Chapter 14: Pass!

Chapter 14: Pass!

Two days later. Morning.

Qu Yunxuan's apartment living room.

Dong Xuebing and his mother had wanted to ask Aunt Xuanalong to buy groceries in the southern part of the city. The meat andvegetables there were cheaper. But when they entered her apartment, they sawXiao Dong and his mother, Mrs. Xu, sitting in the living room chatting withAunt Xuan. Dong Xuebing's mother pulled a chair over and join in theirconversations. The Dong and Xu families were not on good terms, especially DongXuebing and Xiao Dong. But Beijing people had lots of pride and tried to benice to each other. Even when they dislike each other, they will still chat fora while whenever they met. Trace back the roots of this material to n0v$lbin

"Xiao Ping, I heard that your son Xiao Bing had beenrevising these few days."

"That's right. The National Civil Servant exams are in 6 months. What about your Xiao Dong?"

"He is also doing his revision. If the questions are not toodifficult, he should be able to pass."

"Sighed... You do not need to worry about your son, unlike me.My Xuebing had never been good with his studies since young."

Dong Xuebing sat there quietly drinking a glass of cokegiven to him by Aunt Xuan. He did not take part in their conversations. He knewthat his chances of passing the interview wereslim. The main interviewer had somethingagainst him, and most likely he will failthe interview. Dong Xuebing had been feeling down and had been quiet the pasttwo days.

"Drink slowly." Qu Yunxuan took a tissue paper and helpedDong Xuebing's mouth. What are you thinking?"

Xiao Dong saw the way Qu Yunxuan wipe Dong Xuebing's mouth.He glared at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing smiled: "I am thinking about the exams."

Qu Yunxuan sighed. "Don't give yourself too much pressure. Iam worried about you."

Mrs. Xu said with an air of superiority: "That's right. Ihad said previously. The chances of fresh graduates passing the Civil Servanttest is too low. You should get a job and have a few years of workingexperiences first. After 2 to 3 years, you can try again for the nationalexams. Treat this few years as training. One of my colleague's kid had taken the National Exams for a few years after he graduated but had not passed.He had wasted his time."

Qu Yunxuan does not like the way she speaks. "You can't beso sure."

"Good." The sound of paper rustling could be heard over thephone. "The section you are being posted to is General Office. You will knowthe detail when you report on Monday." State Security was different from othergovernment agencies. Applicants for the other agencies could write down thespecific section or departments on the application form. But for StateSecurity, the applicants can only write "Administrative Department" or othergeneral terms. It was up to the office to assign the applicant.

"Yes. Yes. Thank you."

"That's all." Too, too, too... The line was cut.

Dong Xuebing kept his phone and return to his seat. His handwas shaking.

Dong Xuebing's mother looked at him concernedly: "Did youfind a job? What company is it? How is the benefit?"

Mrs. Xu said: "That's right. Get a job outside while tryingfor the test or exams again. I am being frankwith you. Even if you are not able to pass, at least you can still supportyourself."

Xiao Dong looked at Dong Xuebing arrogantly: "Is your salarymore than 2,000 RMB?"

Dong Xuebing can't be bothered with him. He turned to facehis mother. "Mum, I need to tell you something."

His mother looked at him: "What?"

Dong Xuebing cleared his throat. "Ermmm.... I passed the test,and I am a Civil Servant now."

Dong Xuebing's mother almost choked on her tea. She coughedand put down the teacup. "What did you say? What did you pass?"

"I said I passed the Civil Servant test and I am a CivilServant now."

"Nonsense." Dong Xuebing's mother stared at him. "Do youthink it is funny to trick me?"

Qu Yunxuan and pinched Dong Xuebing's arm. "You are not evencall up for the interview, how can you be a Civil Servant? Since when did youbecome so humorous? It's fine. You can retakethe test. Just work harder and stop thinking about the past test. Cheerup."

Dong Xuebing raised his voice. "Mum, Aunt Xuan, since whendid I lie to you all? I really pass the test, andthey have already notified me over the phone."

"Ah?" Dong Xuebing's mother, Aunt Xuan, Mrs. Xu, andXiao Dong were all stunned.