Chapter 11: Interview

Chapter 11: Interview

Day 1...

Day 2...

Day 3...

Some days passed.

As Dong Xuebing had gotten good results from using Backduring the test, he did not waste this special power these few days. Heexperimented with this power every day to see what else he got use it for. Hedecided to use this power to change his current life. He wants to get out ofpoverty. This was the reason why he needs to be familiar with all the uses ofBack.

After experimenting for a few times, he found out something.

The results of his experiments: First, when he was chattingwith someone and said or thought of the words like "Back" or "Return," there will not be any effect. It was onlywhen he consciously wanted time to return back to 1 minute ago, and he said the words "Back," "Return,""Reverse," etc. then it will work.

Second, Back might indeedbe an "unlimited" power. When the clock struck00:00 hrs and started a new day, he will be able to use the power without fail.But Dong Xuebing did not test if he usedBack 2 seconds after midnight and returned to the previous day, 11:59 hours,will he get to use Back again when it reaches the next day.

Third, Dong Xuebing was still not accustomed to the timechanges from the time he uses Back and after he uses Back. It was okay if he was sitting. But if he was walking,speaking, or making some movements, when using Back, he was not able to reactwhen the time returns. He might trip or unable to continue talking. He made areminder to himself to be careful when using his power. He does not want totrip and fall in the middle of the road and then die from a traffic accidentagain.

Of course, after practicingfor so many days, Dong Xuebing had gotten used to using Back, and not every time he will trip.

On the other hand. This content has its origins in n0v£lbin★

Dong Xuebing's mother and Aunt Xuan tried to cheer him up byavoiding talking about the Civil Servant Entry Test. They tried to say somehappy topics in their conversations to distract him.

Dong Xuebing nervously gestured to his mother and said:"Mum, pen, and paper."

Qu Yunxuan blinked and took out a pen and a supermarketbrochure from the drawer under the coffee table and pass it to him. "There isno white paper. Is this ok?"

"Yes, yes. Thank you." Dong Xuebing placed the supermarketbrochure on the windowsill and said: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I got a pen and paper with me."

The woman paused for a while and said: "It's like this. Youhave passed your entry test, and youroverall marks are the fourth among allthe candidates. Please be at the Municipal personnel bureau at 09:00 am foryour interview on the day after tomorrow. The address is City West Lianhuachi EastRoad A, No. 5, Baiyun Times Mansion Building, 22-floorroom 2216..."

"Yes, yes... Thank you... Thank you..."

The woman told Dong Xuebing about the things to note andreminded him to bring his ID before hanging up.

Dong Xuebing was excited. He kept his phone in his pocketand turned around: "Mum, I will havesomething on in the morning the day after tomorrow. You must remember to wakeme up. I cannot be late."

Dong Xuebing's mother asked curiously: "Where are you going?Why are you so happy?"

Dong Xuebing laughed: "I will tell you on that day. I amgoing into the room to do my revision."

Qu Yunxuan tugged Dong Xuebing's mother and pointed to thedirection of the room with her chin: "Could it be that Xiao Bing had found ajob?"

"Maybe." Dong Xuebing's mother replied. "It's good that hefound a job. He can't be staying at home all the time." She said and sighed."Hope he will be able to pass next year's National Exams."

Back in the room.

Dong Xuebing folded the brochure with the address and placeit carefully into his wallet. He looked at the books and notes on interviews onthe desk and said a prayer. This was the day he was waiting for. Fourthposition? It was lower than he expected. Seems like many people had applied forthe job at the State Security.

Dong Xuebing, you must get the job!