Chapter 594: Battle and Death?

Name:Deep Sea Embers Author:
Chapter 594: Battle and Death?

Amid the thick, dense atmosphere, dark figures began to manifest one after the other. These figures, tall and willowy, appeared like ominous shadows slowly emerging from the surroundings. An eerie noise the sound of their wriggling limbs sinking into the soft mud reverberated, sending an icy chill down anyones spine. Dubbed as the sun offspring, these sinister beings slowly advanced, gradually coming out of the shadows and revealing their ghastly and nightmarish faces. Their apparent goal was to slowly deteriorate the forest within this surreal dream.

In the middle of this chaos, chains resonated, slicing the air and leaving behind a powerful sound reminiscent of air being forcibly compressed and torn apart. Shirley, agile and determined, navigated through the clearings of the forest. She rapidly confronted every sun offspring that materialized into this dream world, especially those still trying to find their bearings. As she moved, she used her weapon with ferocious might. This incredible strength she showcased was not only hers but also originated from a bond she had formed with her shadow demon. As she brandished her weapon, she was in fact wielding both her power and the demon itself. Time after time, she successfully defeated these monstrous humanoid entities, aiming to expel them from this dreamland.

But the challenge persisted. The quantity of these invading sun offsprings continued to multiply. Even when Shirley managed to overcome them, they had the eerie ability to rise again, emerging from the ever-present shadows.

The forest, a canvas where light and darkness intertwined seamlessly, provided an impeccable environment for these sun offsprings. It allowed them to navigate with ease and rejuvenate rapidly. Whenever Shirley decimated one of them, their mutilated flesh would disintegrate into the surrounding shadows, only to rematerialize. These sinister silhouettes kept resurrecting, and whenever Shirley showed even a minor sign of weariness, they seized the opportunity to strike ruthlessly.

Suddenly, a piercing whistle echoed, followed by the emergence of a spike-like limb that shot out of the ether, aimed directly at Shirleys neck. A chill ran down her spine, and just as she prepared to evade the assault, it seemed she was moments too late.

However, instead of experiencing the anticipated agony of being pierced, she was met with a muted thump. Bracing herself, Shirley spun around, only to find a glowing battle-axe that had intercepted the attack. This axe radiated a soft blue luminescence and effortlessly sliced through a couple more of the assaulting appendages. An invisible, blazing aura surrounded the blade, causing the nearby atmosphere to ripple and warp. Holding this unique, extended weapon was Shireen, an elf-like maiden. She stood firm, warding off the adversaries and safeguarding Shirley. Staring intensely at the encroaching dark figures, she finally questioned, What What are these creatures?

Theyre certainly not from this forest! Shirley responded, energetically swinging her chain to repel a looming shadow. Ugh, these pests are infuriating!

Shireen brandished her axe, skillfully deflecting another impending strike. But hearing Shirleys exclamation, she paused and expressed her disapproval, Such words Theyre rather unrefined.

If I bottle up those curse words, theyd simmer inside me, eventually poisoning my mood, Shirley commented with a rebellious grin stretching across her face. She took a deliberate step, squishing a lump of quivering flesh beneath her boot, halting its attempt to reform. Her chains, now emanating a sinister black smoke, danced in her grasp, and the mischief in her eyes was undeniable. I always maintain a clear conscience. So, I never let a day end with curses stewing inside me.

Shireen, clearly bemused by this unorthodox reasoning, cycled through various expressions of confusion and disbelief. She strained her mind, attempting to understand the twisted logic behind Shirleys words, but ultimately shook her head in baffled surrender. However, she remained vigilant, her gaze darting around to keep track of the looming threats. Youre spouting nonsense, she mumbled, her voice laced with a hint of exasperation.

Without warning, a sinewy tentacle, decorated with protruding eyes and menacing teeth, swiftly coiled around Shirleys forearm. A frigid sensation surged through her, making her hair stand on end. Using her remarkable strength, she wrestled free from the tentacles grasp, fiercely repelling its shadowy origin. As she reeled from the sudden assault, her eyes instinctively sought out Shireen.

Seek their sun

It felt as if she was free-falling into an abyss of the infinite void, surrounded by oppressive darkness and bombarded by an onslaught of noise. Yet as she began to sink deeper, her gaze gradually refocused onto the undulating mass of flesh and eyes before her. A feeling of resignation started to creep into her heart, and the once audible growls of Dog receded into a faint echo.

But in a heartbeat, everything shifted. A resonating explosion of sound reverberated within her very core. Cutting through the omnipresent obscurity, she glimpsed a flicker of a pale green flame. This luminous flame seemed to touch her very soul, causing a searing jolt of pain to snap her back into reality.

Confronted once again with the tall shadowy being before her, its monstrous blossom of flesh shivered uncontrollably. The sun offspring, taken aback, let out a chorus of agonized screeches and growls. It appeared dumbfounded, as though it couldnt fathom the failure of its insidious attempt to breach and corrupt Shirleys mind. But its confusion was short-lived.

Suddenly, spectral green flames manifested upon the myriad of eyes embedded within the monstrous bud. Within moments, what began as ethereal reflections metamorphosed into raging fires. These spiritual flames surged forth from the creatures grotesque crown, devouring and incinerating the intruder from its core, leaving it to be consumed by its own malevolence.

With a ferocious bellow, the monstrous creature writhed in agony. As the ethereal flames consumed its essence, its form contorted, shriveling into a horrific, blackened figure. What began as a localized inferno within the beast soon expanded outward, seeking its kin with a predatory hunger.

These spiritual flames, driven by some supernatural gust, leaped from one sun offspring to the next. Within seconds, the landscape was transformed: the sun offsprings became pillars of fire, turning the dream realm into a surreal inferno.

For a moment, Shirley stood frozen, her eyes wide in awe at the mesmerizing, yet horrifying, spectacle before her. The disturbing sensation of her mind being on the brink of corruption had faded, replaced by a shivering sense of relief and gratitude. Yet, as the flames expanded, consuming the creatures, her sense of vulnerability was rapidly replaced by triumph. A peal of laughter erupted from her lips, echoing through the dream forest. Brandishing her heavy chain with gusto, she taunted the burning creatures, Did you pitiful beings truly believe you could infiltrate my psyche? Dont you know? Im shielded by the Captains might!

Predictably, the sun offspring remained silent, their cries drowned out by the roaring flames. One by one, they succumbed, crumbling into piles of ash that were gently whisked away by the dream forests winds. While Shirleys laughter and taunts resonated through the forest, a deep sense of relief only truly settled in her chest when the final fiery figure was extinguished. She then shifted her focus to Shireen, eager to ensure her comrades safety.

But it was Shireens weakened voice that reached her first. Shirley, somethings somethings wrong with me.

A rush of alarm surged through Shirley, making her heart skip a beat. Without hesitation, she sprinted towards Shireen, her dread mounting as she took in the alarming transformation unfolding before her.

Unbeknownst to Shirley during the skirmish, Shireens feet had begun to merge with the ground as if being swallowed by the land itself. Dark tendrils, eerily resembling ancient tree roots, spiraled out from her legs, digging deep and anchoring her firmly to the spot. Shireen, with evident struggle, attempted to raise her gaze towards Shirley. Her limbs were slowly but surely encased in a wooden, bark-like substance, stripping them of their flexibility and locking them into place.