Chapter 623: The Onset of Collapse

Name:Deep Sea Embers Author:
Chapter 623: The Onset of Collapse

Taran El experienced a chilling scream that seemed to resonate from the depths of a childs nightmare. This haunting sound cut deep into his very essence, making him feel as though an unseen force was clawing and ransacking his innermost thoughts. It felt like an immense consciousness was attempting to ravage his memories. The sound felt out of place as if it belonged neither to time nor to the realm of understood ideas. This cry echoed, reverberating through every memory and every moment he could bring to mind. Even though the scream was momentary, the disorientation and anguish it instilled in him felt significantly more profound than when he drank the potent Blood Raven Potion.

Moments later, he sensed the rapid disintegration of the Dream of the Nameless One. The winds angrily whipped around, and the ground quaked, ripping apart beneath him. Far away, the once mighty World Tree appeared to be succumbing to destruction, while further still, forest outlines seemed to defy gravity, pulling upwards as if attracted by some unknown force above. This chaotic vision plunged into pitch darkness almost instantly. Taran Els awareness shifted, first recognizing the end of the dream and then feeling the pull of the tangible world. A luminous beacon appeared within this engulfing darkness, its spiral pattern resembling a vortex, which slowly found stability on the opposing wall. As his senses sharpened, he heard the murmurs of others close by consciousness fully returned, revealing that dawn had broken in the real world.

All around him, people were stirring to wakefulness.

What just happened? Why did the Dream of the Nameless One disintegrate so abruptly?

My last memory is of a powerful windstorm The distant landscapes appeared to be folding in on themselves

Has anyone been harmed? Are all of us accounted for? Can anyone tell the time?

Nearby discussions were tinged with evident confusion, suggesting a scene of upheaval.

Rubbing his temples, Taran El tried to suppress the searing pain originating from that otherworldly scream. The sensation was so overpowering it threatened to make him lose consciousness. Gradually, his spinning surroundings began to stabilize.

He realized he was seated on a humble bench leaning against a wall. Around him, the Truth Guardians were slowly regaining their composure, attempting to comprehend what had just transpired. A short distance away, someone had pulled back the drapes, revealing the first rays of morning light washing over the citys buildings. Outside, the streets were eerily calm, punctuated only by occasional noises.

Gathering his strength, Taran El attempted to stand. Though his thoughts were still in turmoil, having caught snippets of the surrounding conversations gave him the impetus to voice out, The last sound I perceived might hold some clues

Finally, his visibly distressed state caught someones attention. A concerned Truth Guardian rushed to his side, steadying Taran El just as his knees threatened to buckle. Repeat what you just mentioned?

With all that transpired, I surmise I might have connected with the sentient essence of Atlantis, however Taran El said, his expression creasing with worry. He then abruptly stopped, his gaze darting nervously to a specific corner of the room, Wheres Sir Ted Lir? He hasnt come back?!

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as its occupants became increasingly aware of the glaring absence at its center. Almost in unison, their eyes moved to the central chair, where the Truth Keeper, Sir Ted Lir, should have been seated. This was the very spot where he had initiated his descent into the dream realm. Now, while everyone else who had embarked on that dream journey had since awakened and returned to their present reality, the chair meant for their esteemed Keeper remained starkly unoccupied.

An uncomfortable hush fell upon the room, the weight of the situation pressing down on everyone. After what felt like an eternity, a voice, shaky and uncertain, ventured a suggestion, Is it possible Sir Ted Lir awoke before the rest of us and exited the room?

Another voice, filled with conviction, responded, No, thats simply not how the Keeper operates. Furthermore, the door is enchanted with a seal. Anytime its opened whether from the inside or the outside it leaves a distinct mark.

Taran El, his face etched with concern, tuned into the hushed conversations. Gently, he freed himself from the comforting grip of the individual who had helped stabilize him earlier. Drawn to the unsettling void at the rooms center, he slowly approached the empty chair.

You are not elves

Dazzling paper fragments each awash in a spectrum of hues danced amidst the forests embrace. They swirled around the warped architectural remnants and the giant trees. This orchestrated dance was accompanied by the forests rustling whispers.

Emerging from this mixture of swirling papers, the silhouette of Lucretia took form, settling gracefully atop a colossal tree that loomed near the academy district.

Perched delicately, she grasped a sturdy branch, surveying the transformed streets below. The whispered messages of the forest reached her ears, and she could feel the palpable undertones of frustration and anguish contained within them.

In a hushed mental summon, she uttered, Rabbi.

The enigmatic voice of the Nightmare Rabbit immediately responded within the confines of her consciousness, Rabbi is here~~

Whats the current status of those cultists? Are they responsible for this chaos?

Rabbi isnt entirely certain~~ But they too appear disoriented. The unexpected rapidity of the dreams disintegration seems to have caught them off-guard their revered Saint has been alerted. Theyre currently interrogating those who ventured into the dream. Rabbi had a close call but fortuitously, I had subtly interwoven my essence among them beforehand

Lucretias brow furrowed with concern, Did you completely devour any of them? I distinctly recall instructing you to moderate your tendencies.

No, no! I merely implanted a hint of my essence akin to cotton onto those cultists who journeyed into the dream. It was a necessary measure to accomplish the mission you had tasked me with, Rabbi responded defensively, Numerous cultists remain on their vessel, and I assure you, Rabbi hasnt laid a finger on them

For a brief interlude, Lucretia remained introspective, grappling with a surge of apprehension that coursed through the intimate, soulful tether she felt deep within her core. Taking a deliberate pause to organize her racing thoughts, she finally voiced her concerns, Always prioritize and remember the directives I provide. Adhering to them ensures your safety. Do not ever lose sight of the fact that the ship and each individual aboard are earmarked by my father. They are his game.

The Rabbits voice resonated in immediate response, underscored with an acute sense of distress and urgency, Yes, Rabbi comprehends fully. Rabbi promises to

Before he could finish, Lucretia terminated the connection, effectively silencing him.

Drawing a steadying breath, Lucretia mentally reached out, invoking another deeply ingrained bond within her essence.

Soon after, a distant voice acknowledged her. Lucy, I am listening.

Papa, unsettling events are unfolding within the city-state, intoned the Sea Witch with a marked gravitas, In the tangible realm, the situation has escalated to alarming proportions. I urge you to return right away.