Chapter 111

Name:Deep Sea Embers Author:
Chapter 111 “Big Boss’s Preaching”

The bus during rush hour had always been crowded. If one’s lucky then you might be able to stand at a spot without being squished, but in this occasion, there’s hardly any space left to maneuver at all. As a result, Shirkey’s pipsqueak like stature were forced into a pinch like a helpless hamster caught inside a trap. She’s teary and sobbing inside at her inability to flee.

If Duncan hadn’t seen with his own eyes on how she smashed a room of cultists with a dog in hand, he would surely have bought that inoocent and harmless act.

He slowly squeezed over to Shirley’s side and used his own adult figure to loosen a corner for them both to talk. Sadly, this didn’t get repaid with a look of thanks, only further shaking and fear in that face.

“What are you so afraid of?” He asks while glancing down, “I’m not going to eat you alive.”

Shirley cried: “You... actually want to cook me first?”

Duncan: “...”

He could probably guess why the girl was so afraid; after all, Dog had seen through some of the “real him” under his human disguise. No doubt the other party had passed on the terrifying discovery to the girl and left a deep impression on the latter.

Duncan had no idea what sort of demon lord type of image he had in Shirley’s mind, likely the same type a boat captain would have when meeting the Vanished out at sea. Usually it’s about writing a will in haste to leave some last words for the family, but even that was a wishful desire because such a will would normally sink to the bottom of the sea.

“Is that dog with you now?” Duncan asks after recalling about the dark hound that should be somewhere.

“Ah... Dog usually hides in a place where others can’t see...” Shirley gulped and replied uncooperatively, then lowered her voice again, “But he does know about what’s happening here with me...”

“Oh, I’ll say hello then,” Duncan nodded, “I still had a lot of questions when you departed last time.”

As soon as these words came out, he felt Shirley shudder some more like a frightened rabbit...

“Relax,” Duncan sighed helplessly. He seemed to have vaguely sensed a stressed gaze coming his way from the girl’s shadow, “There’s no need to be so tense around me when talking. I have no ill will towards you and Dog.”

“That... That’s good to know...” Shirley nodded stiffly. Then as if to deliberately appear more relaxed, she tries to find a topic until her gaze falls on Duncan’s shoulder, “You... You didn’t bring your dove with you this time?”

The factory leak accident that happened here eleven years ago seems to have left some residual effects. Still, the extent of the impact is not as serious as I thought...

After taking a general look around the surroundings, Duncan withdrew his gaze and shifted it to Shirley again. The girl didn’t try anything after leaving the car, only motionlessly standing there like a small trapped animal in a cage. Truly a person that’s given up on resisting and leaving it up to fate.

Duncan couldn’t help but want to chuckle when he saw the other party’s well-behaved and harmless appearance. If he hadn’t been baptized by the fighting heroism of this violent girl, he might really have been blinded by her harmless appearance.

He shook his head to dismiss the humorous thoughts: “So why are you visiting the sixth block?”

Shirley immediately straightened up: “I... I heard it has a great view!”

Duncan eyed the girl up and down: “I’ve wanted to ask since earlier. You’re... pretending to be well-behaved, right?”

“I... I’m not pretending!” Shirley stood even straighter than she had just now, “I’ve always been very well-behaved!”

Duncan shook his head, not wanting to point out how poorly the child’s acting was. Turning to look over at the distant street, he spoke in a seemingly casual tone: “Eleven years ago.... There was a factory leak here. They say that cultists were behind the accident.”

Shirley blinked with confusion: “Why did you suddenly mention this?”

“Enough. Why play the fool? You were inquiring about the event from eleven years ago during the gathering with those suntists.” Duncan shot a sideway glance to check her reaction before starting forward, “This is the place where the leak occurred, according to the official records anyways.”

Shirley was stunned for a moment, then quickly kept up with the man’s pace from the rear with those short little legs, “Are you also investigating the matter from eleven years ago?!”

It seems that after confirming the big guy really doesn’t eat people (at least not for the time being), and the two sides have the same purpose, she had also grown a little more bold.

“That’s right, I’m a little interested.” Duncan nods noncommittally to only stop a few steps later. Turning to look at Shirley with a curious light, “Do you often evade bus fairs?”

Shirley literally dropped her jaws: “I...”

Duncan knew what was going on as soon as he saw the girl’s expression. Shaking his head: “It’s not good to avoid paying your fares.”

Shirley almost cried when she heard this. She’s been lectured by Dog in the past, by the neighbor’s uncle and aunties, and even by the police of the city, yet she never would’ve imagined one day she would be lectured by an evil god-like entity about a bus fare! When did bigwigs of the shadows become so high and mighty this year?