot temper. Everyone tells me she’s living in a dysfunctional home. As a result, Nina doesn’t have any friends at school, nor do the other students want to deal with her.”

Duncan was brewing some coffee on the side when his hands froze over Morris’s last sentence. Then realizing he was acting out of character, the store owner unhurriedly completed the word and returned to the counter with two cups of coffee, one offered to the old teacher. “I hope you don’t have the bargain stuff here. The best coffee in the lower city is all like this.”

He sat down opposite the old man with the dagger acting as the dividing line between the two.

“Strictly speaking... these rumors are true,” Duncan said slowly. “I had an illness previously, alright, a rather severe illness. I relied on strong spirits to numb my nerves when the painkillers didn’t work. It was during that period that I fell into decadence. It appears my condition has affected Nina’s adolescence life more than I previously thought.”

Morris carefully observed Duncan for a long time before he spoke thoughtfully, “Is that so? But I don’t feel like you’re someone who has just come out of decadence. More like a gentleman who has never fallen into decadence to begin with. And your wit, your humor, it’s not like that of someone who’s been influenced by alcohol.”

Speaking of this, he took a sip from the cup without making any evaluation of the coffee but rather on Duncan himself: “I believe I’m a good evaluation of others in this regard.”

“Maybe it’s just that I’m adjusting my mindset relatively quickly,” Duncan laughed, his tone extraordinarily calm. He had to admit that this old man did see people accurately, but he did not believe a local historian could see through to his secret. “Nina is almost an adult, and I am her only guardian. I have to show some responsibility at some point.”

“...... Regardless, that’s a good thing for that kid if that’s your view.” Morris gave Duncan a deep look, “She’s in a critical stage of her studies. While many say that they can only go to the factory to tighten bolts after graduating from the public schools, I disagree. Knowledge in itself is a valuable asset, and when it shows its light at some point in one’s life, it will be astronomical to their success.”

The old man said, shaking his head: “Unfortunately, most of the parents I have dealt with do not agree with this notion. Their attention is always on having their children graduate as soon as possible and finding a job afterward.”

Frankly speaking, this idea was more or less based on “Zhou Ming’s” experience as a people’s teacher...

Morris showed a somewhat strange expression after hearing this with an even weirder look in those eyes: “It’s an all-girls school....”

Duncan thought about it and looked serious: “Girls’ school is also possible.”

Morris’s eyes widened slightly.

This old gentleman, who has always been fascinated by academics, was shocked!

“Oomph, don’t mind me, I’m just speaking hypothetically,” Duncan knew as soon as he saw the old man’s reaction that this topic might be a little over-the-top. Quickly moving on to avoid this embarrassing situation, “I’ll talk to Nina properly... she should be willing to tell me.”

“Ah... Oh, of course,” the old gentleman finally came back to his senses due to the shock. “As far as I understand... Nina is a very good and honest child. If you talk with her, I’m sure she wouldn’t resist too much.”

Duncan nodded: “Is there anything else that I should be aware of?”

“Aside from being distracted, there’s nothing else that I’m aware of,” the old man thought about it and shook his head. “I actually came today mainly to talk about this matter and to learn of her real family situation.... Speaking of this, Nina’s parents are...”

“Eleven years ago,” Duncan said, “the official record of the incident was a leak at a chemical plant in the sixth block.”

“I see,” the old gentleman sighed, “I remember the accident as well. Back then, my daughter and I happened to be at the Crossroad when the commotion started. It caused quite a stampede of fleeing bystanders due to the chemical leak. Afterwards, the investigation also said that many cultists took the opportunity to rampage across the lower city that night....”

Duncan’s heart jumped at this. Then forcing himself to act calm and casual: “Was there a fire in the lower city that night?”

“Fire? I don’t remember any fire,” Morris frowned, “I believe you must’ve been mistaken.”

“...... Looks like I’m misremembered,” Duncan said with a smile and pressed his temple, “I really should stay away from alcohol.”