Chapter 640: Soaring the Skies

Name:Deep Sea Embers Author:
Chapter 640: Soaring the Skies

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

A deafening roar reverberated through the vast space between two enormous floating worlds. Louder than thunder and more terrifying than a collapsing mountain, this sound vibrated between the worlds, scattering a fierce sea of flames and thick smoke that enveloped the mythical tree of Atlantis. The tranquility maintained by the Silent Wall was abruptly shattered. This startling noise jolted Lucretia and her companions from their brief rest.

Shirley immediately sprang up, eyes darting to the source of the sound. What just blew up? What caused that massive noise?

Over there! Nina pointed upwards toward a colossal floating desert island at the edge of a glowing protective barrier. Theres been a huge explosion in that direction!

Following Ninas gesture, Shirley looked on in astonishment.

She observed a violent storm raging on the island, with thick clouds shifting wildly and light flashing, each burst echoing between the worlds before the clouds regrouped, moving towards a brighter center.

The flashes sent debris scattering between the worlds. Sand and particles hung above Atlantis, forming eerie streams of sand and swirling dust clouds.

The convergence of these two worlds seemed suspended as if frozen by an external force, yet debris continued to be ejected, forming expansive cloud formations.NewW novels updates at

We cant stay here, Morris declared gravely. Something mightve happened to Vannashes been unreachable since this began.

Should we go up there? Shirley motioned toward the floating island. Im up for it, but how do we get there? Lucretias origami boat was destroyed earlier

Before Shirley could finish, Lucretia presented a fresh sheet of white paper to the group. I have more sheets. I can make another boat.

Shirley, slightly irritated, retorted, Are we seriously still relying on paper crafts? Dont we have something sturdier?

Lucretia, pausing thoughtfully, took another sheet from her clothing, I can use double layers.

Despite her reservations about the paper boat, Shirley watched as Lucretia expertly folded a new boat, which she launched past the mystical barrier. The boat transformed mid-air into a pristine white vessel, hovering like a delicate cloud.

Nina, amazed, exclaimed, Thats incredible! How did you do that? Can you teach me?

Lucretia smiled mysteriously, This craft is known only to witches. Its best not to delve too deeply into it, she advised, then added, For now, focus on mastering the basic sciences, before moving towards the barrier, leaving a wistful Nina behind.

Nina looked disappointed as she surveyed the strange new landscape beyond the barrier, taking a deep breath. She and Shirley then silently paid their respects to the small tree that supported the Silent Wall.

This shimmering curtain of light undulated in the sky, and from its fringes, molten streams cascaded down like a fiery deluge, threatening their already damaged paper vessel.

Caught in this cataclysm of flames and blinding light, both Shirley and Dog exclaimed in shock, What in the heavens is happening?!

As she sensed a familiar yet forbidden aura among the shifting beams of light, Lucretia declared, This is the power of the Black Sun! Just as I feared the Sun Offspring have infiltrated this place. Theyve sealed off the heavens!

Her statement was cut short when a radiant bolt of energy whizzed by, narrowly missing their boat but delivering enough force to nearly destroy it.

Their now severely damaged craft began an uncontrollable descent towards the vast expanse below.

In a moment of sheer terror, Shirley instinctively tightened her grip around Dogs sturdy neck, her voice shaking as she exclaimed, I cant fly!

Her cry echoed across the vast sky, a stark reminder of their desperate situation. However, her scream was suddenly drowned out by a supernatural symphony of tearing sounds and booming echoes that seemed to come from far away.

This dissonant melody was so overpowering that it momentarily silenced the surrounding chaos, bringing an eerie stillness.

Inside the failing paper vessel, Lucretia looked even more shocked. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she focused on the source of the disturbing noise.

The heart of Atlantis, its massive trunk, was the center of this tumult.

From deep within its base, a sound like the earth tearing apart roared.

As if echoing the trees pain, the ground shook. The immense trunk, towering like a mountain, began to crack visibly from their distance. Suddenly, these cracks widened rapidly, and from them, a virulent green flame exploded with intense ferocity!

In the midst of these spectral flames, a colossal silhouette began to emerge from the trunk of Atlantis. First, the grand prow of a ship appeared, soon followed by towering masts topped with ghostly sails that shimmered with an ethereal light. The ships vast deck came into view next, along with rows of cannon ports in precise alignment and its imposing stern.

This was no ordinary ship it was the legendary Vanished, now transformed into a pure ethereal entity. It forcefully broke free from the remnants of Atlantis, appearing to be reborn from the roots of the World Tree itself.

Once liberated from its earthly confines, the phantom ship began its ascent. It gracefully sailed over lands scarred by fire and remnants of what were once lush forests, navigating through the fragmented and foreign landscape as it continuously rose.

This spectral behemoth cast an immense shadow as it moved, illuminated by the dying embers of a world on the brink of destruction.

Trailing the ship were ghostly flames resembling the whitecaps of a turbulent sea, continually rippling and expanding. These flames merged with the inferno already devouring Atlantis, creating the impression that they were intent on reigniting the world.